Rick is having a funny hat themed birthday party. I would love very much to wear this hat I found on etsy. I just can't see paying for a cupcake hate that I would only wear once. It would be awesome though. Oh well.
good point, however the party is this weekend and the seller of the hat is on etsy and whenever I get anything on etsy it take about a month to get in the mail. Oh well, I will wear a cupcake on the inside and a lesser hat on the outside.
Solution: Wear it more than once.
good point, however the party is this weekend and the seller of the hat is on etsy and whenever I get anything on etsy it take about a month to get in the mail. Oh well, I will wear a cupcake on the inside and a lesser hat on the outside.
"I'm wearing a cupcake hat on my heart" would be a great country song.
hmmm, let me give it a try
"My heart is a cupcake,
tender and sweet.
Till' one day my love got hungrey
and ate my cupcake heart."
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