Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Costume History
I'm trying to mentally recall all my Halloween costumes. I believe I have been dressing up sense I was 4 so that should be 23 outfits. Lets see how many I can remember.
1. April O'Niel
22. Virgin Mary
3. Satin Satan
4. Evil Snow Queen
5. Hedwig
6. White Fairy
7. Courtney Love
8. Tinkerbell
9. Jackie O covered in blood and brain
10. Alice in Wonderland
11. a TV
12. jester
13. bag of jellybeans
14. belly dancer
15. a web faced dead monster thing
16. a french maid (I was a 4th grade slut)
17. the devil
18. Miss America
19. Southern belle
20. Cinderella
21. a ballet dancer
22. Casper the friendly ghost
crap, I can't remember one of them. I can't remember what I was in 1st grade. I'm sure it was some mask with a plastic tunic you put over it but I can't remember. Oh well, I'm sure I have photos somewhere to remind me.
1. April O'Niel
22. Virgin Mary
3. Satin Satan
4. Evil Snow Queen
5. Hedwig
6. White Fairy
7. Courtney Love
8. Tinkerbell
9. Jackie O covered in blood and brain
10. Alice in Wonderland
11. a TV
12. jester
13. bag of jellybeans
14. belly dancer
15. a web faced dead monster thing
16. a french maid (I was a 4th grade slut)
17. the devil
18. Miss America
19. Southern belle
20. Cinderella
21. a ballet dancer
22. Casper the friendly ghost
crap, I can't remember one of them. I can't remember what I was in 1st grade. I'm sure it was some mask with a plastic tunic you put over it but I can't remember. Oh well, I'm sure I have photos somewhere to remind me.
No Stranger to Candy
Ugh! I tried on my entire Halloween costume last night and felt so gross. It is so tight and I haven't been going to the gym this week and have been eating so much Halloween candy. I'm not sure what I can really do between now and Friday to look better. Also I wish I hadn't talked up my costume to people. In my head it looked a lot better then it turned out. Also I think I am bordering the slutty Halloween costume category which I hate. Whatever, I'm going to suck it up (perhaps literally) and work it best I can.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Pumpkin Patch Kids
Oh goodness I had a nice time at the Very Pumpkin Sunday yesterday at Aimee's. Aimee made yummy pumpkin manicotti, pumpkin cookies, and pumpkin soup. I made a pumpkin dessert as well. Lisa and Mike came and Lisa brought this amazing tool to carve her pumpkin. I went to a few stores and I could not find a pumpkin carving knife anywhere. I used my xacto blade which turned out to be a good pumpkin stabbing tool. Laurel carved an amazing Obama pumpkin. After pumpkin carving Doug came home and we got to see his new amazing cats. They are delightful and very beautiful. I put my pumpkin on my porch and look forward to seeing it when I go home tonight.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Mad Hatter
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Running on Empty
I hate going to the gas station. 90% of the time I get harassed. I dread when my tank gets low because I know that I will have to stop somewhere and be subjected to some sort of verbal harassment of usually the sexual nature by some sort of crack head. Last night this one crack head was swearing up a storm about something and then sees me and beelines toward me and apologies about his language. He then gets in my face and goes on and on about how beautiful my eyes are, but not in a good way, it feels like at any moment he is going to rip them from my face and try and shove them in his own eye sockets or mount them on a wall somewhere. After he is babbling on and on about our strong connection and how I need to go someplace with him another man comes along. I foolishly was hoping he came to save me from this other guy, but no. The new guy is insisting on washing my windows even though I repeatedly told him no. I fastly get in my car and lock it and drive off slowly so one of them doesn't throw himself on my car and pretend that I've hit him, which has happened before more then once. Then there are the people that drive by and yell things at you. I hate the gas station with all my heart. It is bad enough that I have to pay so much money for gas. You think for what I pay I would be protected better but no. Not one gas station attendant has ever come to my aid by helping me get some jerk off me from touching my ass or trying to get in my car. That low gas tank is such a horrible precursor to some form of humiliation and fear.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
ewwwww to you too
I was at Goodwill and found this really awesome vintage muumuu type house dress. The fabric was blue with these great bold graphic white flowers. I decided to buy it and will cut it down to a mini dress. I was very excited about my find and love love loved the fabric. When I was checking out the man at the register didn't know how much the dress went for so he holds it up and asked his lady co-worker how much it is. She looks at it and wrinkles her nose up and says " is $3.50." Then she sort of half turns to me and says "sorry" but not in a sorry I said that type of way, more of a sorry you have awful taste type of way. I'm standing there thinking 'is it an ewwww dress? am I buying something that is ewwww?' But then I pull myself together and think 'no, it is awesome! What is really ewwww are these ladies fake denim elastic waistband no pocket pants.' I like my muumuu.
edit to add photo of dress
edit to add photo of dress
The Pink Panter
Here is my totally inappropriate work moment of the day. I was talking to some people at work and looking at the new Vogue and I come across this outfit. I say "Why on Earth would anyone want to wear these pants? What is that seam on the crotch? It looks like a penis. Why would I want to wear pants that have a giant pink flap like that in the front? I don't want there to be a penis near my crotch unless it is someone else's." I need to just not speak at work.

Monday, October 20, 2008
Que Benno!
I FINALLY saw The Princess and the Warrior tonight which I've been meaning to see for about eight years now. I was always turned off by the title. But then I watched it and realized it has NOTHING to do with the title, in fact where in the hell did that title come from??? Oh I did enjoy this movie and Benno Fürmann is my new film crush. *sigh*, he is ever so dreamy. Not that Franka Potente wasn't totally hot as well, but I already knew that. They are the hottness to watch.

Piece of Cake
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Party all the TIme, Party all the Time
Good god I'm tired! It has been a great weekend but I need a weekend to recover from the weekend. Thursday night I went out to Big Wangs for John's birthday. Friday I had to get up when the moon was still out and drive to our work photo shoot which was just past Zuma Beach. I spent the whole day working the shoot. It was great and I enjoyed it but also very tiring work. Last night was Jeff and Paul's birthday where I drank FAR too much and ate too little. Today I went to the valley for Stacey's birthday and mini golf. After golfing the ladies went out to dinner for Mexican food. I am home now and exhausted. Lots and lots of photos on my flickr page. I'll post a few here as well. Nighty night world!

Thursday, October 16, 2008
Prop. #SMASH!
Last night this giant 2" roach got into my apartment and somehow landed directly on me. I immediately got it off me and picked up the nearest object to smash it. The nearest object happened to be my proposition informational pamphlet. Democracy and justice at my hands! I am the enforcer!!!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Well Red
So in politics if you wear a red tie your opponent has to wear a blue tie, and if you wear a blue tie your wife has to wear a red dress but if you wear a red tie then your wife has to wear a blue dress. How limiting. Why is white so neglected in the red white and blue?
Monday, October 13, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Knowing When to Go
I am half way finished with making my Halloween costume and can't wait to actually wear it and post photos! It is dorktastic! It has been a pretty slow weekend, but very enjoyable. I did a bit more reading in my book. I'm on page 155 and I'm still not sure there is a plot or what the story is about. But I guess I have 700 more pages for something to develop. I really loved this one line I thought I'd share, well it is more then one line but whatever.
"Sometimes I see something so moving I know I'm not supposed to linger. See it and leave. If you stay too long, you wear out the wordless shock. Love it and trust it and leave."
I like that.
"Sometimes I see something so moving I know I'm not supposed to linger. See it and leave. If you stay too long, you wear out the wordless shock. Love it and trust it and leave."
I like that.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Snap On
I am in such a funk the last few months and I can't seem to snap out of it. I tell myself over and over in my head 'snap out of it, just snap out of it.' I guess it is easy to snap a shirt button because it is right there in front of you and easy. I don't know how to snap something I can't see or touch. When you can't see or touch the pieces that fit together then it is awfully hard to snap them into place or even know how they unsnapped to begin with.
I'm a Make Believer
Sense I have no weekend plans I think I will be working on my Halloween costume this weekend. Don't ask me what it is, I always keep my costumes secret. I already have my foundation of the costume but I lave to "embellish" it in order for it to become an actual costume. Hmmm, so my question to myself right now is do I want to wear a wig and do I want to carry a prop? I can get away with doing neither with the costume but it would be better if I did. I like the wig idea but will have to look into how much it would cost. I don't want to spend a lot of money. I usually stray away from any costume that requires caring a prop because it gets annoying and you usually ditch it after awhile. Also I have no Halloween plans. I hope there will be parties that I can wear said outfit to. Halloween is the best!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Perfect Fit
I just went on-line to get an Obama t-shirt and I was just going to get something simple. But then I found a shirt that was pretty much made for me. I didn't even know this is what I wanted but it is perfect! I decided to get it in a cream color. I wish the graphic was a bit larger. I can't wait to wear it! I am going to wear it when I vote! Hooray for llamas and obamas!

Sir Fig
My spin teacher tonight was an elderly man. I've seen him in the gym before but he usually teaches the earlier classes. I would guess that he is in his early 70's with a full salt and pepper beard. He is tall and thin, like a man that has been a bicyclist for many decades. He always wears tight biker shorts that fall just above his knees. At first he irritated me because he did the same thing all male instructors do. He verbally reprimanded the women for jutting their hips too much from side to side when they stand on the bike. None of the women instructors ever complain of this. It is very difficult not to move your hips when the way you are shaped dictates your hip movement. After that he grew on me. He played some fast banjo picking music that I really loved. It was the most fun music that I have ever ridden to. About half way though the class he decided to introduce himself and said "My name is Newt, like a Fig Newton or Sir Isaac Newton." He was just so delightful.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
The Written Word
Okay, what did I take from this last debate that has little to do with the intent of the debate? This seems to be my new theme. I was glad that McCain cut back on his smirking as was my problem with the first debate, and this one had 100% less Palin which was my problem with the second debate. As a result of that I felt a 100% less stabby. Well, the first half of the debate I heard on the radio and the second half I read at the gym. I have found that reading the words and seeing the candidates really helps me focus on what is said better. I find that just listening doesn't help me focus and I get distracted by performance and verbal theatrics. Having the words in front of me makes what is actually being said much more clear to me. I do wonder what it is like to not know who you are voting for at this point. I voted for Obama in the primaries and not for a second felt that I would want to vote for anyone else. So to be an undecided at this point is such a strange idea to me. I just wish the election was tomorrow. I hate this point at the end where things can get nasty. With all this and the economy I just feel so depressed about the state of everything. There is no focus on the good of the world right now and everything is so negative. There is good and I need to remember that.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Words to Live By
Agent Dale Cooper once said in Twin Peaks, “Once a day, every day give yourself a treat.” I need a treat today, well every day really. Today I really need a shitty little treat!!!!
Monday, October 6, 2008
In the Garden of Good and Evil
Sundays have started to be my odd day of the week. I think it is just that I spend most my Sundays by myself and I go a little crazy in my head. I went to the book store to pick up some new reading. I picked up Don DeLillo's "Underworld" which is massive and sense I am a slow reader I will be reading for awhile. On my walk home this crazy man starts waving this lighter in front of me. I am blanking on what those are called, you know the long lighters that are used for camping or starting a BBQ. Anyways, he starts mumbling how I should go fuck myself with it. Oh delightful sir, just delightful. Oh and talking about delightful gentleman. The night before this I was at the gas station when the man at the car next to mine is singing at the top of his lungs "I hate niggers, I hate niggers....but I love fucking niggras." Then he sees me and tells me I look like Cinderella (I guess because I had a blue dress on) and asks for my phone number. In retrospect I should have told him that I as well only fuck niggras, but instead I just ignored him and got in my car.
Back to my weird Sunday night. I was doing some much needed laundry and was going to get the last load from the dryer at around 10:30. I was just wearing the tiniest jersey dress because that is what I usually wear when I am home. No one was out so I didn't think much of going to get my laundry that way. As I was walking to the dryer I jumped a little when I saw this shadowy type figure smoking on the balcony watching me. I walked past and started unloading my laundry into my basket. I thought to myself 'I really should have locked my front door'. I walk by the balcony on my way back and the figure isn't there anymore. I worry about my door being unlocked. As I go to open my front door there is this loud BOOM from outside, fallowed by flickering lights and more BOOMs. Then all the lights in the neighborhood go out. This makes me even more paranoid to go inside but I do. I go into my bathroom and light some candles and realize there is no one but me in my apartment and my heart slows down a bit. Then I hear a helicopter and police outside. I'm not sure what happened, some sort of giant explosion. OH, I forgot to mention that right before I went to get the laundry I took a sleep aid pill because I could tell that I was going to have trouble falling asleep that night. I regretted taking it after all this happened because I knew it would knock me out and what if there was a fire or some sort of toxic gasses from the explosion. I tried to stay awake and felt groggy and scared with all that was happening. Next thing I know all the lights come on in a flash and it is 5 in the morning. So, interesting evening.
My Saturday was lovely though. I went to the Beverly Center in the morning. I got a present for Erin at H&M and a dress for myself at Forever 21. Then I headed to the Huntington Gardens which were incredible. It is my new favorite place. I could spend a whole day in the cactus garden. I loved that it was wet and raining too, it made everything so fresh. After the gardens we all had dinner at El Cholo, YUMMY! I got home from dinner pretty early with a totally free Saturday night. So I decided to go to Krysta and Kenneth's for Susan's birthday dance party. Unfortunately not enough people showed up so we headed out to Akbar for some gay dancing times.
photos of the garden here
Back to my weird Sunday night. I was doing some much needed laundry and was going to get the last load from the dryer at around 10:30. I was just wearing the tiniest jersey dress because that is what I usually wear when I am home. No one was out so I didn't think much of going to get my laundry that way. As I was walking to the dryer I jumped a little when I saw this shadowy type figure smoking on the balcony watching me. I walked past and started unloading my laundry into my basket. I thought to myself 'I really should have locked my front door'. I walk by the balcony on my way back and the figure isn't there anymore. I worry about my door being unlocked. As I go to open my front door there is this loud BOOM from outside, fallowed by flickering lights and more BOOMs. Then all the lights in the neighborhood go out. This makes me even more paranoid to go inside but I do. I go into my bathroom and light some candles and realize there is no one but me in my apartment and my heart slows down a bit. Then I hear a helicopter and police outside. I'm not sure what happened, some sort of giant explosion. OH, I forgot to mention that right before I went to get the laundry I took a sleep aid pill because I could tell that I was going to have trouble falling asleep that night. I regretted taking it after all this happened because I knew it would knock me out and what if there was a fire or some sort of toxic gasses from the explosion. I tried to stay awake and felt groggy and scared with all that was happening. Next thing I know all the lights come on in a flash and it is 5 in the morning. So, interesting evening.
My Saturday was lovely though. I went to the Beverly Center in the morning. I got a present for Erin at H&M and a dress for myself at Forever 21. Then I headed to the Huntington Gardens which were incredible. It is my new favorite place. I could spend a whole day in the cactus garden. I loved that it was wet and raining too, it made everything so fresh. After the gardens we all had dinner at El Cholo, YUMMY! I got home from dinner pretty early with a totally free Saturday night. So I decided to go to Krysta and Kenneth's for Susan's birthday dance party. Unfortunately not enough people showed up so we headed out to Akbar for some gay dancing times.
photos of the garden here

Friday, October 3, 2008
Cute Overload
I have a strange relationship with "cute". As mot of you know I love cute animals. I love anything that is round and cute. I love endearing old people. However, I have always hated forced cuteness in people. When someone says or does something with the intent to be cute it drives me crazy. It is like nails on a chalkboard and I feel very stabby. This type of cuteness is usually reserved for child actors or flirty girls. I guess I feel like for something to be cute it has to be unknowingly cute. I feel like child actors or flirty girls can be cute if it isn't forced or done in a conscience way. This is why I also find animals cute, because their intentions are pure, they are just being themselves. This thought process comes from last nights debate. Besides Palin's opinions and lack of knowledge I was trying to put my figure on why she just gets under my skin and starts scratching around. I find nothing about her "cute"persona to be genuine. I find that she acts that way because she has found that she gets what she wants and people to like her by acting that way. To me that isn't cute, it is annoying.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Jaw Dropping
Inner Debate
I am so tired today. Alex had his scavenger hunt birthday party last night and now I am a sleepy sleep monster. I do not want to go to the gym tonight. However, I don't have TV and the gym is the only TV I watch. The VP debate is on tonight and I really want to see them. I suppose I could force my presents on someone that owns a TV but I am not feeling very social today. Perhaps I will just listen to the radio.
I Need You So Bad
When a girl needs a vacation
Can't keep her mind on nothing else
She'll trade the world
For the good thing she's found
If vacation's bad she can't see it
Vacation can do no wrong
Turn her back on her best friend
If she put vacation down
When a girl needs a vacation
Spend her very last dime
Tryin' to hold on to what she needs
She'd give up all her comfort
Sleep out in the rain
If vacation said that's the way it ought to be
Well, this girl needs a vacation
I gave you everything I had
Tryin' to hold on to your precious love
Baby, please don't treat me bad
When a girl needs a vacation
Down deep in her soul
Work can bring her such misery
If work plays her for a fool
She's the last one to know
Lovin' eyes can't ever see
When a girl needs a vacation
She can do no wrong
She can never own some other (I don't know what fits here, because I am too tired for wit)
Yes when a girl needs a vacation
I know exactly how she feels
'Cause baby, baby, baby, you're my world
Can't keep her mind on nothing else
She'll trade the world
For the good thing she's found
If vacation's bad she can't see it
Vacation can do no wrong
Turn her back on her best friend
If she put vacation down
When a girl needs a vacation
Spend her very last dime
Tryin' to hold on to what she needs
She'd give up all her comfort
Sleep out in the rain
If vacation said that's the way it ought to be
Well, this girl needs a vacation
I gave you everything I had
Tryin' to hold on to your precious love
Baby, please don't treat me bad
When a girl needs a vacation
Down deep in her soul
Work can bring her such misery
If work plays her for a fool
She's the last one to know
Lovin' eyes can't ever see
When a girl needs a vacation
She can do no wrong
She can never own some other (I don't know what fits here, because I am too tired for wit)
Yes when a girl needs a vacation
I know exactly how she feels
'Cause baby, baby, baby, you're my world
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