Saturday, February 27, 2010

Window Shocking

Last night right when I was going to bed they had the search helicopters circling above and I heard the police on the loud speaker though I couldn't understand what they were saying. The helicopters had been circling for what seemed like an hour. From my bed there is a tiny crack in the blinds where I could see outside. Just a little 3/4" crack caused by my suitcase on the ground that snagged one of the plastic blinds to the side. Just when I was settling in I saw something slowly moving at the bottom of the window. It felt like my heart stopped only to start up again twice as strong. I laid still to make sure I wasn't imagining it but I saw it move again. I reached over for my phone I thought I left by my bed but my hand couldn't find it in the dark. I then jumped out of bed shut the crack in the blinds, found my phone, and made sure all the doors were locked. I had no idea what to do after that. It could have been anything outside. I didn't get a good look. I did think that if that shape by my window turned a little more an a human eye appeared that my heart at that point would just pound all the way through my ribs and out my chest. Thankfully nothing else happened but it is 12 hours later and I can still hear heliports, though farther away now.

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