Friday, December 3, 2010
The Great Waltz
I found this lovely vintage poster at the thrift store today. I have not gone thifting in ages. I just love the illustration and the coloring really matches my apartment. I sort of hate the label someone put under it that says "M.G.M The Great Waltz 1938." I decided to type it in to my computer and the posters for this movie don't look anything like this image. I wonder if this is even for that movie or not. Is this a famous illustration that I just am not recognizing? Now I'm just curious on what this is exactly. Whatever it is I very much like it.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Cold Hearted
I really need to have someone come turn on the pilot light for my heater in my apartment. I can't seem to be able to figure out how to get to the place I need to light it on my own. Though I have to clear everything out of the way and rearrange furniture so they can get to it. Plus my apartment is a horrible horrible mess. The only time I have to do this is when I come home at night and I am far to tired and cold to do such a major undertaking. So I have just been bundling up like a hobo. I think my laziness would kill me in colder climates.
Monday, November 29, 2010
I had a double Thanksgiving again this year, like I did last year. On actual Thanksgiving I stayed in town with friends and then drove up north to spend the rest of the weekend with my parents. It has been very chilly here and up north. I wish I had a fireplace to curl up in front of and wait out the winter. I'm trying not to let the winter sadness in this year.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Eyes Want Candy
I have that I've been doing most my life updates in tiny statues updates on Facebook for the last year. I'm afraid the blog isn't what it used to be. I've decided to post more inspiration and cool design photos here. At least to keep things current and new updates. I promise I will still do updates too. I'd like to get in to posting everyday again. I think a good way to keep up the momentum is sharing some of the wonderful things I find in the world and on the web. Hope you might find them of interest as well.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Lets Start the Month of Giving Thanks
Today in rush hour traffic on the 110 I let a car merge in in front of me. The lady driving the car stuck her hand out the widow holding a sign that said "Thank You." haha, sort of awesome and a nice brake from the mind numbing traffic.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Dead Man's Party
Costume Affair
Money was a little tight for Halloween this year. I stuck with an outfit I owned almost everything for it. I did have to buy a fishnet top. I was Pris from Blade Runner. I felt pretty good in it at the time but now that I've been seeing photos from parties I am unsure that it turned good. At work I was told 2 days before that they were having a costume contest. I used the black and white make-up from my Pris costume and mixed it into grey and got some grey hairspray. I wore vintage black and grey. I was in black and white. I thought it looked awesome, alas I didn't even place in the contest sad :(

Cabin Fever
Oh, um, hi there! Sorry for the silence recently. There has been major work changes and also my home computer has been down. But I'm still here and have been having lots of fun and games and other suchness in my life. Lets start a post about Lake Arrowhead. I have not been there before, or maybe I have when I was little, but I never really understood where I was on vacation. 2 weeks ago a big group of us went up to Lake Arrowhead to celebrate Rick's 30th birthday. T'was lots of fun and games had by all.

Thursday, October 14, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
I'm having one of those days that really feels like no matter how hard you work and how good you do there really is no reward for it. Feeling really beaten down. I should really stop focusing my effort into bottomless wells where every effort just disappears. Or at least baby step into being able to ask for help instead of always giving it and leaving nothing left for myself.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Ooo, sorry I have been MIA lately. Big news and things going on at work right now. I don't feel like this is a place I feel comfortable talking about work so just ask me for the details in person next time you see me. Without getting into it let me just say things are a bit up in the air right now and I'm not sure how the cards are going to land. All this uncertainty is very stressful and I'm afraid I've been letting it get to me. Last week was intense to say the least. On Wed. night I went to Palm Springs for the night to wake up very early and start work on our photo shoot. I am pretty confident we got some great shots and I'm really looking forward to seeing them. On Saturday I got together with Maureen who is getting into photography and was asking for people to pose for her. We went to a few locations and I think she got some beautiful shots. I'll post some below. Then in the evening I went over to Liz's for a screening of Showgirls. I had only ever seen the R rated version over 10 years ago. Oh my, that movie is so bad that is really crosses over to good. It was a lot of fun watching it with a group of people a well. Then on Sunday I watched some movies and did some drawing. I couldn't believe how fast the week ended. Today I took my car in to be serviced and took the bus to work. Man, not one of my favorite things to do. Tomorrow I'm going to get a rental.

Monday, September 27, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
A Fair to Remember
Yesterday afternoon Amanda and I headed to the LA County Fair. We were going to meet up with some other folks but they couldn't make it at the last minute. Fun prevailed with sneaky drinks, pig races, deep fried food, and insane crafts. Unfortunately the deep fried avocado and veggies did me in and I did not have room for dessert. I am sad that I did not get funnel cake, or candy apples, or chocolate dipped ice cream. What a loss.
Today is so hot and I am doing laundry trying my best not to touch the hot clothes when they are fresh from the dryer. Never did I think fresh sheets and comforter hot from the dryer would be so awful. I sort of liked our mild summer, I don't flourish in the heat.

Today is so hot and I am doing laundry trying my best not to touch the hot clothes when they are fresh from the dryer. Never did I think fresh sheets and comforter hot from the dryer would be so awful. I sort of liked our mild summer, I don't flourish in the heat.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
I had a wonderful action packed Saturday which involved me consuming an entire bottle of wine at the Hollywood Bowl. Needless to say I was a bit worse for wear on Sunday and stayed in and watched movies. I got a big old headache in the evening and realized I was out of Tylenol but did have Excedrin PM. Worked like a charm but also made me totally groggy today.
At work today we did some model casting. These are days that make me feel fat, ugly and old. I like to pretend, looking at magazines, that all the models are super Photoshopped and no one looks that good. It's totally a lie once you see them in person and realize there are people that do look that amazing. One model I saw was a beautiful 18 year old who just graduated high school. She only had 2 photos in her portfolio and one of them she was topless. Sometimes the world is a strange place.
At work today we did some model casting. These are days that make me feel fat, ugly and old. I like to pretend, looking at magazines, that all the models are super Photoshopped and no one looks that good. It's totally a lie once you see them in person and realize there are people that do look that amazing. One model I saw was a beautiful 18 year old who just graduated high school. She only had 2 photos in her portfolio and one of them she was topless. Sometimes the world is a strange place.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
Okay, last week week was tough to say the least but now that I am all well in the medical department that I will not get into because it isn't pretty. Everything is much more manageable when you are in good health.
Saturday night I went to my last Hollywood Forever Cemetery screening of the year. There is just one more left next week but I have Hollywood Bowl tickets and I won't be going that night. On Saturday Amanda and I went to see the old (not the remake) movie Bedazzled. It was funny, not my favorite movie I've ever seen there. However, it was the least amount of people I've ever seen in a screening. So strange. I liked it less crowded, I wish it was always that way.
Yesterday I started a sewing project but it is a pretty big project with 26 pattern pieces with lining and piping and boning. It is going to take awhile to finish. Then I headed out to watch The Napkins first softball game of the season.

Saturday night I went to my last Hollywood Forever Cemetery screening of the year. There is just one more left next week but I have Hollywood Bowl tickets and I won't be going that night. On Saturday Amanda and I went to see the old (not the remake) movie Bedazzled. It was funny, not my favorite movie I've ever seen there. However, it was the least amount of people I've ever seen in a screening. So strange. I liked it less crowded, I wish it was always that way.
Yesterday I started a sewing project but it is a pretty big project with 26 pattern pieces with lining and piping and boning. It is going to take awhile to finish. Then I headed out to watch The Napkins first softball game of the season.

Thursday, September 9, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
Labor Pains
I'm sort of stuck at home this weekend which hasn't been fun. I need to go to the doctor but it isn't an emergency so I'm waiting out this 3 day weekend in pain. It hasn't been the 3 day weekend I've been dreaming about that's for sure. Anyways, I've spent so much time at home I am now listening to 2 neighbor children playing outside. One of them sounds upset and said "I don't like fighting." I can hear the wooden clank of broom handles. The other says self righteously "I don't like playing with people that don't know how to sword fight..cause I've been practicing." I forgot about all the mini wars I use to have as a child. I thought I was a master sword fighter too.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
There is a baby crying next door and a man that is mimicing the babies cry. As soon as the baby makes a "Bwaaaa" sound the man starts yelling "BWAAAA" only louder and deeper over the kids wailing. Awesome parenting going on next door. On Thursday night there was a toddler outside, in the same house, screaming his head off for his dad to come back just after midnight.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Had a lovely weekend camping up at the Buckhorn campground in the Angeles National Forest this weekend. I was so excited to find the campground untouched by last years terrible fire. It is such a beautiful location and I would have been so sad to see it burnt.
I have to admit that I am utterly exhausted today. I didn't sleep much at all last night. I was up with a painful UTI. The night before I was up with terrible heartburn from eating too much junk around the campfire and partaking in too much drinking. 2 nights of not feeling good and little sleep has sure taken it out of me. I packed my gym gear for tonight but I think I just may go home and pass out.
I have to admit that I am utterly exhausted today. I didn't sleep much at all last night. I was up with a painful UTI. The night before I was up with terrible heartburn from eating too much junk around the campfire and partaking in too much drinking. 2 nights of not feeling good and little sleep has sure taken it out of me. I packed my gym gear for tonight but I think I just may go home and pass out.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Sometimes Life is a Picnic
In honor of the beautiful weather that has finally hit Los Angeles I organized a picnic in Griffith Park at The Old Zoo on Saturday. We had lots of yummy food, sunshine, badminton, and neighbors that included Shakespeare in the Park and pony rides. I deem it a success and great fun. I need to spend more time in the sun. I'm not use to it and it drained me off all my energy, though I'm sure the drinks and food didn't hurt. I just love summers in LA there are just so many wonderful things to do and see.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Oh dear, I have not updated this in awhile. Hmmm, I didn't do that much last weekend. I went and played Ping Pong at Spin Hollywood on Friday with Lindsey and David while Trumbo DJ'ed. I rather enjoyed ping pong. Then on Saturday I did some sketching and went to a bunch of fabric stores around town. I wasn't feeling well at all on Sunday so I stayed in.
Yesterday I went to see my new OB/GYN. I always have a different one every year it seems so I never know what to expect. In general I liked the new one. I picked an older male doctor because I seem to have the best luck with them. He was very nice and friendly. Though I was thrown back at what he said to me right as he was finishing my pap. He smiled and said in an older man harmless flirty way "Well, I'll have to send a thank you card to your doctor for recommending me to you." Which would be less awkward if not for the circumstances. I'm just going to take it as a different generation of doctor humor.
Yesterday I went to see my new OB/GYN. I always have a different one every year it seems so I never know what to expect. In general I liked the new one. I picked an older male doctor because I seem to have the best luck with them. He was very nice and friendly. Though I was thrown back at what he said to me right as he was finishing my pap. He smiled and said in an older man harmless flirty way "Well, I'll have to send a thank you card to your doctor for recommending me to you." Which would be less awkward if not for the circumstances. I'm just going to take it as a different generation of doctor humor.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
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