Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Libra Time
Wow, I got slammed with birthday celebrations for the next 3 days. Thursday at work is Brenda's birthday and in the evening is Alex's birthday party. Then Friday at work is Shana's birthday and Susan's in the evening. Then Saturday there is Erin's party, Cynthia's party, Hazel's party, and Terry's party. I'm telling you all right now I just paid rent and don't get paid till next week so no presents for anyone :( I'm also not going to be able to make it to all these birthdays, sadness.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Wish Me Luck
Okay. I'm going to try something and I should just state my goal here. That way I can share my success or failure. I am going to try and not buy any new (or new to me which includes vintage) clothes for 6 months. I only buy pretty cheap clothes but you know it is starting to add up. I also shopped the warehouse at work too much which comes directly out of my pay check and my pay check didn't look so good this time around because of it. So my goal right now is nothing new until March 29th. I need to kick this habit. Gulp!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
A few months ago I found an adorable exotic shorthair cat on petfinder. I was all set to adopt him and even had the paper work when I was talked out of it by someone and now I totally regret not getting that cat. I'm not in love with any of them on there right now, though there is one called Kittybunny which is a great name haha. So I'm on the look out. I wish I could buy a kitten from a breeder but that cost an awful lot. So I am on the look out for an exotic shorthair in case anyone has a hot tip on one up for adoption. I also canceled my new on-line dating profile. I think my search for a cat and unwillingness to date is a step in a terrible direction but whatever, I like crazy old cat ladies better then soccer moms so maybe I'm on my true path.

Saturday, September 26, 2009
Living the Tiptoes Dream
So last night I was feeling a bit board and I decided that I was going to sign up for an on-line dating service. I don't even know if I really want to date right now. Last night I thought I did but today I'm thinking maybe that isn't something that I'm looking for. Anyways I checked to look at the account and so far I've gotten one e-mail...from a dwarf. Now I just feel like a jerk because I don't think I could date a dwarf. I don't really feel ready for this dating world yet. I think I'll stick to learning about photography.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Shoot Me
So I've been looking into getting an SLR camera for some time now. I told myself I couldn't get one until I paid off my credit card. I'm getting close to having it all paid off so I'm doing more research right now. I think I know what I want but I bought one of those stupid "For Dummies" books to get a better grasp on it. I want to be as knowledgeable as I can when I go to buy it. I know it is going to have to be something I have to learn on sense I've only used point and shoots for the last few years and have very limited experience with 35mm cameras. This is something I've been wanting for awhile. I also have to learn as much as I can about lenses. I'm very excited about the prospect of learning something new and having a new hobby. I feel so stagnant lately I need some newness. I need something productive to fixate on and crawl into and learn about.
Meal Plan
So I've been thinking about it and I don't remember the last time I had a hot meal or even a real meal. I've just been eating things here and there for the last few weeks. I should like to sit down for an actual meal in the near future.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Oh goodness. Lets see if I can remember some gems from yesterday. I decided to take my first vacation day of the year and treated myself to a fun girly day yesterday. I went to Vidal Sassoon to get my hair cut and dyed. They dyed it first. In-between the dye and the cut I had a lunch break and I sat outside at the 3rd street promenade and read my book. It was just a beautiful day out. I had some leave-in treatment in my hair and it was pulled back. I'm sitting there reading and enjoying life when I hear two guys next to me get off their bikes. They sounded exactly like The Beatles with their accents. I never did end up looking up but this was their conversation. Please note I was sitting on an outside chair and there were two empty chairs right next to me.
Guy 1 "There is no place to sit around here".
Guy2 "Not really."
Guy 1 "She is quite hot (me), I wouldn't mind sitting next to her."
Guy 2 "Yeah."
Guy 1 " She's not really me type though."
guys ride off on bikes.
What the hell was that? Weirdoes
Then I got my cut and I really love it. Everyone at the school gathered around when they were finishing it and took photos and teld me how great it was. Nice, much needed, ego boost. One of the instructors asked me if I would be interested in being a hair model for Vidal Sassoon's top stylist for a hair show in November. They would pay me for it. The only catch is that I would have no say in what the cut would look like and most often they are pretty dramatic and short. She told me to think about it and call her back. So I'm thinking about it. Everyone thinks I should do it and I haven't gone short in awhile. I am just in love with my new haircut right now and the thought of changing it again seems soon, though it wouldn't be until November.
So after that I went into MAC to get some much needed new make-up. I figured if I was going to buy it why not have them show me how to apply it proper and had them just do up my make-up. Man, I was on a pampering kick. The guy did a lovely job but he was a smoker and his hands smelled awful, like stale cigarettes. It was really gross.
So in the evening I went to The Echo Game screening in this cool old theater downtown. The movie turned out great! I spotted myself in it twice YAH! I don't like being Downtown at night all that much I have to say. I was walking back to my car alone in a tiny dress and suddenly where I had parked there were homeless people sleeping all around it. I walk a lot of places by myself and I'm fine but I have to say that is one place I don't care to be alone at night. This guy got up in my face and told me I had a great shape. I tried to get to my car as fast as I could and lock the doors and got the hell out of there. I should just bring extra money to park in lots from now on when I go Downtown, it's worth it.
Guy 1 "There is no place to sit around here".
Guy2 "Not really."
Guy 1 "She is quite hot (me), I wouldn't mind sitting next to her."
Guy 2 "Yeah."
Guy 1 " She's not really me type though."
guys ride off on bikes.
What the hell was that? Weirdoes
Then I got my cut and I really love it. Everyone at the school gathered around when they were finishing it and took photos and teld me how great it was. Nice, much needed, ego boost. One of the instructors asked me if I would be interested in being a hair model for Vidal Sassoon's top stylist for a hair show in November. They would pay me for it. The only catch is that I would have no say in what the cut would look like and most often they are pretty dramatic and short. She told me to think about it and call her back. So I'm thinking about it. Everyone thinks I should do it and I haven't gone short in awhile. I am just in love with my new haircut right now and the thought of changing it again seems soon, though it wouldn't be until November.
So after that I went into MAC to get some much needed new make-up. I figured if I was going to buy it why not have them show me how to apply it proper and had them just do up my make-up. Man, I was on a pampering kick. The guy did a lovely job but he was a smoker and his hands smelled awful, like stale cigarettes. It was really gross.
So in the evening I went to The Echo Game screening in this cool old theater downtown. The movie turned out great! I spotted myself in it twice YAH! I don't like being Downtown at night all that much I have to say. I was walking back to my car alone in a tiny dress and suddenly where I had parked there were homeless people sleeping all around it. I walk a lot of places by myself and I'm fine but I have to say that is one place I don't care to be alone at night. This guy got up in my face and told me I had a great shape. I tried to get to my car as fast as I could and lock the doors and got the hell out of there. I should just bring extra money to park in lots from now on when I go Downtown, it's worth it.

Monday, September 21, 2009
A Fair
Went to the county fair yesterday evening where I ate many fried vegetables and a chocolate dipped ice-cream sandwich. Now it is the morning and I still feel like I have a brick in me. BLAH! Should not of eaten that much.
So lately my epic dreams have come back. The type of dreams that are so overly dramatic and involved and last a lifetime in a totally different realm. I haven't had these types of dreams in years. I wake up with such a sense of having just lived a whole other life. It's very strange.
So lately my epic dreams have come back. The type of dreams that are so overly dramatic and involved and last a lifetime in a totally different realm. I haven't had these types of dreams in years. I wake up with such a sense of having just lived a whole other life. It's very strange.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
I was walking to the bank today when out of the corner of my I eye see this big long black snake raptly coming towards me. I literally jumped in the air with shock and fear. Then I realized it was a long black balloon, the type used to make balloon animals, that was being blown by the wind. haha
Saturday, September 19, 2009
I went to a poetry/creative writing reading tonight. I won a box of cheez-its and a box of cracker jacks. Another Saturday night success story!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Ass Watch 2009
This week I've been enjoying my self therapy of working out so hard that I can't even think about anything anymore. Though I almost passed out last night and maybe I need to chill. After being so sick for 2 weeks and then having this workout kick I probably dropped about 5lbs which really isn't anything sense my weight is always hovering between the same 10 pounds. I was walking into the gym last night and this chubby balding middle age man was walking in at the same time as me with a bag of El Pollo Loco and smiled at me. He seemed just friendly and it wasn't a flirty smile so I smiled back to him and said hello. I had never seen him before. He says to me "I'm glad to see you've gotten back into shape." I give him an awkward thank you and he tells me to keep it up. I didn't think I had let myself go that much to warrant a comment like that. I guess he thought he was being nice but I started to feel weirded out from being watched. I noticed that he worked there by his shirt so on my way out I looked for him having no memory of seeing him before. I noticed that he had a small desk in the far corner of the registration part of the gym. Nice to know that the size of my ass is being scrutinized so closely.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Mary Me
For most of my mom's pregnancy it was agreed that they were going to name me Mary after Mary Travers of Peter, Paul, and Mary. Then my dad was reminded that this was his mother's real name. I guess he had forgotten because he hadn't seen her sense he was little and everyone called her Bunny. There was bad blood between them so it was decided that this was not going to be my name. Then it was going to b e Michelle after the Beatles's song which didn't work out either because they had a bird named that and my Grandma was worried people would think I was named after the bird. Anyways Mary Travers died today. I don't really know much about her other then she is the person my parents wanted to name me after. She was pretty though with a lovely folky look.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
The Cut
So I made an appointment with the Vidal Sasoon academy for next week to get a cut and color. My best hair cut and colors have come from there and also the cheapest (score!). I need myself a little beauty pick-me-up. So lets hope it turns out well otherwise I will be a giant mope face. So this is the color and this is the cut I'm going to request though I'm open for their professional suggestions. Stay tuned to see how it works out.

but & put drive me crazy!
One bonus for being dyslexic is when I read the clock as 7:30 this morning I knew I had to get up until I realized it said 7:03 which meant I had another 30min of sleep. YAH!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Fashion Nerd
Monday, September 14, 2009
Smurf Wang
So I was doing some much needed fixing of some vintage garments last night. I was taking in this sack dress made with this adorable flower print. It fits great now and looks super cute. Everyone at work today has told me how much they love it. Only one problem. I just got back from the bathroom that has a full length mirror and noticed the new side seam creates a very disturbing shape.

Ok, so I brokedown and started a twitter. I hope it doesn't mean the death of my blog. I like blogs better so I doubt it. Anyways, you can following me here if you so please.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Bowling for Roses
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
I find I take it personally when my fellow flat cheated ladies of the world get boob jobs. Which is silly because it's their bodies and they can do what they want with them. I just feel betrayed by them, like they quit our club to join a cooler one or something. I have to laugh the most at the fact that when I was little I wanted big fake boobs like Dolly Parton. I would never want that now and wonder what made me want this when I was little. But then again I also wanted a perm back then too.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
You Can Count on Me
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Didn't sleep last night because of late night conflict in my personal life which is probably not good in the whole recovery process. If this week isn't trying to kill me then it's just trying to break me in ways I don't know how to pick myself out of.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Good Morning
Woke up this morning feeling a lot better. Still a bit sick but I'm starting to feel like myself again. I think if I spend the whole day resting I could be back at work tomorrow. Doug brought me by some food last night that I am trying eat now. I still don't have much of an appetite but I know I have to eat more if I want to get my strength back. When I wake up is usually when I feel the sickest so the fact that this is the first morning in many days that I didn't wake up feeling like I was hit by a train is a very good sign. Soon I will be up and about and hopefully have more interesting things to write about then being sick.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Hot Child in the City
No person should watch this much Sex and the City. With this much Sex and the City I was beginning to wonder. Is there anymore sanity left in my brain? or are we just fooling ourselves? Can we really have it all? Or is having it all blibbity-blobbity-bloo.
Cooling Off
It has cooled off outside today and I couldn't be happier about it. This is day 4 of being in bed. I woke up feeling terrible but once I took a shower, ate, and got up and moved my car for street cleaning outside I begin to feel a bit better. I am almost never sick so all this down time and resting is really starting to make me feel insane. I have to say I am very thankful to the Internet to be my link to the outside world, I feel less isolated. Also I'm extremely happy that I cleaned my place up before I got sick so at least I have a nice clean apartment to rest in.
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