Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Lo-lo-lo-lo lola lo-lo-lo-lo lola

There is a lady that goes to my gym. She is tall and thin but very muscular and toned. I'd guess she is in her mid 40's with shoulder length curly brown hair. She is not a pretty woman but whenever I see her come in before changing into her gym clothes she is always very done up in dresses and skirts and make-up. I first noticed her because she would always get on the StairMaster next to me even if there was room to spread out and she wore very little while working out. She always wears little athletic hot pants and sports bra. I've caught her looking at me several times. She has a beautiful blond daughter that she takes to the kids club whom I would guess is around 8. I have also always had a strange suspicion in the back of my head that she is in fact a man. Now if she is a man she makes a very good woman and is by no means an obvious trannie. Something about her seems more angular then most women and her waist does not curve in like most women. Also for a women in her 40's in hot shorts she does not have one bit of cellulite or flab on her thighs which strikes me as odd. Tonight in the locker room I was getting ready when I see her daughter get on the scale and call out "Dad, look at this." OH MY GOD I KNEW IT! They collected there things and got out of there pretty fast. I'm not sure why I found it to be so satisfying to finally know but I do. I hope the other women that heard don't mind that she is transgender. She can't very well go into the men's locker room looking like she does and she has a right to workout like ever body else.


Hollywood said...

I find it interesting that the little girl calls her "dad." I need to do more research into the ins and outs of transgender lifestyle.

Xine said...

Well, I figured the girl already has a mom and that her dad isn't trying to replace her mom, he just wants to live as a woman. I'm sure it is different for every case but I would think that if my dad was having a gender transformation it wouldn't change that I still wanted my dad to be my dad even if he was living life as a woman. That being said, I'm sure they have a rule about being called dad in places like bathrooms or locker rooms that the girl must have forgotten about.

Hollywood said...

Yeah, I guess it also depends when you decide to switch genders. Kids are so easily confused. They don't understand two moms or two dads. At least that's what I've learned from the Yes on Prop 8 people