Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Brotherly Love
Doug's kitties are full of brotherly love. Red hot brotherly love. Awww, they are the softest kitties in the world.

After posting my new t-shirt I bought I found that some people I know do not know the magic of keyboard cat. Enjoy
Monday, July 27, 2009
Full of Grace
Grace Jones fuckin' rocked my wold at the Bowl tonight. They played this video ad I thought it was so awesome that
I should share it
I should share it
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Lo-lo-lo-lo lola lo-lo-lo-lo lola
There is a lady that goes to my gym. She is tall and thin but very muscular and toned. I'd guess she is in her mid 40's with shoulder length curly brown hair. She is not a pretty woman but whenever I see her come in before changing into her gym clothes she is always very done up in dresses and skirts and make-up. I first noticed her because she would always get on the StairMaster next to me even if there was room to spread out and she wore very little while working out. She always wears little athletic hot pants and sports bra. I've caught her looking at me several times. She has a beautiful blond daughter that she takes to the kids club whom I would guess is around 8. I have also always had a strange suspicion in the back of my head that she is in fact a man. Now if she is a man she makes a very good woman and is by no means an obvious trannie. Something about her seems more angular then most women and her waist does not curve in like most women. Also for a women in her 40's in hot shorts she does not have one bit of cellulite or flab on her thighs which strikes me as odd. Tonight in the locker room I was getting ready when I see her daughter get on the scale and call out "Dad, look at this." OH MY GOD I KNEW IT! They collected there things and got out of there pretty fast. I'm not sure why I found it to be so satisfying to finally know but I do. I hope the other women that heard don't mind that she is transgender. She can't very well go into the men's locker room looking like she does and she has a right to workout like ever body else.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Sign Language
I was looking forward to my first low key Sunday evening at home last night. Well, that didn't so much happen. I met up with Amanda and Stacey and Amanda's apartment to join this hiking group that walked all over LA this weekend. We were going to meet up at the Beachwood Market and walk up to the Hollywood sign. They were running behind so we decided to walk over to Griffith Park and then up to the observatory. I have never been up there before and it was really cool. Some day I will have to go back and spend more time at it. So then we walked from the Observatory to Beachwood market up and down the hills. We did 5 sets of crazy stairways through the area. By the time we got to the base of the trail for the Hollywood sign it was getting dark. We reached the top of the hill around 10pm. It was an amazing view but man are my legs killing me today. My knee pain that I was having awhile back has come back as well and I am wearing my brace. Next Sunday is the crazy Grace Jones concert I have been waiting for. So, some day I will have a slow Sunday evening and be all refreshed for work.

Saturday, July 18, 2009
edit: I has just going to write about a dream I had and it turned into this long ass poston a subject I think I have talked about before. Oh well, here is my life story haha
I got braces when I was 17, right before I started my senior year of high school. I was so angry getting them. The thing is my teeth were perfectly straight my whole life. I still had one of my baby teeth though and my adult tooth was in the roof of my mouth under the skin hidden sideways and never coming down. It didn't bother me and I was prepared to leave it that way. I was told that the chances of it absenting up there as an adult was pretty likely. The solution to that problem was neither easy nor painless.
First the baby tooth had to come out to make room for the adult tooth. I feel like this is all some great metaphor for growing up. In order for my other teeth to remain in position while they brought the adult tooth down I had to get braces. I remember at 12 I longed for braces like all my friends had and I could pick the colors in the rubber bands. At 17 no one had their braces anymore and they were the last thing I wanted. That wasn't even the worst of it. I now had a missing tooth. At the same time they removed that tooth they sliced open the roof of my mouth creating a little door of flesh that was opened up to reveal my adult tooth. They stuck a bracket to that tooth with a little gold chain that attached to the braces in the area that my tooth needed to fit into. They closed the door of flesh and sewed it up with the little chain coming out of it. Not only did I have braces but I had a chain and a missing tooth. Every month they would crank that chain a little until the tooth came down. After much pain and time the tooth emerged, however it was backwards and they now twirked the chain as to no longer bring it down but around. All that metal pushing and pulling inside my mouth was aggravating and I couldn't get away from it.
Finally it was in place but my orthodontist wasn't happy. She wanted my teeth to be completely perfect. Every month I would ask if I could get my braces off and every month she said no. It went on this way for years. At the same time I was stuck in my little town after high school and wanting nothing more then to leave. Because of money and family problems I had to wait out 2 years in community college while everyone I knew was away at college. I felt as trapped at my teeth did in their case of metal. Finally I was accepted to my #1 choice in schools and 5 months away from moving when I lied to my orthodontist and said I was moving the next weekend and I needed my braces off before I left. When I got them removed it was probably one of the most gratifying days of my life. I was moving out of town to study what I love and the metal cage in my mouth was gone. I remember that I couldn't stop smiling. I walked out of the orthodontist office smiling with my mouth open with all my teeth showing for the first time in year. I walked out to my car smiling this huge all teeth smile. A man in his car smiled at me and said "You have a beautiful smile, never stop smiling." I never went back to the orthodontist again. I skipped out on all my appointments.
Today I had a dream that I had just stopped going to the orthodontist before I got my braces off and I still had parts of them on even though most the brackets had come off. I woke up to discover to my groggy surprise that I didn't have braces anymore. I ran my tongue over my smooth teeth and smiled my big all toothy smile.
I got braces when I was 17, right before I started my senior year of high school. I was so angry getting them. The thing is my teeth were perfectly straight my whole life. I still had one of my baby teeth though and my adult tooth was in the roof of my mouth under the skin hidden sideways and never coming down. It didn't bother me and I was prepared to leave it that way. I was told that the chances of it absenting up there as an adult was pretty likely. The solution to that problem was neither easy nor painless.
First the baby tooth had to come out to make room for the adult tooth. I feel like this is all some great metaphor for growing up. In order for my other teeth to remain in position while they brought the adult tooth down I had to get braces. I remember at 12 I longed for braces like all my friends had and I could pick the colors in the rubber bands. At 17 no one had their braces anymore and they were the last thing I wanted. That wasn't even the worst of it. I now had a missing tooth. At the same time they removed that tooth they sliced open the roof of my mouth creating a little door of flesh that was opened up to reveal my adult tooth. They stuck a bracket to that tooth with a little gold chain that attached to the braces in the area that my tooth needed to fit into. They closed the door of flesh and sewed it up with the little chain coming out of it. Not only did I have braces but I had a chain and a missing tooth. Every month they would crank that chain a little until the tooth came down. After much pain and time the tooth emerged, however it was backwards and they now twirked the chain as to no longer bring it down but around. All that metal pushing and pulling inside my mouth was aggravating and I couldn't get away from it.
Finally it was in place but my orthodontist wasn't happy. She wanted my teeth to be completely perfect. Every month I would ask if I could get my braces off and every month she said no. It went on this way for years. At the same time I was stuck in my little town after high school and wanting nothing more then to leave. Because of money and family problems I had to wait out 2 years in community college while everyone I knew was away at college. I felt as trapped at my teeth did in their case of metal. Finally I was accepted to my #1 choice in schools and 5 months away from moving when I lied to my orthodontist and said I was moving the next weekend and I needed my braces off before I left. When I got them removed it was probably one of the most gratifying days of my life. I was moving out of town to study what I love and the metal cage in my mouth was gone. I remember that I couldn't stop smiling. I walked out of the orthodontist office smiling with my mouth open with all my teeth showing for the first time in year. I walked out to my car smiling this huge all teeth smile. A man in his car smiled at me and said "You have a beautiful smile, never stop smiling." I never went back to the orthodontist again. I skipped out on all my appointments.
Today I had a dream that I had just stopped going to the orthodontist before I got my braces off and I still had parts of them on even though most the brackets had come off. I woke up to discover to my groggy surprise that I didn't have braces anymore. I ran my tongue over my smooth teeth and smiled my big all toothy smile.
No colors anymore I want them to turn black
I got home to my hot apartment this afternoon and decided that it was ice cream o'clock. Which just means I was going to walk over to the corner store and get an ice cream bar. I had on this black lightweight rayon jersey dress which is one of the cover-ups I have designed. I was walking to the store when this black gentleman with a wet dish towel on his head yells at me when he was about 2 feet away "mmmmmmm, lady you look GOOD...but you should wear a color."
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
It's market week at work, though this year I won't be in Miami. I'm holding down the fort here and am a giant ball of stress. It is safe to say I am not a happy camper. Lets hope I can hold it together this year. Last year I didn't and I took my frustration home with me and some shitty shitty things ended up happening as a result. Maybe it is best for me to lay low until this passes.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
Gloom & Doom
I can't seem to pinpoint the source of this feeling I've been having the last two days of complete dread. I have this overwhelming feeling like something bad is going to happen. When I first felt it I thought I just had too much coffee and was reacting badly towards it. Now I don't know. Sense I haven't taken one day off from work this year maybe I just need a vacation.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Brass Tacks of Summer
1. Hello Weekend
2. Ethiopian Food
3. Jim Henson shorts and commercials at the silent movie theater
4. Step Brothers
5. Benjamen Buttons
6. Angie's birthday party
7. Rick/Lawrence/Neil 7-11 themed house party
8. Lunch at The Golden State with Lindsey
9. Hollywood Bowl Blitzen Trapper/ Jenny Lewis/ Ray LaMontagne
10. Goodbye Weekend

2. Ethiopian Food
3. Jim Henson shorts and commercials at the silent movie theater
4. Step Brothers
5. Benjamen Buttons
6. Angie's birthday party
7. Rick/Lawrence/Neil 7-11 themed house party
8. Lunch at The Golden State with Lindsey
9. Hollywood Bowl Blitzen Trapper/ Jenny Lewis/ Ray LaMontagne
10. Goodbye Weekend

Friday, July 10, 2009
War Bride
It should be no shocker that I loved to play dress-up as a child. I would raid my mom's dresses. One year for Christmas I got a bag of dress-up clothes which I just thought were the most wonderful gift in the world. I didn't know at the time they were just sparkly rags from the local thrift store but they seemed so fabulous to me. I had my make-up from my dance recitals that I wasn't aloud to wear but I would anyways. I didn't care much for my mother's shoe collection and always preferred my fathers police boots. I would wear some pretty insane looks and my dad always referred to me with slight disapproval that I looked like a "Polish War Bride." I thought that just about sounded like the most romantic thing I'd ever heard. I asked him what it meant and he said that during the war when women got married they didn't have any money and they would wear rag wedding dresses and didn't have money for nice shoes. I don't remember his exact words but to him it wasn't a good term. Later on when I started dressing myself more um...abstractly he started throwing this term around again. I've always been a fan of mixing high and low fashion and deconstructionism. I still like the idea of being a Polish War Bride.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Bear It
Lately I've had an obsession with gummy bears. They are just so satisfying to chew and chew and chew on. I was standing at the gas station tonight pumping my gas and I starting thinking about gummy bears and how I could really go for some at that moment. I look over at the gas satiation store and there is this crazy homeless man standing right in front of the door getting in peoples faces and being very abrasive so I decide not to even bother. I look back over and I notice he isn't there anymore so I go inside. Once there I discover the man is in the tiny little shop, great. I start looking everywhere for my little gummy friends why this man is arguing with the cashier. He is very loud and angry about needing to use the restroom but the guy behind the counter won't let him. 'Where the fuck are the gummy bears?!' I think. The man is just being so crude about needing to 'shit' and how it has been four days and he is going to explode. It was pretty disgusting. Then he gets so mad and starts reaching for his belt and says "Fine you won't let me use the bathroom, I take a shit right here!" That was the exact moment I realized I didn't really want those gummy bears that badly and left. Now whether the man went through with it or not I don't know. There are just some stories I don't really need to know the ending to.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
The Food of July
I can't even get over how much I ate this weekend. I was an eating machine. What a lovely eat fest it was though. On Friday afternoon I headed over to Krysta and Kenneth's BBQ and stayed through the evening. I made potato salad for the first time. It turned out pretty good, though I think it was just a bit too sweet and if I made it again I wouldn't add any sugar to it. Susan made a yummy strawberry rhubarb pie that tasted like summer. On Saturday, the 4th, I went over to Corinne's for a pool party for a few hours and soaked up a bit of sun. Then I headed over to Justin's for Jessica's birthday party in Playa del Rey. There was BBQ and beer pong and cupcakes. In the evening we walked over to the beach and watched the fireworks. When I was driving back to Hollywood that night there were pockets of fireworks all over town and it was such a fun drive. Sunday we picnicked in the park before the Hollywood Bowl show. I saw The New Pornographers, Tegan & Sara, and Death Cab For Cutie. Death Cab did there last few songs backed by the LA Philharmonic which was beautiful. For the last song they played Transatlanticism and fireworks went off that went with the beat of the song and it was amazing. Then their last note of the song was followed by an explosion of fireworks. After that I walked over to the Hollywood house for the tail end of Lisa's going away dinner.
Goodbye weekend, you were delightful!
Goodbye weekend, you were delightful!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Romper Room
I am wearing this very cute vintage romper at work today that looks like a little dress but is actually a 1 piece with shorts. Everyone loves it. I loved it too until I had to use the restroom and needed to remove my belt and sweater and practically get completely undressed just to go to the bathroom. Then the zipper stuck and I was afraid I was going to have to cut it off me. I managed to get it unstuck. I think I will cut back on my massive tea intake for the rest of the day to avoid this happening again.
Dress Up
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