Let us take a moment to accept that sometimes we don't know what is best for ourselves. As in my hair. I went in to get my hair trimmed on Saturday. The hairdresser told me my hair was spongy like seaweed. He also made voices like my hair was talking and telling him how it was dying and needed to be brought back to life because it wanted to be pretty. I was not amused. He also took off way more then I wanted. When he sent me on my way he told me to dye it right away so the fresh ends could soak up the pigment. The store was out of the color I was using so I bought another shade which turned out to be way more extremely bright then I had wanted. I was in a bad bad mood at the end of this day. However, when I woke up this morning I realized what an improvement my hair had gone through this weekend. Despite the fact that it wasn't what I wanted in the end it was for the best. Deep deep thoughts from superficial means. I also realize this post is in desperate need of photographic evidence. Here is the before and after.

Nice! I especially love the layers.
Where did you go to get it cut?
Rudy's on Sunset
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