Tuesday, March 31, 2009
The April Fool
I just bought a practical joke gift for myself without realizing it was a practicable joke gift. Then I realized it was practical joke and that I just accidentally played a practicable joke on myself. This is the new level of awesome that I achieved today.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
A Day in the Park
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Freaky Fridays
Fridays have been a bad day for people in my life. First my dad gets rushed to the hospital in an ambulance with heart failure on a Friday evening. Two Fridays after that Doug gets taken to the hospital after getting in an accident. Two Fridays after that my Grandma falls and breaks her ribs and gets taken to the hospital. So if you know me then I am suggesting you all be extra careful of Friday April 10th because I see a pattern here.
Y Me
When I was in college I was getting a lesson in lingerie from the good people of Cosabella and the lady was talking about the ways in which to make a woman feel good about her body. She was talking about making sure the bras don't push and extenuate the little Y shape under a woman's arms. The space where the arm and body meet. She looked at all of us and noted that none of us had this yet because we were too young. It was true. I was looking in the mirror today and realized I now have a Y shape. Frankly I started out today in a very bad mood, not because of the Y shape. I just hit a wall where I got fed up with myself and all the stupid things I can't stop obsessing over no matter how hard I try. I sat in bed and read the morning away just to take my mind off myself. I finally shamed myself up and out the door. I was at Joanne's fabrics to pick up some sewing supplies. I hate Joanne's, it is an awful place. I was so grumpy waiting in line behind the unhappy house wives and home schooled families of Santa Monica. When I was in line this old lady hands me an extra coupon for 40% off and smiles and asks me if I would like it. I felt ashamed of all my grumpiness and smiled back at her and thanked her very much. Sometimes I just need a gentle reminder about how lovely random acts of kindness can be. Maybe I should cut myself some slack and show myself some random acts of kindness.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Practice Makes Perfect
Last night being the crazy rebel that I am I decided to open some wine and do some quilting. It didn't turn out well and I need to recut and sew that piece. I have to laugh that my first thought was "I need to practice at this" instead of "Maybe this was a bad idea.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Suit Yourself
I Dare You
There was a D.A.R.E officer in front of Starbucks with a table of information at lunch today. He asked if I had a minute to talk and I smiled and told him that I was actually in a rush to get my mood altering addictive beverage.
Second Life
My mother asked me if I could use some spare sheets for my bed. I actually could so I said yes. Turns out the sheets belonged to my old neighbor who died from cancer recently. I thought it wouldn't bother me to use them but last night as I laid in them in felt strange. I sat there thinking about the life of most the objects around me. These sheets once held someone else's body. I realized I was not the only owner of most the things I own. My bed, my dresser, my mirror, my silverware, almost all my clothes didn't start out being mine. I like that about them, I hope they have many wonderful secrets.
Monday, March 23, 2009
It Knows!
I'm worried that Netflix is gathering too much information about me sense it has pin-pointed "visually-striking emotional dramas" and "dark movies based on real life" and "Steamy Foreign Movies Featuring a Strong Female Lead" as movies I'd like. stalker!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Flushed Away
I use to have this beach towel growing-up that had an image of James Bond on it. I can't recall what movie it was for. I didn't know anything about James Bond at the time I just knew there was a man with a gun on the towel and some evil people and a pretty girl. I was very concerned for the girl being among all these scary guys. I remember making up stories in my head for what could possibly be happening in this world pictured on my towel. Finally one day I ask my mom who the girl is and she says something to the effect that it is just some girl. I ask her what happens to the girl and my mom wants to know what I mean. I clarify that I want to know if she lives or dies in the movie. My mom told me that she dies and I ask how. She then says "She gets flushed down the toilet." I was horrified. I never wanted to use that towel again because all I could think about was her last moments of life while being flushed down the toilet.
What a lovely weekend. Amanda and I spent the day outside with lots of wine and yummy food. hooray!
more photos here

more photos here
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Print Charming
I am kinda charmed the most by the facebook photos people are tagged in. Not the photos they post themselves where they always look good or are funny, those I find a bit dull. I like the photos that no one would probably show of themselves. I don't think that it is because I enjoy people looking bad. I just like the in the moment unpolished humanity of them. I find it charming. Though if you post a photo where I have a double chin I will find you and kill you. Somehow I am less charmed by myself.
The Dirty Ground
I seem to have a lot on my mind today. None of which I feel entirely comfortable talking about here, or talking about with other people. Hell, I'm not entirely comfortable with the conversation in my own head. This leaves me with very few outlets. Maybe it is time to bring out the art supplies again. I feel a bit like a head case today even though I really have no logical reason to be. Damn, I can't even take the easy way out and blame it on my period.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Oh Honey No
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
I was at the hospital tonight and Doug was showing me some videos that he had on his computer. This one was my favorite, I think it is great. I can't figure out how to post it here but it is totally worth watching the link. Just click below
The Country
The Country
Monday, March 16, 2009
Wild Ride
I feel like I should tell the story of the last few days, though I will keep it short.
On Thursday I got home from the gym and was eating a big old brownie in my PJs when I got a loud knock on my door. It was Doug and he told me to put on my shoes because he wanted to show me something. I went outside and in front of my apartment was a shiny motorcycle he just bought. He had told me before that he was taking classes for something but wouldn't tell me what for. Turns out he was taking classes to get the bike. I admit I was nervous for him as well because I know how accident prone he is. At the same time my dad talks about his time with his motorcycle as one of his favorite so I was also excited for him. The next night I get a call from him from the ER where he was rushed too after being hit by a car. He shattered his leg and was going into surgery and in a lot of pain. I was so taken aback that I physically couldn't stop shaking. I went to visit him on Saturday and Sunday. He had his second surgery today and from what I heard it went well. It has been very lovely to see everyone coming together for all their well wishes and help. For as awful as this has been I am very thankful that it wasn't worse and touched by peoples kindness.
On Thursday I got home from the gym and was eating a big old brownie in my PJs when I got a loud knock on my door. It was Doug and he told me to put on my shoes because he wanted to show me something. I went outside and in front of my apartment was a shiny motorcycle he just bought. He had told me before that he was taking classes for something but wouldn't tell me what for. Turns out he was taking classes to get the bike. I admit I was nervous for him as well because I know how accident prone he is. At the same time my dad talks about his time with his motorcycle as one of his favorite so I was also excited for him. The next night I get a call from him from the ER where he was rushed too after being hit by a car. He shattered his leg and was going into surgery and in a lot of pain. I was so taken aback that I physically couldn't stop shaking. I went to visit him on Saturday and Sunday. He had his second surgery today and from what I heard it went well. It has been very lovely to see everyone coming together for all their well wishes and help. For as awful as this has been I am very thankful that it wasn't worse and touched by peoples kindness.
They Make Me Crazy!
Guys, I think I have a serious nacho addiction. I just love them, I can't get enough! I feel like these kids that were interviewed on NPR about the sweeping hot cheeto problem in schools. Just replace the word cheetos with nachos.
For more on the NPR story you can check it out here
For more on the NPR story you can check it out here
Friday, March 13, 2009
By the Sea
In the summer of 1937, Tony Sarg and several others promoted a hoax in Nantucket.
Sightings of a sea serpent were advertised... footprints were found... stories published...
Then, the serpent appeared on South Beach (now Washington Extension - not where it was intended to land!): it was one of Sarg's Macy's Day Parade balloons.
Tony Sarg (1880-1942) was an American puppeteer, illustrator, designer and painter. He is famous for creating balloons for the Macy department store parades and many illustrations for magazines. He owned a store in Nantucket, the Tony Sarg’s Curiosity Shop.

Sightings of a sea serpent were advertised... footprints were found... stories published...
Then, the serpent appeared on South Beach (now Washington Extension - not where it was intended to land!): it was one of Sarg's Macy's Day Parade balloons.
Tony Sarg (1880-1942) was an American puppeteer, illustrator, designer and painter. He is famous for creating balloons for the Macy department store parades and many illustrations for magazines. He owned a store in Nantucket, the Tony Sarg’s Curiosity Shop.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Snack Time
For the first time in years I did my grocery shopping at a regular grocery store and not Trader Joes. I looked like a lost puppy with all the brightly colored foods and packages. It seemed overwhelming. However, for the fist time in years I bought fruit snakes so it all evens out.
Monkey Business
When you talk to me like I am a retarded monkey it makes me want to throw things at you like a retarded monkey would do. The fact that I am able to control myself and not throw objects at you should prove that I am not in fact a retarded monkey and thus you should stop talking to me like I am one.
Cold Case
She gave me a beautiful leather CD case a few years ago that I still use every day in my car. This morning I refilled it with wonderful new music. Her stepmother gave her the case for Christmas because the design on the front resembled her tattoo. She hated her step mom so she gave me the case. These days she hates me as well. It is surprising that an object based on so much hate could bring me so much joy.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Fuging Cute
I love the site gofugyourself.com It is funny and I love the "bad" fashion. Sometimes I actually like the outfits they declare "bad" though. I saw this one on Milla Jovovich and I think it is totally cute! Well, you probably can wear anything when you look like Milla. I don't know, I think it is pretty damn cute.

Friday, March 6, 2009
My neighbor has this pretty white dog, in fact its name is Pretty. She lets the dog out every now and then and it wonders around. In the last half year she had a baby and now constantly has the dog outside. I feel so bad for him, he wanders around like he is lost. I pet in in the morning and when I come home at night. He fallows me to my door and then looks at me with these sad eyes wanting to be let in. I might just steal him.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Brain Cloud
Today I got awfully close to hitting a car in front of me because I couldn't stop looking at the fluffy white clouds and one in particular that looked like a flying fat teddy bear. Maybe it is time for a vacation. Speaking of vacations Doug has been busy uploading tons and tons of great photos from his Africa trip. Here are a few that I like. The goats are my favorite, they are in love!

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