Sunday, November 30, 2008
Billy Ray
I went to the Troubadour tonight to listen to Azure Ray. They were so great and I'm really glad that I decided to buy a ticket. They played some of my favorites; Beautiful Things can come from the Dark, Displaced, The Trees Keep Growing, Rise and they ended on the most beautiful version of November. My surprise of the night was turning around and seeing a tall older man with thin white hair dressed in a black turtleneck and a black blazer. I thought it was a bit strange at first because most people there were around my age and younger. Then I was Bill Murray! Bill Murray stood behind me the whole show. It was so dark in there I hope he didn't notice my awful dye job haha, kidding. Anyways, I kept sneaking little glances at him. I'm such a fan and have been my whole life. That is by far my best celerity sighting.
Blonde Redhead
I came home yesterday afternoon from my Lompoc Thanksgiving. More on that later when I feel more forgiving and settled back in LA. Anyways, I was feeling a bit crazy and upset so I decided that I need to change my hair. This is typical upset behavior for me. I bought this beautiful shade of dye. Isn't is lovely?

Then oh crap! I didn't have enough to cover all my hair. I redyed it this morning to sad results. The top half dyed great, though not really the natural looking red I wanted but whatev. However the lower bits are still blonde. Grrrr. I need to redye but I want to give it some time before dying it again. So I guess updos from now on, or just fuck it and wear it down.

Then oh crap! I didn't have enough to cover all my hair. I redyed it this morning to sad results. The top half dyed great, though not really the natural looking red I wanted but whatev. However the lower bits are still blonde. Grrrr. I need to redye but I want to give it some time before dying it again. So I guess updos from now on, or just fuck it and wear it down.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
For a girl who couldnt choose between the shower or the bath
I was just thinking about this song and video today and wanted to re watch it. I haven't seen it in years. It is my favorite Tori Amos video and one of my favorite songs. She is just so beautiful here. Every time I re visit this song it moves me in a different way.
Over the River and Through the Woods
Had a very delightful time at Largo last night with my brother. We had a little bit of extra time so we hung out at the Beverly Center. Seems LA is starting to really gear up for the holiday season which leaves me with such a sense of dread. I don't know why I tend to unravel in December but I do every year. I feel little hints of it going on and I just try and talk logically to myself that I am being irrational. I am not going to repeat last year. Geez, dropping contact with everyone for about a month and loosing 15 pounds was not healthy behavior. I am going to make every effort to keep it together this year.
Party Like It's 1999
Monday, November 24, 2008
I am exhausted from this weekend. On Saturday night I went to Asa and Pat's 90's themed party. I will hopefully find some pictures on-line to steal from that to post soon. I didn't realize what time it was and ended up getting home at 5AM. Then I woke up at 9 for some reason only getting 4 hours of sleep. I made some yummy deviled eggs for Krysta's picnic birthday party. I'm taking some photos from Kenneth to post here. It was lovely but I find my self so sleepy today and I'm suppose to go to Largo tonight with my brother. Thank goodness that it is a short work week.

Sunday, November 23, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Fall Out
I was walking to the store today and I was on Wilcox between Sunset and Hollywood. The block is full of recording studios and other business buildings that are sort of run down. This great big black chevy tahoe looking car pulls up about a half block in front of me. I notice this guy get out and he looks up at a building wondering how to get in because it is locked with bars. I am pretty impressed with his clothes, they look expensive but very hip. He has on tight black jeans, a white button up shirt, a fitted vest over the shirt with an undone bow tie, and shiny black shoes. His hair is jet black and cut in a trendy layered do. I'm right next to him and he is about 3 inches shorter then me. He looks at me and then does a double take and grins. I would have never noticed if I hadn't been wearing sunglasses. I feel free to look at people closer when I have sunglasses on. I walk right by and realize, HA that was Pete Wentz. As much of a douche as I usually think he seems in the media I have to admit he is pretty good looking guy in person.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Fit to be Tied
So, as evident by my major nacho craving earlier I needed something of the fatty food variety badly. I didn't end up getting nachos but I did make a little trip to In-N-Out. Mmmmm, it was very satisfying and I am having no more fatty cravings and anyways a gilled cheese isn't the worst thing one can eat. I was at the drive thru when the pretty young black girl that works at In-N-Out was taking my order. After I told her she looks in at me and says "Girl, I LOVE your skirt" I thank her and then she says "I tried on a skirt like that at Forever 21 but it just didn't fit right" I told here that my skirt was actually from Forever 21 and that it took me trying on a few different styles made in the same fabric before I found one that fit and that they had some fit problems at the 21. She said "They have some line problems that's what they have. I just wish I was a designer then I wouldn't have to deal with that." I just smile and nod. haha, I felt a sudden shame for being a designer perfectly capable of making my own clothes complaining about fit at Forever 21.
Nacho Average Day
WHY DON'T I HAVE NACHOS!?!? I swear to god I will shank someone for their nachos. All I've wanted all day are nachos! You know what I've eaten today? An apple, some almonds, vegetable soup, and a yogurt. Does any of these thing sound like nachos to you??? Well I can tell you none of them tasted like nachos either. DAMN IT I WANT NACHOS!!!
In Stitches
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Two Lost Souls Swimming in a Fishbowl
Monday, November 17, 2008
We Didn't Start the Fire
I know all the fires going on are awful and sad but every time I go outside the smoke reminds me of camping. I barely have my head on straight lately and I am not thinking of anything but have the overwhelming feeling like I am camping. I was just walking through the parking lot of the grocery store and smelling the smoke and looking at the night sky and I felt really at peace. Lets hope my apartment never sets fire because by the time I register that fire and smoke are dangerous it might be too late for me.
State Library of New South Wales photos.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
I was just reminded of this photo of my brother and myself. My parents have one of me dresses as Yoda I think somewhere too. I have to look for it next time I go home. Also, I might not have been the brightest child sense I can't seem to figure out that eye holes should go over the eyes and not your checks.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Mary Xine and a Happy New Year
I can't think of too many fictional character named Christine. I just saw "Changeling" and Angelina Jolie's character's name is Christine Collins which they repeat constantly and very dramatically. Also my main complaint with the Phantom of the Opera is having to hear my name sung overly dramatic and yelled and cried and whispered every other minute. The only other charter that I can remember with my name is the demonic Stephen King car. In my own life my name is rarely used with any flair of dramatics or yelled or cried or whispered. In movies it is a far more compelling name. I suppose it is a fine name. I've never loved or hated it. I think it suits me. Some people don't fit their name. My parents first choice was to call me Mary. I think I would have had a harder time fitting with the name Mary.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Tick no Tact
I can't seem to remember to bring a jacket with me for after the gym now that it is getting colder at night. So I leave hot and sweaty and then am sweaty and cold. And I wonder why I'm getting sick. This is totally fascinating isn't it? Not much is going on right now. I'm all rested and relaxed from vacation and am enjoying work again after having a break. Things are good but would be great if I could just remember a damn jacket.
Oh hey, I did just hear the worst song by some guy named Brad Paisley who is some sort of country music super star. I mean read these lyrics;
"'Cause I'd like to see you out in the moonlight
I'd like to kiss you way back in the sticks
I'd like to walk you through a field of wildflowers
And I'd like to check you for ticks.
An' oooo You never know where one might be
An' oooo There's lots of places that are hard to reach yeah I* been there
I gotcha."
Good god that's awful!
Oh hey, I did just hear the worst song by some guy named Brad Paisley who is some sort of country music super star. I mean read these lyrics;
"'Cause I'd like to see you out in the moonlight
I'd like to kiss you way back in the sticks
I'd like to walk you through a field of wildflowers
And I'd like to check you for ticks.
An' oooo You never know where one might be
An' oooo There's lots of places that are hard to reach yeah I* been there
I gotcha."
Good god that's awful!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Hey Ho Lets Go
I started my doodle-a-day sketchbook. I have not drawn anything in awhile because I feel out of practise and I know it won't be good. So to inspire myself I am trying to make some drawing or another every day in my notebook. I doesn't have to be good and it shouldn't take me more then 20 min. to make. Just something to keep my hand active. If I keep it up maybe I will have a few to post that I like. It has been really easy the last few days to keep it up because I haven't had work. After taking a week off I am back to work tomorrow. I'm slightly worried about this for a few reasons. Fingers crossed everything goes smoothly. I have had so much fun and sleep this last week combined with my election high it has all been so lovely and happy. I feel like my head is on straight and I'm ready to go.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Sex Lies and Fish Tanks
I was joking around on Tuesday night that I thought Joe Bidden was totally hot and I'd do him. In reality I might consider a young Joe Bidden or if I was his age. I always say things like this but then when presented with reality would never act on them. Truth is that I have never dated anyone more then 4 years older then me and I have never had sex with anyone that I wasn't dating. So I sort of feel free to make such reticules blank statements. However I think this one really came back to haunt me. I was staring off into the neon colors of the coral tank yesterday when this man comes by and starts talking to me. I look over and he looks a great deal like Joe Bidden which at first I think is lovely. Then he starts saying things that register as come ons and I am completely grossed out that this old man is hitting on me and it is just gross and creepy. So maybe I should bight my tongue when I say things like that, I don't want to put them out there for the world to call my bluff. haha
The Seal Deal
Monday, November 3, 2008
Vote! plus puppies and kitties
God, these are cute.
See more Natalie Portman videos at Funny or Die
See more Natalie Portman videos at Funny or Die
Sunday, November 2, 2008
A Walk in the Park
Went to the old zoo in Griffith Park today for Byron's birthday. I didn't manage to remember to take photos of Byron or the party because I am slow in the head and a jerk. But look at all these awesome photos I did take. This is such an amazing place. If you have never been you should really go, in fact we should go because I want to go back. More photos here
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Trader Joe's: Judgement Day
I rarely ever use the ten items or less lane at the grocery store even though a lot of times I have 10 items or less. I find that those lines are longer and the transfer of money at the end is what takes the most time, not the amount of items one actually has. Today I went into Trader Joes and picked-up a bottle of Vodka so I would have something to put in my flask tonight. I also picked up a bag of tortilla chips and a 5 layer dip to bring to a picnic later in the weekend. I choose a line with one person in it, well I guess it wasn't really a line until I was in it. The lady in front of me had a ton of stuff all very healthy with lots of ingredients to prepare meals. While her stuff was being bagged the cashier rang me up. He looked at my silly three items and smiled and said "You're in, your out, you know exactly what you want, I like that." I sort of smile and say "Yes, all very healthy stuff." The lady looks over at my three items and says "If I could eat like that and look like you I would too." I say "Well, it isn't all for me and I'm not going to polish this off in one sitting." The cashier holds up my bottle of Kettle One and says "Wow, and you don't even need a chaser, you're just going to drink it straight." At this point the bag boy, other shopper lady, cashier, and myself are all staring at my chips, dip, and vodka. I put the items in my tote bag and leave. I guess that is the one good thing about the 10 items or less lane, you don't really get judged for your weird last minute food purchases.
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