Monday, September 22, 2008

Reading Railroad

Anyone have any book suggestions? I bought the Journals of Allen Ginsberg which has proven to be extremely dissatisfying reading.


Lindsalon said...

Just last night I finished this book called Vacation that I think you'd like, it's the lateset in my McSweeneys book club, it was pretty good. You can borrow it if you want.

Xine said...

yes, next time I come over I would love to borrow it. Do you recommend the book club? It sounds neat.

Lindsalon said...

It's ok, it's very hit and miss. None of the books are boring at all, just some of them aren't my particular taste, but I like to think they're enriching me by broadening my subject matter. It's $100 for a year, and some of the books are awesome. I'm staring Maps and Legends right now, I'm only on page 10 and I LOVE it. I think when my subscription is over I'll do a tally of hit vs. miss to see if I'll renew.

Thriftstoreglitter said...

I would recommend Geek Love if you haven't read it already, and if you like poetry, i'm currently reading Burning in Water Drowning in Flame by Charles Bukowski.

Xine said...

Those are great suggestions! Geek Love is one of my favorite books. Last time I was in the book store I was thinking of getting Bukowski's book "Ham & Rye" because I've only ever read his poetry before and not an actually story. I am always torn with Bukowski because he is a good writer but I made the mistake of reading about him and watching a documentary about him and he is such a jerk and I really have to try and not let it bother my enjoyment of his writing but it is hard.