Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Movie Madness

I have watched a lot of movies in the last 30 days. Would you like me to tell you about them? Well, caution because I rarely have the same opinion as everyone else on such things.

My Blueberry Nights: Kar Wai Wong directed this film. I very much loved his other work in 2046 and In the Mood For Love. Norah Jones plays the lead and I frankly don't give a crap about her broken hearted coming of age character. Rachel Weisz shows up for a little bit as a small town cheating wife to David Strathaim's drunken cop character. I wish the movie would have been about them, they were far more interesting then Norah and Jude Law. Natalie Portman is also in this movie and is always enjoyable to watch even though I also didn't really care about her character. There was some beautiful shots in the film set to Cat Power's "The Greatest" song which was nice, god I love that song. Actually Cat Power is in the movie and despite the fact that she talks with a slight southern accent she is suppose to be Russian??? I don't recommend this one.

Be Kind Rewind: This was written and directed by Michael Gondry whom I love love love. I don't really have any love for this film though. There were a few cute moments I don't really know what he was thinking here. However, despite if he can act or not, I find Mos Def to be extremely charming. I don't recommend this one.

Enchanted: This movie is very sweet, at times a little too sweet. I have a brand new love for James Marsdon that plays Prince Charming, he was great and so funny. I do recommend this one. It's cute.

I Want Someone to Eat Cheese With: I enjoyed this movie. It was simple without much in the line of plot. I was entertained. Amy Sedaris is in it for about a second but her part was my favorite. I recommend.

Lust, Caution: Ang Lee directed this film and it is very pretty. The fashions are amazing! I want to wear turquoise with little red accessories now. The movie stars Tony Leung Chiu Wai like you have never seen him before, he is terrifying! This one is rated NC-17 which would make you think it is a sexy good time but most of the sexy time is also terrifying and sort of rapey. hmmmm, I don't know if I recommend this one. I guess I enjoyed. Recommendation, Caution.

The Girl on the Bridge: This movie made me understand why lucky Vanessa Paradis has the love of Johnny Depp. She is so beautiful and cute and sexy. I think I may be in love with her too.

I'm Not There: This movie needed to get over itself. I don't know, I was mostly annoyed by it. However, David Cross as Allen Ginsberg was pure gold. He was only in it for a minute or two but I would watch a whole movie of David Cross as Allen Ginsberg.

Persepolis: I very much liked this movie. Actually it has grown on me sense I first saw it. I want to watch this one again. I very much recommend this.

Orlando: Netflix would NOT stop recommending this movie to me so I finally gave in. I do love Tilda Swinton, and movies that deal with gender, and Virginia Woolf. My big complaint in this film is that though Tilda is attempting to play a man I never really see her as a man, she just seems kind of retarded.

MirrorMask: Good Lord I don't even know what to say about this one. This is not a good movie but I fully enjoyed watching it. Visually it is good times. It is safe to say I have never seen a film like this before. It is still not really good though.

War Dance: Oh yes yes yes! This is a great documentary. It is so beautifully shot and the children's stories will rip your heart out. I recommend this one big time.

The Orphanage: Oh yes on this one too! I am not into many horror movies but this one was great. It was scary and DAMN I really loved the reveal in the end. I recommend this one.

Surfwise: This documentary is about the Paskowitz family. It is a family of nine children that were raised and traveled the country in a camper chasing waves and is highly entertaining. If you like documenters about eccentric people this is a good one. I recommend this.

Wow I've watched a lot of movies in the last 30 days. Tonight I should be getting The Golden Compass which I've read the book but have never seen.


Hollywood said...

Marsden loves to leap!

Xine said...

It is such a symbiotic relationship because I love to watch him leap.