Sunday, December 9, 2007


This was a nice little weekend. Friday night I saw Juno which was pretty cute and sweet. On Saturday I finally saw 300 and thought it was sucky. I mean I had really low expectations and I was still surprised at how much I didn't like it. Saturday night was Amanda's wine and cheese party which is always a delightful. Today I watched The Namesake. I really liked this movie. The parts in India were gorgeous with the most beautiful colors. I now have a strong desire to wear turquoise with orange and gold flowy fabrics. Today I headed over to Santa Clarita for Mike's Lost themed birthday party. Check out the polar bear costume on the adorable standard black poodle whom I fell in love with.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

i highly, highly recommend reading The Namesake (by Jhumpa Lahiri). I enjoyed the movie too, and the book is one of my most favorite in all of the world. Every word is so pretty.