Thursday, August 23, 2007

Fatty Fushsia

For some reason when I was out shopping yesterday I thought I'd try on a pair of bright fuchsia skinny jeans. I am not in the market to buy any clothes right now but they looked so fun and happy. My conclusion is that you have to be stick thin to even hope to pull something like that off. It was not a pretty picture.

Had all the plans in the world to do productive stuff last night. Lately I lack motivation. I started to embroider some purple and red owls onto a yellow jersey dress I have. I guess that is sort of productive. I'm really good at productive avoidance.


Lindsay said...

I like to call skinny jeans "carrot pants" because if you are a normal person and the circumference of your thighs is bigger than the circumference of your calves, when wearing these pants you look like you're walking around perched on top of 2 carrots.
No one but model people pull these pants off well.
many, many try. It is scary.

Xine said...

I wish there was something I looked good in that looked aweful on thin people, just to even the score.