I got a great work-out at the gym tonight, I was a sweaty mess. Afterwards I went over to Lindsey's to craft. Lindsey made cute little fabric CD holders and I finished up my crazy owl dress. Elwood M. Pudding Pop watched us and probably spent just as much time watching the blank wall. I need to put that dress to rest. I just kept on embroidering and beading like I was building the Winchester House. YAH crafting!
Sweet Jesus it is almost the thee day weekend, Hoozah!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Wee Wonder
My dad had his first full dialysis treatment today. I guess it hurt pretty bad. He is alright though. I have been reading a lot about the procedure on-line. They keep referring to it as a life support treatment which I know is technically true, it is just weird to think that my dad is on a form of life support.
Cry Out Loud
Monday, August 27, 2007
Sitar Hero!
Hey everyone, check out my acting debut! Why can I not figure out how to link things??? Oh well, copy and paste.
Few Words
My dad is in pretty bad shape. I talked to him last night. I've completely run out of positive things to say. I have always tried to take comfort in small improvements or hope in change but that well is dry. My vocabulary is pretty limited to "I'm sorry", "That's awful", and "I'll be thinking of you". I've been so detached and depressed about all the stupid little things in my life and I feel incredibly selfish and petty. My dad has told me my whole life that with his health problems he would never make it to old age and as much as that always disturbed me he always said it with such ease. Now that his body is shutting down it's different, there are no easy words for that. It's just hard.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Tonight I went to Hazel's wedding reception. I got pretty lost trying to get there and almost gave up. After driving around lost for 45 min I finally found the place. It was a very lovely hot summers night backyard party. The desserts were fab and I had my way with a few cold beers. I sat right next to the very talented and very charming Jordon Crane. He's dreamy. His very little son wore the most adorable blue and white seersucker suit. He looked like a southern lawyer. I really wanted him to fan himself with a tiny straw hat and say "This flower is wwwwwilted." Here is one of Jordon's pieces.

I got home and got a call from Zach asking if I wanted to help with this months Six Finger Fist 48 hr film short. I said sure and drove downtown. I thought I was just going to stand in the background and do whatever. Yeah...I had lines...I can't act...GOOD LUCK editing that guys. Plus it was like one in the morning and I had sweaty old make-up on and had been outside drinking the whole night. I'm kind of frightened by what was just documented on film, EHHH oh well.

I got home and got a call from Zach asking if I wanted to help with this months Six Finger Fist 48 hr film short. I said sure and drove downtown. I thought I was just going to stand in the background and do whatever. Yeah...I had lines...I can't act...GOOD LUCK editing that guys. Plus it was like one in the morning and I had sweaty old make-up on and had been outside drinking the whole night. I'm kind of frightened by what was just documented on film, EHHH oh well.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
Mmmm, Taste like Bitch
Well, I was okay with my new birth control pill. Everything has been going well. Unfortunately the extra hormones from PMS mixed with the hormones from the pill has been... INTENSE. It's like drinking a cocktail made of rage and depression. I should have only another day of this. Sorry I've been slightly reclusive and antisocial. Believe me you wouldn't want to hang out with me, I don't even want to hang out with me. BLAH
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Cock-Rock the Vote
Hey,go vote 5 stars for this beautiful video made by Mr. Doug Spice! Hurry,time is running out!
Fatty Fushsia
For some reason when I was out shopping yesterday I thought I'd try on a pair of bright fuchsia skinny jeans. I am not in the market to buy any clothes right now but they looked so fun and happy. My conclusion is that you have to be stick thin to even hope to pull something like that off. It was not a pretty picture.
Had all the plans in the world to do productive stuff last night. Lately I lack motivation. I started to embroider some purple and red owls onto a yellow jersey dress I have. I guess that is sort of productive. I'm really good at productive avoidance.
Had all the plans in the world to do productive stuff last night. Lately I lack motivation. I started to embroider some purple and red owls onto a yellow jersey dress I have. I guess that is sort of productive. I'm really good at productive avoidance.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Monday, August 20, 2007
Hindsight 20/20
In retrospect maybe this wasn't such a great idea. I went to Trader Joe's and got these mocha java popsicles, like a fudgesicle. It was so hot out that I decided to eat one in the car on my way home. Unfortunately the popsicle was all melty and dripped brown bits all over my clothes and face. It looked...well it didn't look good, it looked rather shameful to be honest.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Weak At The End Weekend
Goodbye weekend, you were a delight. Well, Friday night was a bit pathetic. I intended to go to a house warming party but ended up feeling reclusive and antisocial and staying in with some movies. Saturday I spent a long time in the nicely air-conditioned Borders looking at books and magazines. I went to Rudy's to get a haircut. I scored this time which is good because I hadn't been too impressed the last few times I went there. This time the girl did exactly what I wanted which was trim off the ends but not get rid of too much length so I could still fit my hair into a ponytail and blend my bangs that I will grow out back into my hair. It is a nice cut and I am very pleased. She also said nothing to me about how damaged my hair was and she didn't force me into making small talk, hooray! She did make the comment that my hair was really thick which hairdressers always tell me like it is a problem. I always smile at this and you would too if you ever saw how thin my moms hair is (you can see her scalp). I don't know who in my gene pool gave me thick hair but I thank them.
Saturday night I went to a party at the Hollywood house that was reality TV themed. My outfit was Posh Spice who has that new reality show. Basically I just wanted to wear a little black dress and heels. It was a lovely time but I forgot to take pictures :(
Today I took it easy and didn't do terribly much. I was a tiny bit hung over and dehydrated in the very hot hot heat and couldn't find much energy left.
Saturday night I went to a party at the Hollywood house that was reality TV themed. My outfit was Posh Spice who has that new reality show. Basically I just wanted to wear a little black dress and heels. It was a lovely time but I forgot to take pictures :(
Today I took it easy and didn't do terribly much. I was a tiny bit hung over and dehydrated in the very hot hot heat and couldn't find much energy left.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Difficulty Level: High
Mind Bender Question of the day:
How can Christine raise some extra cash to buy a new camera?
How can Christine raise some extra cash to buy a new camera?
Tubby the Tub Boat
Last night I went to a screening of the movie Ben has been editing. It was nicely located a few blocks from my house. I have started to get better at finding entertainment and things to do for free. I have also taken to bringing my own beer to bars in my purse. At first I felt shame but now I think about all the money I save and it makes me happy.
I ran out of the product I have been using on my skin to clear it up the last few months. I guess I was starting to take for granted how well it was working. It is scary how fast my skin starts to break-out again without it. This combined with the fact that I haven't been able to get to the gym this week and feel like a tubby slug is doing wonders for my self esteem. However, these are both problems easily solved so I won't complain too much about them.
I ran out of the product I have been using on my skin to clear it up the last few months. I guess I was starting to take for granted how well it was working. It is scary how fast my skin starts to break-out again without it. This combined with the fact that I haven't been able to get to the gym this week and feel like a tubby slug is doing wonders for my self esteem. However, these are both problems easily solved so I won't complain too much about them.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Giant Balloon Head
I was so tired when I got home last night that I took a nap. This proved to be a bad idea sense I didn't wake up till late in the evening. I decided then to watch The Last King of Scotland. After that I fell back asleep. I slept WAY too much last night with a strange movie intermission. It is safe to say I feel pretty deranged right now. But you know what makes it all better? Someone just gave me a waffle. Mmmmm, I love waffles!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Hairy Situation
Ugh! I need a haircut really bad. My ends are extremely damaged. I'm pissed because I just got to a point where I can put it into a ponytail and I don't really want shorter hair. It is REALLY damaged and I don't want to get it cut because I know where ever I'm going to go they are going to yell at me for the state my hair is in right now. I HATE that! Why can't they just cut it and shut up, why do they have to berate me as well? I wish I had a friend that could cut hair. I think I'm just going to have to suck it up and get it cut this weekend after I get paid. I should just be up front with them and say that I will not tip them if they say anything negative about my hair when they cut it. All the color has left my hair too, poopy poo poo.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Shhhame Shhhhame Shaaaame
Sometimes I'm ashamed of my Netflix queue. Right now I should be getting in the mail 'Deliver Us From Evil' and 'The Last King of Scotland'. These are the type of movies I usually get, depressing documentaries and depressing dark movies. But then next in my queue is the second season of 90210...god that's embarrassing. I feel like having 'Deliver Us From Evil' and 90210 in the same queue will make my Netflix account implode on itself and create some sort of cyber space black hole.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Little Rays of Sunshine
Tell Me Why I Don't Like Mondays
Oh goody! Today is my favorite day of the month. The day I get my student loan bill and my car insurance bill. Why do they always come on the same day? I think Sallie Mae is having an affair with Geico and apparently I am their whipping boy. In other delightful news the spot on my back that I missed with my sun block runs right along where my bra hits, ouchy ouch ouch.
I finished my book last night. I need a new book!
I finished my book last night. I need a new book!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
A Place In The Sun
I spent the whole day at Manhattan beach yesterday. The weather was great, the water was beautiful. I reapplied my sun block throughout the day. Unfortunately waking up this morning has made me realized I missed a few spots and after 7 hours in the sun of missed spots they are pretty red and painful. After the beach I went to Little Bar in the evening to hang out. They should really get their hard alcohol license, how hard could it be to get one!?!?
Yesterday this woman came up to me and told me that I had a really strong aura, I think it was all that time in the sun, I was probably just radioactive.
I have been having the worst craving for a grill cheese sandwich dripping in American cheese. Maybe I will be bad and go to the store to get the ingredients to make it. mmmmmmmmmm
Yesterday this woman came up to me and told me that I had a really strong aura, I think it was all that time in the sun, I was probably just radioactive.
I have been having the worst craving for a grill cheese sandwich dripping in American cheese. Maybe I will be bad and go to the store to get the ingredients to make it. mmmmmmmmmm
Friday, August 10, 2007
Work It Out
I am slightly proud of myself. I resolved to go to the gym everyday after work this week for 60 min, NO EXCUSES. Well, I still need to go tonight to reach that goal. Last night the odds were not in my favor though. I foolishly only got 3 hours of sleep the night before. By the time I got of work I was so sleepy and the commute didn't help. When I got to the gym it was hella hot in there. I might have done a lesser workout but I still did my full 60 min.! YAH me, I hope I can keep this up.
In other news, did you feel the earthquake? I did! It was rolling, like being on a boat in the ocean.
In other other news, I watched Little Children last night. This is being filed away with Mulholland Drive and Happiness with horribly disturbing masturbation scenes that will haunt me.
In other news, did you feel the earthquake? I did! It was rolling, like being on a boat in the ocean.
In other other news, I watched Little Children last night. This is being filed away with Mulholland Drive and Happiness with horribly disturbing masturbation scenes that will haunt me.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Rise Again
I have the Winter Passing soundtrack. It is lovely but I can't seem to ever get past 'Rise' by Azure Ray. I've had this soundtrack for about a year now. Every time that song ends I think 'I'd like to hear that again' and I skip the beginning of the song. I am aware that this is how you ruin a good song by over playing. However, I've heard this song well over 100 times. Still not tired of it.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
The Cats & The Bees
I was helping one of our sales people out on the phone today and he was pleased. He thanked me and called me "the bees knees." I have no idea what that means but I like it. I told him that he was "the cat's pajamas."
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Mind & Body
So this is day 3 of my new birth control pill. So far so good! I've noticed no changes physically or mentally yet. I will be thrilled if I finally found the right pill for me.
I went to the gym last night. I am terribly out of shape. It is embarrassing. I broke a sweat really fast and I had that burning in my lungs I get when I am out of shape. I really really need to get back in track with my workouts. It is just so easy to make excuses and so hard to push myself sometimes.
I saw this beautiful Indian movie called "Water" After losing her husband to illness, 8-year-old Chuyia is forced to live out the rest of her days in a temple for Hindu widows, communing with 14 other women and a cruel headmistress who agrees to take her in. I recommend this one, very pretty and sad. Also saw Jonestown a documentary about The Peoples Temple and their 900 people mass suicide. Also saw Volver. All of these I recommend. I've had pretty good Netflix luck lately.
I went to the gym last night. I am terribly out of shape. It is embarrassing. I broke a sweat really fast and I had that burning in my lungs I get when I am out of shape. I really really need to get back in track with my workouts. It is just so easy to make excuses and so hard to push myself sometimes.
I saw this beautiful Indian movie called "Water" After losing her husband to illness, 8-year-old Chuyia is forced to live out the rest of her days in a temple for Hindu widows, communing with 14 other women and a cruel headmistress who agrees to take her in. I recommend this one, very pretty and sad. Also saw Jonestown a documentary about The Peoples Temple and their 900 people mass suicide. Also saw Volver. All of these I recommend. I've had pretty good Netflix luck lately.
Monday, August 6, 2007
Well, until I can properly figure out how to link my new etsy account here is my link.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Tea Time
The Invite for tonight's event;
Fancy Lady Tea Party. Please join us in pretending that Hazel has become a respectable woman! Refreshments will be served but please feel free to bring whatever your little heart desires. Yes, this is Hazel's bachelorette party; no, there will not be penis hats. Unless you bring them.
The photos! I am as full as a tick with such sweet delights. Looks, I ate packman! Mmmm, he was good.

Fancy Lady Tea Party. Please join us in pretending that Hazel has become a respectable woman! Refreshments will be served but please feel free to bring whatever your little heart desires. Yes, this is Hazel's bachelorette party; no, there will not be penis hats. Unless you bring them.
The photos! I am as full as a tick with such sweet delights. Looks, I ate packman! Mmmm, he was good.
I Feel Like I'm Taking Crazy Pills
Day #1 of my new birth control pill. Will it drive me insane? Will it make me cry uncontrollably in public? Will it make me pick fights with the people I love? Will it suck my will to live from me? Only time will tell. Come join me for this delightful science experiment.
Friday, August 3, 2007
I'm Sorry but...
I am officially done with presents. Every week there is birthday presents, going away presents, thank you presents, wedding presents, baby shower presents. I can't afford to eat and I have been guilted into getting people presents. I have no money in the bank and I am building up debt. I'm sorry but just no more presents for anyone. Also, no more movies, no more going out to eat, and no more buying drinks. I need to crawl out of this financial mess.
Not So Secret Lover
Dear Weekend
I need you, I need you now! Why do you tease me so badly? Why do you make me wait? Don't you want to be together? Perhaps I am coming on too strong. I know I should play hard to get but I can't hide my desire for you. Oh beautiful siren of the week, don't leave me hanging like this, just come over as soon as possible.
I need you, I need you now! Why do you tease me so badly? Why do you make me wait? Don't you want to be together? Perhaps I am coming on too strong. I know I should play hard to get but I can't hide my desire for you. Oh beautiful siren of the week, don't leave me hanging like this, just come over as soon as possible.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
On my Mind
I had this dream last night where this acquaintance of mine stops by my apartment. He says he was in the neighborhood and wanted to know if I wanted to hang out. I invite him in and am happy he stopped by. We start watching TV and all of a sudden he just gets naked. I remember not knowing what to do. So he is just hanging out naked. I can tell he is waiting for me to react but I don't. I get us drinks and pretend like nothing happened. I remember the whole dream I was so perplexed on what to do or say and he is just calmly hanging out in the buff. Now that I'm awake I find this dream hilarious. I keep chuckling about it. Ahhh, my subconscious amuses me. After that dream I had a campy vampire dream, all girl vampires kinda B movie like. .
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Bitch Bitch Bitch
Grrrr, I should have just stayed in bed today. I'm so tired. The cheap rum I drank last night is not sitting well in my belly. I am having the worst period I can remember having in a long time. I am so hungry and have no food. The vending machine ate my last dollar. My coffee tastes like ass. I want a nap! I am a cranky pants right now.
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