There are just somethings I have always gravitated towards. Whenever I see an article or book or movie or any type of information on gender identification or sexual oddities I will instantly read or watch it. It is kind of the opposite reaction I have with anything that involves math where my brain ceases to function. So when awhile back a program came on very late about transgender children I completely dropped what I was doing and was glued to my TV for the rest of the night. It was this special where they had three different children one was 4, one 10, and one 15 who were transgender. The 10 year old was having the hardest time with it and you could tell the kid had a lot of emotional issues, it was really sad. He had a twin sister that was a girl which he wanted to be so badly, the resentment was frightening. There wasn't too much new information I hadn't heard already from other sources. However I was fascinated by something new that I never heard before. Apparently almost all transgender children become obsessed with mermaids. Mermaids have no genitalia and there gender is based on what they present themselves as and feel like they are. Transgender children are very confused by their genitals because they don't feel like what they have belongs on their bodies, like it was a horrible mistake of nature. Now every time I see images of mermaids I think about this and it makes mermaids magical to me again. I know that sounds silly but it's just how I feel. I love that they have this whole other dimension to me now.

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