Tuesday, March 30, 2010

This Fever Ray video is so haunting and beautiful.

If I Had A Heart from Fever Ray on Vimeo.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Fresno a Go-Go

I had such a beautiful, wonderful weekend camping at Millerton Lake and visiting the Forestiere Underground Gardens.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I've decided that I should also stop starting blog posts with "I've decided".
I've decided that my secret porn star/stripper alas is Pristine Tiger. shhhhhh, no one will ever guess.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Cheese Please

I decided awhile back that I was going to try a different cheese from Trader Joes each time I went in to get cheese. Unfortunately I have not been writing them down and I have forgotten which ones I've already tried, oops. However, today I found my new favorite. I am in love with the aged goat Gouda from Holland, it is so so yummy. With the nice weather I have been scoping out new foods for picnics. I can't wait for outdoor picnics and BBQs and sitting around eating and drinking with such wonderful people. I have been taking it very slow this weekend because I am starting to feel sick. I haven't crossed over to the really sick zone yet and I'm doing my best not to push myself there. Unfortunately taking it easy makes me feel like I'm missing out on all the fun, but I will have more fun if I don't get sick so I will sit around watch movies and eat my goat cheese which isn't all that bad of a thing ;)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Working late then going to the gym like a good girl this week. I feel like I am a bit too dull to add anything interesting here. Tomorrow night my goal is to get home before 9pm.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A Bit of Inspiration

"Women of the world today all dress alike. They are like so many loaves of bread. To be beautiful one must be unhurried. Personality is needed. There is too much sameness. The world seems to have only a desire for more of this sameness. To be different is to be alone." -Marchesa Luisa Casati.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Stripe It Rich

So for the first time sense school I draped my own pattern from scratch and made a dress. I draped it last weekend and made the pattern. This weekend I sewed a mock-up and made corrections and then sewed the dress on the actual fabric. Here it is!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

If only I could remind myself that working out makes me happy post workout, how soon I forget. Anyways, the world is a happier place today. Also, who the hell do those little boys that "accidentally" walked into the women's locker room think they are fooling? haha

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Two can be as bad as one

Life is starting to feel like Bridget Jones' dinner with all the married couples. My odd number throws off the even number balance. Oh well, I like my odd number. None of this would even bother me if I haven't been stressed and working late thus not getting to the gym and making me a giant cranky pants. Besides the weekend life as been joyless as of late. Too tired for fun boo

Monday, March 8, 2010

Color Me Happy

I decided to start sewing again. I bought some cheap fabric to start draping on my dress form this weekend. I've bought a few yards of vintage fabric that I want to make some things out of. Right now I'm working on the striped fabric. Hopefully I will have something to post soon. I think I've been in swimwear too long, everything I like is so bright and happy.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Give Me Things and I will Make Other Things From Them

Group effort! I made this skirt last week with the fabric Doug brought back for me from Africa and the pattern Lindsey gave me from I believe was her grandmothers sewing stuffs (I think).


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Paradise Found

After getting the latest Anthropologie catalog in the mail I had to look up where it was shot because I loved the locations. I was so surprised to learn it was Mexico. I am completely obsessed with this place now. I need to go there. Here is a video of it, the host is slightly irritating but whatever.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Nice Form

I am sort of proud of myself tonight. A few months back Kristen had a dress form that someone gave her and she asked if I wanted it. I have only used it a little bit sense then with some minor fit corrections but I can't actually drape on it and use it in the fashion I need to because it is one of those adjustable forms that once you adjust it gets gaping holes in the cracks which is impossible to work over. It also doesn't have padding so you can't push pins into it. I'm not really sure how people can really use these forms. Well tonight I got some foam and molded and sewed a foam cover onto the form that I can push pins into and covers the holes after I adjusted it to my measurements. Then I could accurately mark center front and bust, waist, and hips. I can't believe it actually worked, I'm totally excited! Hooray for an actually productive evening, I haven't had one in awhile.

You may ask me, Christine, did you buy a craft book from the 70's titled "Fantasy Fur Charmers"? Why yes, yes I did. I know what I'm stuffing all your stockings with this Christmas!

Monday, March 1, 2010

The Right Side of the Bed

Today I woke up in a good mood and couldn't figure out why. I told myself to just hold onto it for as long as I could because it was Monday morning and surly it wouldn't last long but you know what? It lasted the whole day. Hooray for unexpectedly delightful moods.

The weekend was a bit slow for me because I am trying to save a bit of money after being slammed on Friday with a big bill at auto repair and rent at the same time. I have a very tight budget for the next 2 weeks. Yesterday I did get out and go to the MOCA at the big blue whale for free and then oddly enough was treated to a baseball game. Tonight I has a wonderful dinner that Amanda prepared at her place. Saving money has proven to be delightful. Anyone up for some fun at no cost should hit me up because I am ever so cheap and available ;)