Well, last night was a crazy night. All through the weekend I felt like I was getting sicker and sicker. If I had known this I would have gone to the doctor last week. In my experience with being sick if I do nothing but rest on the weekend I'm usually 100% better by Monday. It became clear to me on Sunday afternoon that I was going to need to go to the doctor but I thought I could just wait until Monday to see my own doctor. At one point in my haze I thought I could go see Doug who only lives a mile from me this is when I was starting to worry and I didn't want to be alone. I got in my car and drove for a block only to have the overwhelming feeling like I was going to pass out. So I went back home. It got progressively worse through the evening and I started to really freak out and was feeling so awful that I was terrified that I would either slip into a coma or die and no one would know because I live alone. I was really starting to panic and at 1am I called Amanda to come get me and take me to the ER. I have insurance and I finally told myself that this would be a really silly thing to die over. Okay, in actuality I wasn't anywhere near death but with the worsening illness and extreme heat of the last few days I was not really in my right mind. I also called Doug who was going to come get me as well but I figured Amanda was in much better shape to get around. Many many many thanks to them for being so awesome and taking my panic stricken 1am call. Lindsey you were totally next on my list to call but you live the furthest from me. Anyways, we get to the ER and the nurse checks me out and then hands me over to registration. Then the waiting begins. While waiting Amanda and I saw some guy get taken away in handcuffs by the police, and a guy in terrible shape in the lobby vomiting into a bucket. My thoughts at that point was that things could be going a lot worse for me. Sitting up and being in air-conditioning and a safe place made me feel a lot better and I started to worry that I overreacted. My lungs were x-rayed and then I waited some more. Finally I was called in and changed into a hospital gown and waited in a hospital bed. The last time I was in the ER I was about 7 getting stitches, I mean me personally there for help. I've been there sense for other people. So I waited some more in the room. The man next to me I could hear was in a lot of pain and they asked him if he had a ride home. He said he didn't and they said he would have to take the bus. The other man next to me was being fitted for a leg cast. So both the doctor and nurse took my info and the printed out diagnosis is acute Bronchitis. The gave me some pills and a prescription for 4 more tablets. I soon started to feel a little better. By the time Amanda dropped me off at home it was 5am. Amanda is so wonderful and I am so thankful for having her in my life.
I left a message with Lindsey to see if she could bring me a fan. Knowing I would be staying home the next few days in this heat I knew I needed some help. David dropped off the fan for me in the morning with bottled water. It has made a world of difference having the fan here. I'm still feeling sick right now but it is manageable and I'm not scarred or panicked anymore. A big thank you and so much love to everyone who has helped and who has wished me well. Thank you thank you thank you.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
I did not get to go to the pool party or nerd themed party yesterday. No, instead my voice has given out on me and it was so hot that I managed to fall asleep for a bit in my empty bathtub. Now I'm awake at 4:30 AM and I'm starting to worry that maybe there is something seriously wrong with me. Maybe it's time to see a doctor on Monday.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
My parents and brother came to visit me on Sunday morning and stayed till 6:30pm. It was very pleasant but half way through the day I started to feel very ill. I fought it off and pushed it out of my head so I could get through the day. As soon as they left though it washed over me and I was asleep feeling really awful by 8pm. I woke-up Monday morning and was a mess so I called in sick to work which was the first time I've done that this year. I've been back to work the last few days feeling not horrible but still not good. I just want to feel healthy again. I have lots of plans for the weekend and I don't want to be sick. The one good thing about being sick is that I am not hungry all the time like usual. I'm not constantly thinking about what I'm going to eat or when I'm going to eat. Though I have a homemade peach pie in my refrigerator that I've tried to eat a few times but it just doesn't taste like anything when I'm sick and it brings me no pleasure which is sort of sad.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Mad Hatter
I spent hours shopping for work today. I was so good and didn't buy anything for myself even though I really really wanted to. But then I just bought this hat on etsy vintage tonight. It has been sitting in my etsy shopping cart and I just can't stop thinking about it. When am I ever going to wear this? I think it is just so beautiful though. I am a weak person.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Super Mario
I had to take off work early to wait for the plumber to come and fix my sink. First I was told he would be by between 3 and 4. Then I was told he was running early so to make sure I was home at 2:30. So I've been waiting and waiting. I finally get a call from him at 4 saying he was in the Valley on an audition but he would be by soon. Los Angeles is a ridiculous place.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
The Apartment
The city is coming to inspect my apartment today with my landlord. I don't know why I find this to be so upsetting. I don't like the idea of people in my apartment looking at things while I'm not there I guess, or just strangers in my apartment in general. I spent the last few days cleaning and my place has never been so clean. This is also good sense my parents are visiting me for the first time this Sunday so at least my place won't be the disaster zone it usually is. I'm also nervous about their visit. I also notified my landlord with a few plumbing needs so that means I'll have a plumber there soon as well. Too many people in my apartment! Though now that my place is all clean and spiffy I wouldn't mind having friends over which I never do.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Next to Godliness
I did 12 hrs of cleaning yesterday and I am all stiff and soar today. Turns out cleaning is a good workout. I suspect that most of this comes from hauling 8 loads of laundry to and from my car which was parked a block away. My apartment has never been so clean, I wish I was home to enjoy it.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Real Pugs of The Valley
Last night was the premier of House Husbands of Hollywood featuring Danny and Katherine and their adorable pugs Sushi and Waffles. Frank, Laurel, and Jeff had a viewing party at their place. The pugs even came to hang out. I made these cupcakes for the party. Very strange indeed to be watching people you know on TV.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
I'll Melt With You
Man, I was not in a good place this morning. I was so upset with myself and life that I threw out a half eaten tub of ice-cream and my chocolate syrup because I didn't want to have them around to tempt me. Now I'm feeling better about life and I can't undo that. How do you spell regret? I-C-E-C-R-E-A-M
Monday, August 10, 2009
Wrong Side of the Bed
I woke up this morning right after I shot myself in the head in my dream. Then thanks to the internet and social networking sites I read something I had no desire to know or read that sunk me even deeper into a mood. While walking to my car I passed a guy on his cell phone repeating over and over again "I didn't do anything wrong. I didn't do anything wrong. I didn't do anything wrong." I've been awake for an hour and a half and I'm not feeling great about this day.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
He's everyone's friend but he's also got a very naughty streak
He is so tiny, visitors often assume he's a stuffed toy.
Standing at 59cm tall, if Koda the horse wants an equal he has to turn to the vetinary cat for company.
The 'American miniature' horse - who suffers the double-whammy of being born a dwarf - has had a bout of health problems caused by his size, but he is now recovering and enjoying the life of a pampered pet.
The cheeky 'American miniature' horse was always meant to be small but at birth vets soon realised he was dinky even for his breed.
'He was no bigger than a cat,' said his vet Andy Lynch. 'He was diagnosed as a dwarf soon after birth.'
Koda's condition is rare and Lynch is amazed that he's still alive and kicking at 13-months-old despite a torrent of health problems.
Brave Koda has had lots of surgery to correct his stumpy, buckled legs but that hasn't helped his peculiar face. His lower jaw juts out and he has bulging eyes, upturned nostrils and a wrinkled nose.
'He had a punky look, a fuzzy forelock and his mane stuck up like a mohawk,' Dr Lynch said.
Koda's poor health prognosis left Dr Lynch with little doubt he should be put down.
But veterinary nurse Karen Stephenson, 23, was astounded by the resilience and spirit of the pint-sized pony.
'I'd never seen a miniature horse and I just thought him amazing,' she said.
'I fell in love with him as soon as I saw him and thought he deserved a go at some good quality life, so I took him on.'
Dr Lynch has performed about £5,000 worth of leg surgery on Koda, but his total vet's bill is expected to top £15,000.
The next step is extensive dentistry to remove protruding adult teeth that won't fit in his little mouth.
He has recovered well from every operation so far.
'He's very brave and takes his medicine like a little man,' said Dr Lynch.
'He's everyone's friend but he's also got a very naughty streak and he'll chew just about anything,' he added.

Standing at 59cm tall, if Koda the horse wants an equal he has to turn to the vetinary cat for company.
The 'American miniature' horse - who suffers the double-whammy of being born a dwarf - has had a bout of health problems caused by his size, but he is now recovering and enjoying the life of a pampered pet.
The cheeky 'American miniature' horse was always meant to be small but at birth vets soon realised he was dinky even for his breed.
'He was no bigger than a cat,' said his vet Andy Lynch. 'He was diagnosed as a dwarf soon after birth.'
Koda's condition is rare and Lynch is amazed that he's still alive and kicking at 13-months-old despite a torrent of health problems.
Brave Koda has had lots of surgery to correct his stumpy, buckled legs but that hasn't helped his peculiar face. His lower jaw juts out and he has bulging eyes, upturned nostrils and a wrinkled nose.
'He had a punky look, a fuzzy forelock and his mane stuck up like a mohawk,' Dr Lynch said.
Koda's poor health prognosis left Dr Lynch with little doubt he should be put down.
But veterinary nurse Karen Stephenson, 23, was astounded by the resilience and spirit of the pint-sized pony.
'I'd never seen a miniature horse and I just thought him amazing,' she said.
'I fell in love with him as soon as I saw him and thought he deserved a go at some good quality life, so I took him on.'
Dr Lynch has performed about £5,000 worth of leg surgery on Koda, but his total vet's bill is expected to top £15,000.
The next step is extensive dentistry to remove protruding adult teeth that won't fit in his little mouth.
He has recovered well from every operation so far.
'He's very brave and takes his medicine like a little man,' said Dr Lynch.
'He's everyone's friend but he's also got a very naughty streak and he'll chew just about anything,' he added.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Not the Red Baron
I have to say that in my 14 years of dying my hair no color has received as many complements from complete strangers as much as this one I have now has. If I could ever get myself to stick to one shade then this one sure seems to be a keeper. Pretty funny because I only bought it a few months back because the store was out of the shade I wanted.

In other going ons. I watched Coraline tonight which I didn't expect to like so much. It's really good and very creepy.

In other going ons. I watched Coraline tonight which I didn't expect to like so much. It's really good and very creepy.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Waking Life
I can't believe I'm still angry and upset over being fucked over by someone last night in my dream. I REALLY don't want to get in to the specifics of the dream because it is actually really messed up for my mind to have gone down the path it did. I can't believe I'm still angry over it though when I know fully well that it isn't based at all in reality.
You know what I would have rather dreamed last night instead of actually happening to me, which it did, is walk face first into a spider web and the spider landing in my eye. Thank God for long eyelashes.
You know what I would have rather dreamed last night instead of actually happening to me, which it did, is walk face first into a spider web and the spider landing in my eye. Thank God for long eyelashes.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Tippy Toes
I will never get the hour and a half of my life back it took watching this movie tonight. RIP 90 min.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Tiny Bubbles
I bought champagne grapes today for the first time. I've never even heard of them before. They are the size of peas and you can eat them just like a cartoon by sticking the whole cluster in your mouth and popping them off the stem. I should not be this amused by grapes. I also discovered the magic eraser cleaning sponge and the joys of grinding my own coffee today. It is a day of discovery for me. I have had the most chill weekend known to man. For some reason all I wanted was to be alone this weekend. I mean this in a good way not a moody "I hate people" way. I feel completely recharged and ready to go. Though maybe that is the freshly ground coffee talking :)

Saturday, August 1, 2009
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