Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Get Lucky
Last night I was driving home and I was going to get some food at the drive though and had my wallet out on my seat when I was blocked by the most police cars I have seen in my whole life. I didn't even know that there were that many cops in LA. It was just blocks and blocks of police cars. I was worried that something really horrible was happening and I had to skip town or something. I finally found out it was because there were protest going on because of the prop 8 ruling. I felt so horrible and uninformed. I would have liked to have gone to the protest but I guess I'm so wrapped up in work that I didn't even know it was happening. Anyways, I park on the street at night and I was walking to my car this morning when I notice through the window my wallet is sitting there on my seat where I left it in plain sight of everyone passing by. I can not believe that my car was not broken into. Wow, I am a lucky lucky girl.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
End of Week

Oh hey, I never ended up doing a weekend update post. I'm still in a food and drink coma. On Friday night I went to the Sunset 5 with Lindsey to watch the Valentino: The Last Emperor. The fashions were so lovely. I was a bit disappointed that I didn't really get a sense of who Valentino the man actually is. They never talk about where he comes from or his early life or any sort of stories that are at all personal. Oh but the fashions were lovely! On Saturday I finished my book Victor Pelevin's "The Sacred Book of the Werewolf" which was excellent and I was sad when it was over because I wanted more. I also did some sewing and drawing. Sunday evening I went to my first cemetery screening of the season and saw "Dazed and Confused." I have not seen that film sense high school and I had forgotten how funny it is. It is so different watching it now. Last time I saw it just about everyone in the movie was older then me and now I see it and they are all such small baby children. On Monday I made a lemon meringue pie, a key lime pie, and a strawberry rhubarb pie for the annual BBQ at the Hollywood House. It was fun times but I ate way too much. Then it was back to work today. I only get about 5 holiday days off work a year and they are always so enjoyable. I work with China a lot now and they have a holiday every month, probably about 20 holiday days off in a year. This week is the Dragon Boat Festival. I'm not even entirely sure what that is but I think we should start getting that day off as well.
“Superstition, bigotry and prejudice, ghosts though they are, cling tenaciously to life; they are shades armed with tooth and claw. They must be grappled with unceasingly, for it is a fateful part of human destiny that it is condemned to wage perpetual war against ghosts. A shade is not easily taken by the throat and destroyed.”
-Victor Hugo
-Victor Hugo
Pin Wheel
I was so tired driving to work this morning. I had this odd mixture of happiness and confusion and... I don't know. I suddenly felt like I was blindfolded and playing pin the tail on the emotion. I could guess what exactly I was feeling but I might be way off. I think I got spun around too much.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Birdie Num Nums
Last night I was walking to the Hollywood Forever cemetery movie screening of Dazed and Confused. I was on Santa Monica BLVD at the light waiting for it to turn green. I was just standing there looking at my shadow when I see a birds shadow above me. It flies directly into the top of my head head and I can feel its claws and beak on me. I duck and brush it away thinking that was weird. Then it dives for me again and I brush it way. Then it dives one more time and I start running and I can hear its wings right next to me. I see people as I run by sitting in their cars with scared looks on their faces while looking at the poor girl that is being attacked by a bird. I out run it and stop about a block away. I can still feel its tiny claws in the top of my head. I can only image that the bird thought my bright read hair would be great for its nest or I had accidental got too close to its nest without knowing. OR...The Birds have finally turned on us!

Saturday, May 23, 2009
Luck of the Draw
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Bottled Glory
Last night I went to the nicer Ralph's of La Brea to get some key limes to make pie with. Though I forgot to buy the cream thus wasn't able to make it last night. Let me tell you why I forgot it. I was in the cream section and I got distracted by a spray bottle of instant pancake batter. It was in the same type of bottle that the whipped cream comes in. You don't add anything, you just spray it in the pan or waffle maker. I was standing there arguing with myself on if I should buy it or not. Pro: it would be awesome to spray a pancake into a pan. Con: doesn't pancake batter need fresh eggs and wouldn't it taste better making it fresh? Also it cost more. So I reluctantly chose not to buy it. But it wiped my mind clean of why I was in that section of the grocery store. I am too use to Trader Joes where I don't get distracted by gimmicky items. Also, I still sort of want the pancake spray.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Fiddle Faddle
Man, my brain still feels fried from being in the sun all day yesterday, I don't think I drank enough water either. The weekend went by so fast. Friday night I went to Laurel's going away party. She is off to go shoot a movie. How exciting! I'm looking forward to seeing the film and her new short haircut she is getting for the shoot. Saturday night I went to Jen and Alex's housewarming/milkshake making party. I need to buy myself a blender and dive into the world of milkshake making. On Sunday morning Amanda and I headed out to Topanga Cyn for the Banjo Fiddle festival. What a delightful time, though man do I wish it would have been a little cooler out. I am a bit disappointed in everyone for flaking and not coming out. No, I shouldn't say that. Neil came. Neil is awesome! I think weddings and funerals are the only things that get people out of the city anymore. It is all good we had a lovely time and I bought the cutest pair of cowboy boots to wear. I'm wearing them right now at work! Right now I am feeling very ill. I think the burrito I got from the truck at lunch was made with lard and my tummy can't digest that after not eating meat for 15 years. I think I may throw-up. Oooh, I just remembered I have ginger tea, maybe that will help.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Banjo and Fiddle Festival
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Info I don't need to share but will anyways
My poor mom is still trying to pass that painful kidney stone and now my dad is in the hospital with internal bleeding. My family doesn't seem to be doing so well. I had to go to the doctor today for a check-up. Okay, I guess I can't really complain about myself. I was all perturbed to get a bit of fungus on my toenail and now I have to take this medication that won't clear up the problem for at least 3 months. But if that is all I really have to complain about then I'm doing well. I'm sorry, this blog has been so bland lately. My whimsy is a bit low.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
I just got home and my neighbor has his BBQ grill right by my door cooking. Mmmmm, I love the smell of barbecue. I don't eat it but there is something about the smell that is so good. I'm trying to think if there is any other foods I love the smell of but don't like to eat. I use to be that way about coffee but now I love coffee.
I called to wish my mom a happy Mother's Day. Unfortunately it isn't going to be a happy one. I figured her first Mother's Day without her mom would be hard but on top of that she just got a kidney stone and is in lot of pain. Poor mom, I hear that those are so painful.
I called to wish my mom a happy Mother's Day. Unfortunately it isn't going to be a happy one. I figured her first Mother's Day without her mom would be hard but on top of that she just got a kidney stone and is in lot of pain. Poor mom, I hear that those are so painful.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Nom Nom Nom Nom
If I could eat whatever I want and not gain weight I feel like I would never stop eating. I would have really shitty things too like giant bear claws for breakfast and a bucket of fries at lunch and everything would be smothered in cheese and or have the words cream in the title. I think I get way too much credit as a vegetarian that I only like healthy things and love vegetables. Luckily I am vain and don't like feeling like crap. So it is fruit for breakfast and salads for lunch. I guess that makes the junky food more special and a treat. If I had it all the time maybe it would lose its delightfulness. Or you know, that is what I'll keep telling myself at least. This post is brought to you by my desire for a bear claw and breakfast burrito.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Family Ties
I have this odd love of movies about large families. Right now I'm watching Elizabethtown which isn't a great movie but I love the scenes with the characters big southern family. I always wondered what it would be like to have a big family. I only know 4 people related to me. My mom, dad, brother, and uncle. 3 out of those 4 are in their late 60's. I have always been the youngest person in my family. At this point unless I marry into a large family I am never going to know what a large family gathering is like. But you know what? It's all okay because you know what I love more then movies about large families? I love movies about eccentric people that create their own families of people they aren't in any way related to. That is so within my reach.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Rethinking My Choices
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