Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Head Case
Today I was having one of those lame arguments in your head. Well, I'm guessing other people do this, it seems rather likely. You know when something is irking you and you argue with the person about it in your head as both you and the other person. Hey, at least I try to be fair to the other person and they usually get in some great shots at me. Anyways I was also thinking that I am way more blunt and harsh in my head. I started to wonder why in my head me and real life me had to be so different. Maybe real me should step it up and be more like in my head me. I was thinking this all while grocery shopping. The lady in front of me in line stated that she had just gotten out of surgery and she wasn't her self at all today. Then she got so overly dramatic about it and started letting everyone know and wouldn't stop complaining to the cashier. She was holding up the line with her dramatic act for attention and finally another cashier came and took me to another line so I could check out. It made me realize that though her original complaint was valid and I felt for her being out and about after surgery her overly dramatic act made me care less and even be annoyed with her. I think this is a good example of why in my head me should be different then real me. I think there is way more room to be more dramatic and overindulgent in your head. When dealing with real people it is best to tune it down a bit if you want your point to be taken seriously.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Went to Jen, James, and Neil's birthday party on Saturday night. It was an alter ego party and everyone got a new name when they walked in the door. I thought I was going to get a background or a prop or something of the sort but it was just a name change. My new name was Harmony. It's a nice name and I was pleased. I have to say that I enjoyed that everyone told me it was a very fitting name for me. It would have been a party that I learned more about what people thought of me if they all thought that is was an unfit name or funny in an ironic way because I was not harmonious. Anyways, I had a lovely weekend. They are always over so fast, POOF it's gone and next weekend is May.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
I was walking home late last night and the sky was was dark but filled with clouds. I love to see clouds when it's dark out. The shades of dark blues and purples are so pretty. It seems silly now but at the time it was such a relief. I had been stressing about work and personal things and forgetting about everything else. Walking and being under that big sky with swirls of lovely clouds reminded me that all that other stuff isn't terribly important. Not that it should be ignored or forgotten. It just won't bring me peace like a big mass of clouds will.

Friday, April 24, 2009
Subdividing the Seasons
I had a great time at the Psychic Bunny offices creating a world. They had a big sheet of white paper and about a dozen of us gathered to "make-a-world". Here is the result. I made the red bird on the top right and the jabberwocky on the top left. I also made a panda and penguin somewhere in there. Click on the image to see it larger.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
You Can't Always Get What You Want
Let us take a moment to accept that sometimes we don't know what is best for ourselves. As in my hair. I went in to get my hair trimmed on Saturday. The hairdresser told me my hair was spongy like seaweed. He also made voices like my hair was talking and telling him how it was dying and needed to be brought back to life because it wanted to be pretty. I was not amused. He also took off way more then I wanted. When he sent me on my way he told me to dye it right away so the fresh ends could soak up the pigment. The store was out of the color I was using so I bought another shade which turned out to be way more extremely bright then I had wanted. I was in a bad bad mood at the end of this day. However, when I woke up this morning I realized what an improvement my hair had gone through this weekend. Despite the fact that it wasn't what I wanted in the end it was for the best. Deep deep thoughts from superficial means. I also realize this post is in desperate need of photographic evidence. Here is the before and after.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
mad hatter
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Is there such thing as post weekend depression? Like post holiday depression. If so I think I have it. I am in such a mood, though to be honest it is for reasons I am entirely aware of. I think I'm just better at distracting myself from these reasons during the weekend which accounts for post weekend blues.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Bunny Picnic
My weekend was so lovely that it up and broke my camera. Or actually I broke my camera like an idiot. I did mange to take a few photos before it bit the big one. Let me start from the beginning though.
On Friday night I took the metro with Amanda to LA Live downtown. We met up with some peeps and ate at The Yardhouse. I had the most amazing grilled cheese with tomato and avocado, yum! Then we watched Leonard Cohen at the Nokia Theater. I had really wanted to go to this show but couldn't find a ticket under $100. A few days before the show Amanda calls me up with free tickets she won from KCRW. I was so excited. The show was 3 1/2 hours long of just Leonard and no opening band. I'm so impressed that this man in his 70's is such an amazing performer and funny. I had this asshole sitting next to me that would not get off his phone. At first he was talking on it in a low voice during the show so we kept giving him dirty looks so he cut it back to holding the phone up to his ear and talking in-between songs only, which was still annoying as hell. Finally Amanda said out loud "I can't believe this guy" and I said "I know, it is like he is incapable of removing himself from his phone." He then hung up the phone for awhile but started to pick it up to text which was also annoying so I held my coat up between him and I so I didn't see the light, he go the hint. What a jerk face! People have serious phone additions these days.
Saturday was my lazy day.
Sunday I went to an Easter picnic in the park and enjoyed the sun. Doug finally came out of the house and I failed at trying to wheel him in his wheelchair through the grass. Lucky for me there were strange big strong men in the park willing to help me. In the evening I went to Angie's to decorate eggs and I got to play with her two adorable bunnies. It really was such a delightful weekend. Though getting up at the crack of dawn to get my oil changed before work this morning was AWFUL!

On Friday night I took the metro with Amanda to LA Live downtown. We met up with some peeps and ate at The Yardhouse. I had the most amazing grilled cheese with tomato and avocado, yum! Then we watched Leonard Cohen at the Nokia Theater. I had really wanted to go to this show but couldn't find a ticket under $100. A few days before the show Amanda calls me up with free tickets she won from KCRW. I was so excited. The show was 3 1/2 hours long of just Leonard and no opening band. I'm so impressed that this man in his 70's is such an amazing performer and funny. I had this asshole sitting next to me that would not get off his phone. At first he was talking on it in a low voice during the show so we kept giving him dirty looks so he cut it back to holding the phone up to his ear and talking in-between songs only, which was still annoying as hell. Finally Amanda said out loud "I can't believe this guy" and I said "I know, it is like he is incapable of removing himself from his phone." He then hung up the phone for awhile but started to pick it up to text which was also annoying so I held my coat up between him and I so I didn't see the light, he go the hint. What a jerk face! People have serious phone additions these days.
Saturday was my lazy day.
Sunday I went to an Easter picnic in the park and enjoyed the sun. Doug finally came out of the house and I failed at trying to wheel him in his wheelchair through the grass. Lucky for me there were strange big strong men in the park willing to help me. In the evening I went to Angie's to decorate eggs and I got to play with her two adorable bunnies. It really was such a delightful weekend. Though getting up at the crack of dawn to get my oil changed before work this morning was AWFUL!

Thursday, April 9, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Spin Out
So the last two Wednesday nights I have taken spin classes. Which is a luxury sense I never seem to get out of work on time for. There is a new instructor who is this tiny very young perky girl. Like cheerleader perky in a way that annoys me. But the classes have been fine and Wednesday has seemed to be the day I get out at a decent time. After class tonight I was the first person at the light and when it turns green the car in the right turn only lane cuts me off. I get pissed and I flip them off only to make eye contact with the person and see a hurt look on the face of the young teacher who was the one to cut me off. So, I guess I won't be taking that class again.
The Hundred Dresses

I use to love this book "The Hundred Dresses" when I was little. Without actually looking up the plot what I remember was it was about a girl that claimed that she had 100 dresses even though she only wore the same dress every day. All the kids didn't believe her. Then it was discovered that she made drawings of a 100 dresses. I just loved the idea of having a 100 dresses and how fancy that would be. I didn't have a lot of clothes and the ones I did have were mostly hand-me-downs from my brother. I made a discovery that I actually own more then 100 dresses now. I am living the dream!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Get on the Bus
Monday, April 6, 2009
The Wind Beneath my Wings
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