Saturday, February 28, 2009
The Boot
I tend to have a soft spot in my heart for all the crazies that shop at Goodwill. They are refreshingly odd and candid. I was at Goodwill today and this woman comes up to me and says "Do you wear around a size 8 1/2 shoe." I told her I wear exactly a size 8 1/2 shoe. She then holds up the most hideous cheap ankle boot made of cheap fake snake skin and says "You should get these, they are beautiful, made in Italy. I wish they were my size but they are way too small for me." She then looks at me full of hope that I would be excited about her find but damn they were ugly. I said "Oh thank you, they are very nice but just not my style." She smiled and then starts a private conversation with herself.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Grrrrrrr Roarrrrrrrrr!!!
Lately I've been constantly sleepy and hungry ALL THE TIME. I'm like a giant bear getting ready for winter. I actually slept 10 hours last night which is fine to do on the weekend but it was a Tuesday night. I'm going to become a great big fat person and then someone is going to make a skin suit out of me.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Busy Bees
I hate the feeling of how inconvenienced everyone is by your existence while trying to navigate around the city during the weekend. I've never lived in a friendly place where strangers say hello to you on the street so I have no huge base of comparison. I went to the fabric store then the Beverly Center. Side Note here, I had to go to the store to purchase a white bra because I don't think I've ever actually owned a white bra before unless you count sports bras. I picked up a pretty lace one with just a hint of light pink ribbon going across it, I guess I just can't seem to bring myself to buy a completely white one. Anyways, after that I thought I'd grab some In-N-Out. It just seems like everywhere you go people want you to get out of there way and hate the fact that you exist. I try my best to be considerate, polite, ad proper while out. I just wish other people would return the favor. I was going to go downtown too but I just can't handle the crowd that would be there, maybe tomorrow.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
I have started to buy fabric and work on the pattern of a quilt. I have never made a quilt before and boy am I starting with a hard one. If I'm going to spend the amount of time and money on this project I want it to be cool and a challenge. I don't see myself writing about it too much here because lets be honest the subject is pretty boring. I thought I would do photo updates as it goes. Here are the fabrics I have bought for the purples and blues. I still need to buy pinks, yellows, greens, and orange. They aren't the most beautiful fabrics in the world but they all have to be cotton and predominately a color, no multi-colored prints.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Wrap it Up
I would prefer it if I was never in a horribly traumatic incident that involved the paramedics BUT if it did happen I really hope they wrap me in one of those blankets. It is for shock and if I remember correctly way back when I became certified to be a lifeguard it is something you are suppose to do though maybe in that case it was just because the person would be wet. I wish there were more situations in life where people would give you a blanket to be wrapped in.
Last night I used a different conditioner on my hair and a different detergent to wash my sheets. I kept waking in the night with the new smells thinking I was somewhere else with someone else. Then it hit me that everything was the same and it felt so lonely.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Your Not Hiding
Sometimes I get on a kick where I can't stop listening to a song. I've must have listened to Cat Power's Metal Heart Moon mix about 20 times this weekend. I don't know what it is but I'm just completely in love with it. It is so beautiful and it fits in my heart perfectly in a place that needed to be filled.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
Snow is coming down
We have this loud speaker at work that pages people. Usually it says things like "Christine Geiger please dial extension 212, Christine Geiger 212." Well, there is a new person that works in the warehouse whose name is Nacho. Every time they page him I get hungry. I've been craving nachos a lot lately. There is also this person that has a pretty think accent that talks in a sing-song type voice and he usually says someone's name and then I swear it sounds like her says "Snow is coming down." I get excited when I hear this. In my head the first flakes of snow are twirling around outside. After a month of this I finally realized that he is actually saying "Charlie's coming down." Charlie is the name of a man in the warehouse and he must be coming down to get something from the second floor. I liked these announcements better when all I would see in my head was fluttering snow.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
I Love My VD
I have this odd love for Valentines Day decorations. I just love all the ruffles and glitter and hearts and pink and red! In grade school I adored making those shoeboxes into valentines mail boxes. Oh all that wonderful lace! I don't even care if I can't even recall the last time I've been in a functional healthy relationship. If I'm completely honest with myself all the best Valentines Days I've ever had have been while I was single. I want to get a giant tissue paper heart and eat red and pink sprinkled heart shaped sugar cookies!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Sew What
This weekend I've done a lot of driving around to every fabric store in town and preparing to get back into the world of sewing. First off I bit the bullet and bought a new machine. It is so beautiful and I might be in love. I have two very different projects lined up. First off I'm making a purse from some of my African fabric. It took me awhile to find handles I want to use for it. It should be a fairly simple project. Next though I have decided to make a quilt. I bought a pattern that is very complicated because I just want to dive in head first and I am a pretty good sewer. I have come to see looking over the pattern that this is going to take a lot of fabric and is not going to be cheap. I'm just going to have to buy the fabric a little at a time when I can afford it. I need 26 different fabrics to make it so this project is going to probably take me the whole year. It is a big investment and I hope I don't fail.
While at F&S fabrics I over heard this woman working there telling a customer about fashion design schools in LA. She said "They are all the same, Otis, FIDM, and the others schools. They only give students one sewing class because they want to focus on design. The students come here after they graduate for sewing classes because they haven't learned anything about structure." I had to interrupt and say "I'm sorry to interrupt but I went to Otis and I had 3 years of sewing classes 8 hours a day 3 days a week." I was nice but inside I wanted to justify those hours learning to sew and many late nights at school sewing. I don't think the lady liked me correcting her because later she refused to help me saying she was busy. I have found that women that work at fabric stores are rarely very nice.
While at F&S fabrics I over heard this woman working there telling a customer about fashion design schools in LA. She said "They are all the same, Otis, FIDM, and the others schools. They only give students one sewing class because they want to focus on design. The students come here after they graduate for sewing classes because they haven't learned anything about structure." I had to interrupt and say "I'm sorry to interrupt but I went to Otis and I had 3 years of sewing classes 8 hours a day 3 days a week." I was nice but inside I wanted to justify those hours learning to sew and many late nights at school sewing. I don't think the lady liked me correcting her because later she refused to help me saying she was busy. I have found that women that work at fabric stores are rarely very nice.
Taco Tour
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Thank You?
I have an etiquette question. I only really clothes shop in three places; thrift stores, the flea market, and Forever 21. This week I've been in both F21 and the thrift store and both times I've been carrying something around the store that I intended to purchase while looking at other things and a fellow customer will come up to me and complement the item I am holding. I feel silly saying thank you because the item is not mine yet and I'm not wearing it. Are you suppose to say thank you? I've just end up saying "Thanks, I thought so too." I should start paying attention to what other people are carrying around and complement their items and see what their response is. Is there proper etiquette for this?
RIP Lux Interior
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Cat Fancy
I think I crossed the line tonight. One thing is for sure, I can never bring a guy into my apartment ever again. Or at least until I get rid of what I bought tonight. I was at Goodwill looking through the frames trying to find some old ones I could re-use when behind a pile of junk laid this gem! It is basically a collage someone made out of all their clippings of cats from magazines. The thing is that they are all from old magazines and have really cool faded vintage colors and it sits in this large gold frame that actually looks really good with the colors. It is so insane. I was not going to get it but it makes me laugh and it is actually kind of cool. Plus it was five bucks and when the novelty wears off I can just get rid of it. I have a plan though. It is going to hang in my kitchen. I think it is safe to go kitsch in the kitchen.

Dream On
My sewing machine has been broken now for about a half year. I have all these projects and simple clothing repairs that have piled up. The thing is that I've had that machine for 10 years now and it isn't a very nice one. I hate to spend money on it. I'm thinking of taking the plunge and buying a better one. Not that I really have extra money to throw around. However between the money I got for my birthday and my upcoming tax return it could really help pay for one. Once I start thinking about that I start daydreaming about the other stuff I would like. Oh lets just dream for a minute.
I would love to have a open spaced loft with big walls and wooden floors for a work space, or at least another room in my apartment would do just fine. I want a big drafting table to lay out patterns and make patterns on. I would love to keep a fabric library so whenever I was out at say a flea market or an old fabric store and saw something cool I could just get it. I'd love an industrial iron with some real steam to it and an industrial sewing machine. I'd like a beautiful new dress form. Most of all I'd LOVE an industrial overlock machine. *sigh*
I would love to have a open spaced loft with big walls and wooden floors for a work space, or at least another room in my apartment would do just fine. I want a big drafting table to lay out patterns and make patterns on. I would love to keep a fabric library so whenever I was out at say a flea market or an old fabric store and saw something cool I could just get it. I'd love an industrial iron with some real steam to it and an industrial sewing machine. I'd like a beautiful new dress form. Most of all I'd LOVE an industrial overlock machine. *sigh*
Monday, February 2, 2009
Flu the Coop
Thursday night when last I wrote was so awful. I stayed home sick and was so tired but wouldn't seem to fall asleep because every position I got in I could only keep for a minute of two before I thought I was going to throw up and then I tossed and turned. The whole night I just felt like vomiting and I'm not sure I even slept. I had just watched the last disc of last seasons "Lost" and it was fresh in my head. I'm pretty sure I was running a fever and was having half awake terror nightmares of stress about the show and knew I was still half awake and wanting to throw-up. I don't know how but I managed to drag myself to work the next day. I had so much to do so I needed to be there. I shouldn't have been there. I finally got home on Friday night and tried to go directly to bed and then ended up having all sorts of other problems that come with what I am guessing was the stomach flu. I was a giant pile of gross. I stayed in my apartment in bed all weekend and didn't see or talk to anyone. It was so depressing. I laid there on Sunday afternoon listening to all my neighbors fun Super Bowl parties and threw myself a little pity party. I woke up feeling much better this morning but weak as can be. I guess this isn't surprising sense I haven't really eaten anything in days and absolutely nothing could possible be left in my body. I had weighed myself on Weds. morning so out of curiosity I wanted to see what my weight would be post stomach flu. From Wed. to Sun. I dropped 5 pounds. That can not be healthy and probably explains a lot on why I am so weak and keep tripping and got out of breath just trying to put my hair in a ponytail this morning. But things are looking good now and damn I am read to have some fun.
In non sickness news I was on an elevator today with two people that had their babies with them. The lady turns to the guys baby and says, "What a big boy." The man then says "Yeah, he is big for his age. He is literally half the height of his mother." This freaked me out a little because it just looked like a small baby to me and if the mom was literally only twice the size of this baby then she would be the worlds smallest person. My head always goes to a freakish land whenever people miss use the word "literally".
In non sickness news I was on an elevator today with two people that had their babies with them. The lady turns to the guys baby and says, "What a big boy." The man then says "Yeah, he is big for his age. He is literally half the height of his mother." This freaked me out a little because it just looked like a small baby to me and if the mom was literally only twice the size of this baby then she would be the worlds smallest person. My head always goes to a freakish land whenever people miss use the word "literally".
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