Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Give Me Space
Like everyone else that has park in LA I get really irritated with people that take up two parking spaces. Now I give some people the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps there was another car there before them that caused them to park in such a odd manner. However, there are a few places around my apartment that exactly two cars can park in and no more then two. When people park directly in the middle of these spots it drives me crazy. At first I just wanted to leave awful notes on their cars or egg them. However, I realize that I probably do really rude things unknowingly at times too. This is also why I don't get all pissy when people cut me off. I know I've accidentally cut people off before and no one is perfect. Though I do blink my lights at people that don't signal that they are going to turn right in front of me with no warning because that is just rude and lazy. Anyways, back to parking. I have recently taken to leaving notes on people's cars that simply say "Please don't take up two parking spaces, next time pull forward, thanks." Maybe I can help change these peoples ways.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Cry Baby
Did I cry watching "The Duchess" because it was really sad or did I cry because I skipped out on taking my birth control one day and then had to take two at once and was full of hormones? How can one really be sure? Someone that is not hormonally unbalanced watch it and report back to me.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Smaak of Sorrow
I don't really know what the best way to post music on here is. I just wanted to share this song I've been listening to today. It is a cover of "Man of Constant Sorrow" by Kraak & Smaak. There is no video to go along with it. Anyways,I've been really enjoying this song today and I just thought I'd share.
Oktoberfest/David's B'day
I can't even edit the best photos to post here of tonight's Oktoberfest/ David's bithday. One must really see them all. Such dorky dorky FUN!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Papa Smirk
There wasn't that much new information from last night's presidential debates. However, I feel like I took something very important out of it. I was watching the debates at the gym and reading the closed captioning because I didn't have sound. Because there wasn't any voices to pay attention to I really noticed both candidates movements more. John McCain smirked though the whole debate and it drove me crazy. I realize that I too have a tendency to smirk. I'm pretty sure this goes back to my punk days where it was not cool to smile and if something amused you then you smirked. Around the same time I was getting some major dental work done and had a tooth removed and a chain and braces in my mouth so I never smiled with my mouth open. I noticed that I still don't smile with my mouth open in photos and I smirk all the time. I now fully see how annoying smirking is because all I wanted to do last night was slap that smirk off McCain's face. So I am really going to make an effort to cut back on the smirking. That probably wasn't what I should have gotten from the debates but it is still an important lesson, or maybe not. haha
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Movie Madness
I have watched a lot of movies in the last 30 days. Would you like me to tell you about them? Well, caution because I rarely have the same opinion as everyone else on such things.
My Blueberry Nights: Kar Wai Wong directed this film. I very much loved his other work in 2046 and In the Mood For Love. Norah Jones plays the lead and I frankly don't give a crap about her broken hearted coming of age character. Rachel Weisz shows up for a little bit as a small town cheating wife to David Strathaim's drunken cop character. I wish the movie would have been about them, they were far more interesting then Norah and Jude Law. Natalie Portman is also in this movie and is always enjoyable to watch even though I also didn't really care about her character. There was some beautiful shots in the film set to Cat Power's "The Greatest" song which was nice, god I love that song. Actually Cat Power is in the movie and despite the fact that she talks with a slight southern accent she is suppose to be Russian??? I don't recommend this one.
Be Kind Rewind: This was written and directed by Michael Gondry whom I love love love. I don't really have any love for this film though. There were a few cute moments I don't really know what he was thinking here. However, despite if he can act or not, I find Mos Def to be extremely charming. I don't recommend this one.
Enchanted: This movie is very sweet, at times a little too sweet. I have a brand new love for James Marsdon that plays Prince Charming, he was great and so funny. I do recommend this one. It's cute.
I Want Someone to Eat Cheese With: I enjoyed this movie. It was simple without much in the line of plot. I was entertained. Amy Sedaris is in it for about a second but her part was my favorite. I recommend.
Lust, Caution: Ang Lee directed this film and it is very pretty. The fashions are amazing! I want to wear turquoise with little red accessories now. The movie stars Tony Leung Chiu Wai like you have never seen him before, he is terrifying! This one is rated NC-17 which would make you think it is a sexy good time but most of the sexy time is also terrifying and sort of rapey. hmmmm, I don't know if I recommend this one. I guess I enjoyed. Recommendation, Caution.
The Girl on the Bridge: This movie made me understand why lucky Vanessa Paradis has the love of Johnny Depp. She is so beautiful and cute and sexy. I think I may be in love with her too.
I'm Not There: This movie needed to get over itself. I don't know, I was mostly annoyed by it. However, David Cross as Allen Ginsberg was pure gold. He was only in it for a minute or two but I would watch a whole movie of David Cross as Allen Ginsberg.
Persepolis: I very much liked this movie. Actually it has grown on me sense I first saw it. I want to watch this one again. I very much recommend this.
Orlando: Netflix would NOT stop recommending this movie to me so I finally gave in. I do love Tilda Swinton, and movies that deal with gender, and Virginia Woolf. My big complaint in this film is that though Tilda is attempting to play a man I never really see her as a man, she just seems kind of retarded.
MirrorMask: Good Lord I don't even know what to say about this one. This is not a good movie but I fully enjoyed watching it. Visually it is good times. It is safe to say I have never seen a film like this before. It is still not really good though.
War Dance: Oh yes yes yes! This is a great documentary. It is so beautifully shot and the children's stories will rip your heart out. I recommend this one big time.
The Orphanage: Oh yes on this one too! I am not into many horror movies but this one was great. It was scary and DAMN I really loved the reveal in the end. I recommend this one.
Surfwise: This documentary is about the Paskowitz family. It is a family of nine children that were raised and traveled the country in a camper chasing waves and is highly entertaining. If you like documenters about eccentric people this is a good one. I recommend this.
Wow I've watched a lot of movies in the last 30 days. Tonight I should be getting The Golden Compass which I've read the book but have never seen.
My Blueberry Nights: Kar Wai Wong directed this film. I very much loved his other work in 2046 and In the Mood For Love. Norah Jones plays the lead and I frankly don't give a crap about her broken hearted coming of age character. Rachel Weisz shows up for a little bit as a small town cheating wife to David Strathaim's drunken cop character. I wish the movie would have been about them, they were far more interesting then Norah and Jude Law. Natalie Portman is also in this movie and is always enjoyable to watch even though I also didn't really care about her character. There was some beautiful shots in the film set to Cat Power's "The Greatest" song which was nice, god I love that song. Actually Cat Power is in the movie and despite the fact that she talks with a slight southern accent she is suppose to be Russian??? I don't recommend this one.
Be Kind Rewind: This was written and directed by Michael Gondry whom I love love love. I don't really have any love for this film though. There were a few cute moments I don't really know what he was thinking here. However, despite if he can act or not, I find Mos Def to be extremely charming. I don't recommend this one.
Enchanted: This movie is very sweet, at times a little too sweet. I have a brand new love for James Marsdon that plays Prince Charming, he was great and so funny. I do recommend this one. It's cute.
I Want Someone to Eat Cheese With: I enjoyed this movie. It was simple without much in the line of plot. I was entertained. Amy Sedaris is in it for about a second but her part was my favorite. I recommend.
Lust, Caution: Ang Lee directed this film and it is very pretty. The fashions are amazing! I want to wear turquoise with little red accessories now. The movie stars Tony Leung Chiu Wai like you have never seen him before, he is terrifying! This one is rated NC-17 which would make you think it is a sexy good time but most of the sexy time is also terrifying and sort of rapey. hmmmm, I don't know if I recommend this one. I guess I enjoyed. Recommendation, Caution.
The Girl on the Bridge: This movie made me understand why lucky Vanessa Paradis has the love of Johnny Depp. She is so beautiful and cute and sexy. I think I may be in love with her too.
I'm Not There: This movie needed to get over itself. I don't know, I was mostly annoyed by it. However, David Cross as Allen Ginsberg was pure gold. He was only in it for a minute or two but I would watch a whole movie of David Cross as Allen Ginsberg.
Persepolis: I very much liked this movie. Actually it has grown on me sense I first saw it. I want to watch this one again. I very much recommend this.
Orlando: Netflix would NOT stop recommending this movie to me so I finally gave in. I do love Tilda Swinton, and movies that deal with gender, and Virginia Woolf. My big complaint in this film is that though Tilda is attempting to play a man I never really see her as a man, she just seems kind of retarded.
MirrorMask: Good Lord I don't even know what to say about this one. This is not a good movie but I fully enjoyed watching it. Visually it is good times. It is safe to say I have never seen a film like this before. It is still not really good though.
War Dance: Oh yes yes yes! This is a great documentary. It is so beautifully shot and the children's stories will rip your heart out. I recommend this one big time.
The Orphanage: Oh yes on this one too! I am not into many horror movies but this one was great. It was scary and DAMN I really loved the reveal in the end. I recommend this one.
Surfwise: This documentary is about the Paskowitz family. It is a family of nine children that were raised and traveled the country in a camper chasing waves and is highly entertaining. If you like documenters about eccentric people this is a good one. I recommend this.
Wow I've watched a lot of movies in the last 30 days. Tonight I should be getting The Golden Compass which I've read the book but have never seen.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Reading Railroad
Anyone have any book suggestions? I bought the Journals of Allen Ginsberg which has proven to be extremely dissatisfying reading.
Bye-Bye Summer 2008
Weekends go by so fast. Saturday afternoon my brother came by and we spent some time in La Luz de Jesus gallery and book store. I could spend so much time in the place, they have the most fun things in there. In the evening we went to the last cemetery screening of the season and saw the movie 'Alien.' Lawrence and Doug met us there. I had never seen 'Alien' before and very much enjoyed it. On Sunday I met up outside the Hollywood Bowl picnic area with Amanda, Michael, Rick, Neil, and Rick's family. It was a nice way to spend the last day of summer. The first band was Nortec Collective which was a fun little mix of Latin sounds. Second was Lila Downs who was by far my favorite performer of the night. She was a super hot latina singer with an incredible range. I recognized one of her songs from the movie Fridia. The third act was Michael Franti and Spearhead which was very enjoyable. Finally the last act was Ozomatli. I actually didn't know anything about them but I had a very enjoyable time listening to them. It is not the type of music I would ever go out and buy but they put on a good show. The last song they played they had a bunch of crazy dressed stilt walkers on stage, a break dancer, and a whole squad of teenage cheerleaders. I hadn't gotten a chance to hang out with Amanda in a while and it was very nice to be able to spend our Sunday at the Bowl.
Today is the first day of Autumn. Summer 2008 is at an end. Maybe I should do a re-cap for another post. I'm not sure what to make of this summer. I feel like I failed a little this summer, like I could have done a better job at it. Frankly I'm at a place at the end of summer that I don't really know where I stand with a lot of people in my life. I didn't feel that way at the start of summer. I'm not really sure what happened and how much of it is in my head. Perhaps only autumn will tell. So here's looking at you Autumn 2008! My wish for you is to bring peace and clarity and tons of pumpkin flavored fun into my life.
Today is the first day of Autumn. Summer 2008 is at an end. Maybe I should do a re-cap for another post. I'm not sure what to make of this summer. I feel like I failed a little this summer, like I could have done a better job at it. Frankly I'm at a place at the end of summer that I don't really know where I stand with a lot of people in my life. I didn't feel that way at the start of summer. I'm not really sure what happened and how much of it is in my head. Perhaps only autumn will tell. So here's looking at you Autumn 2008! My wish for you is to bring peace and clarity and tons of pumpkin flavored fun into my life.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
We Are Mice
Awww, this song just came on my ipod random shuffle. Thanks ipod, I really do love this song and I didn't even know it is exactly what I wanted to listen to. In fact lets make it an Azure Ray day.
Mood Music
Wow, I must had some intense dreams after the concert last night because I woke up with two fresh bruises, one on each hip bone. Um...how in the hell did I get matching bruises on both sides? I don't know really. Despite the fact that I carry all my weight on my hip area my hip bones stick out and are easy to bruise, so I guess I could have gotten them a number of ways.
Okay, on to last nights concert. I got to the bowl and sat in my seat. There was nobody on my bench yet but there was a dude sitting in front of me. A few minutes go by and a woman comes and sits one seat away from him. They don't say anything to each other so I assume that they don't know each other. After a little bit of time I see he says something to her and she looks straight ahead and ignores him. Then he goes to touch her leg and she mumbles something and turns away. He backs off. A few more minutes go by and he goes to put his arm around her and she starts to cry. I am trying to look away but the seats are so close to each other I am practically on top of them. After awhile Lindsey and David show up and I try and not notice this couple that are apparently in a fight about something. At dusk the show starts and Cat Power is first on stage. I am so in love with Cat Power and am so happy that I finally got to see her. Our seats were really good too. She is so beautiful and has the most amazing voice. I'm only sad that her set was so short and she didn't play any of my favorite songs. During Cat Power the couple's friends come and sit between them. Everything seems fine until in the middle of the set the guy gets up and turns to the woman and yells something to her about how it was stupid for him to go pick up some suitcase and drop it off then have to come back to the show. I wasn't sure what he was saying I just heard him repeat "Who is the selfish one?" in a loud angry voice. I was annoyed because I was trying to listen to the music. After Cat Power played the couple sat together again directly in front of me and start drink hard alcohol straight from the bottle. Spiritualized comes on and they are great. Everyone is in white including their two back up singers. As the set goes on the couple gets closer and closer and then they are making out right in front of me. In order for me to see the stage I have to try and look past their gross face sucking and biting. The music was so good and I was trying my best to not let it bother me so I hold up my wine glass directly in front of me so it just blocks out the part of my vision that these gross assholes are taking up. After Spiritualized plays Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds goes on stage and they are incredible. After about the first song the awful people in front of me say something to the effect of "You won't think a band that plays with Spiritualized would be so bad" and they leave! I couldn't have been much happier, fate truly smiled on me. Nick Cave did so many of my favorite songs. I was worried because I haven't listened to much of his newer music and wasn't that into his last record or two.
I find Nick Cave to be one of the sexist men alive. I thought sense he was older now I wouldn't really feel that way anymore. He also has a big thick moustache which on anyone else I would not be okay with. Hot damn does he still have it going on. I can not for the life of me explain what it is that I find so intensely hot about him, it is just something that is. In fact I think if someone said to that I could chose one "celebrity/artist" to be with I would choose him. I don't expect anyone else to be on board with this but it is just how I feel. Okay, now that I grossed everyone out I will just leave this post with, if you ever get a chance to go to a Nick Cave concert it is well worth it. I hope to again see him live.
Okay, on to last nights concert. I got to the bowl and sat in my seat. There was nobody on my bench yet but there was a dude sitting in front of me. A few minutes go by and a woman comes and sits one seat away from him. They don't say anything to each other so I assume that they don't know each other. After a little bit of time I see he says something to her and she looks straight ahead and ignores him. Then he goes to touch her leg and she mumbles something and turns away. He backs off. A few more minutes go by and he goes to put his arm around her and she starts to cry. I am trying to look away but the seats are so close to each other I am practically on top of them. After awhile Lindsey and David show up and I try and not notice this couple that are apparently in a fight about something. At dusk the show starts and Cat Power is first on stage. I am so in love with Cat Power and am so happy that I finally got to see her. Our seats were really good too. She is so beautiful and has the most amazing voice. I'm only sad that her set was so short and she didn't play any of my favorite songs. During Cat Power the couple's friends come and sit between them. Everything seems fine until in the middle of the set the guy gets up and turns to the woman and yells something to her about how it was stupid for him to go pick up some suitcase and drop it off then have to come back to the show. I wasn't sure what he was saying I just heard him repeat "Who is the selfish one?" in a loud angry voice. I was annoyed because I was trying to listen to the music. After Cat Power played the couple sat together again directly in front of me and start drink hard alcohol straight from the bottle. Spiritualized comes on and they are great. Everyone is in white including their two back up singers. As the set goes on the couple gets closer and closer and then they are making out right in front of me. In order for me to see the stage I have to try and look past their gross face sucking and biting. The music was so good and I was trying my best to not let it bother me so I hold up my wine glass directly in front of me so it just blocks out the part of my vision that these gross assholes are taking up. After Spiritualized plays Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds goes on stage and they are incredible. After about the first song the awful people in front of me say something to the effect of "You won't think a band that plays with Spiritualized would be so bad" and they leave! I couldn't have been much happier, fate truly smiled on me. Nick Cave did so many of my favorite songs. I was worried because I haven't listened to much of his newer music and wasn't that into his last record or two.
I find Nick Cave to be one of the sexist men alive. I thought sense he was older now I wouldn't really feel that way anymore. He also has a big thick moustache which on anyone else I would not be okay with. Hot damn does he still have it going on. I can not for the life of me explain what it is that I find so intensely hot about him, it is just something that is. In fact I think if someone said to that I could chose one "celebrity/artist" to be with I would choose him. I don't expect anyone else to be on board with this but it is just how I feel. Okay, now that I grossed everyone out I will just leave this post with, if you ever get a chance to go to a Nick Cave concert it is well worth it. I hope to again see him live.
Caving In
More on the concert later when I have a chance to fully write about it. I just want to post some super poor photos of my awesome night at the Hollywood Bowl. I went with Lindsey and David to see Cat Power, Spiritualized, and Nick Cave. It was incredible! I'll post more in the morning. I will sleep now and have sexy dreams of Nick Cave *sigh*

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Sketching sketching sketching at work today. The problem with sketching fashion is that you often draw something that would never ever work in real life. Stupid real life. Just because you draw fabric going this way and that doesn't mean it will ever do what you draw. The worst is when you draw out the front and it looks awesome and then you try and figure out what the back needs to look like and you realize the front you just drew is impossible to maneuver into any sort of rational back. Or that it would look like lumpy swiss cheese on a hanger and no one would buy it or could figure out how to put it on. I remember the first design class I had we had to design something and when it came to the critique they always asked "How does someone get into that." No one ever drew buttons or zippers, it just magically was. Much like everything else in life reality is very limiting.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Walk With Me
I was walking to Target yesterday when I feel this guy walking directly behind me. I mean he wasn't touching me, I just felt and heard his presents. It went on for awhile and it was starting to annoy me. Either pass me or back the fuck off. When I got to the stop light I could see out of the corner of my eye that is was a homeless man. I pretended not to notice the light turn green and let him walk by me. Unfortunately my strategy didn't really work and once on the other side of the street he stopped so I would pass and he got right behind me again. The thing about him was that he looked exactly like the one armed man in Twin Peaks and at first I thought the guy really did have one arm. But then I noticed a arm size lump under his shirt and realized he just had his arm tucked in. I wonder if he was going for the one armed man look. Maybe it was his thing, maybe he was really into the show. But then when I got to Target there was a woman sitting by herself outside that stared at me with her one eye and an eye patch on the other. I swear I was having a Twin Peaks afternoon.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Me Too
When I was very wee, before I my memory kicked in, my first nickname given to me by my family was the "me too" girl. Apparently I said this all the time. If someone was going anywhere or getting anything I wanted to be included. Apparently this was my big fixation in life. Thus I was referred to as the "me too" girl. I'm not entirely sure if this was found to be endearing or annoying to those around me. I'm sort of guessing it was the later of the two. I think it is so strange that despite how much we grow and change over the years that when it comes down to it we are still the same people that we have always been. My current self is completely unrecognizable to that of my wee bitty self. I have different opinions, different taste, and a life of experience. However I still feel like the "me too" girl. I still want to be included in everything and try everything. Part of me is discouraged by this. Not being able to change who you are when you know that some things really could use some changing is very frustrating. But then the other part of me likes this. I like that there are just things that will carry you through all your life that define you. I like that we can change so much but still keep the basic pieces of ourselves. I would hate to wake-up one day and find myself a complete stranger from the person I've always been.
AND, talking about nicknames, the only nickname I've ever liked is when my dad use to call me pumpkin growing up. I was just in Starbucks and guess what is back on the menu? PUMPKIN SPICE LATTES!!! I could drink that stuff by the pitcher. YUMMY YUM YUM!
AND, talking about nicknames, the only nickname I've ever liked is when my dad use to call me pumpkin growing up. I was just in Starbucks and guess what is back on the menu? PUMPKIN SPICE LATTES!!! I could drink that stuff by the pitcher. YUMMY YUM YUM!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Yesterday Laurel, Jeff, Asa, Frank, and I went to the LA County fair. I love the fair! There were pig races, fried avocados, a Capybara, horrendous artwork, the worls "smallest" pony, table settings, a monster truck show I didn't see but what I did see was a guy parasail down from the sky with a giant American flag and tons of fireworks coming off him. It was a grand time. We didn't get there until late and my camera doesn't take great photos at night, regardless here are some of the photos.

all photos here http://www.flickr.com/photos/framented_light/sets/72157607261418289/
all photos here http://www.flickr.com/photos/framented_light/sets/72157607261418289/
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Pet Zoo
Pets I want to own:
Pirate cat in Last Unicorn
Benji, but only so I could set him free in the forest and hunt him.
that slutty girl dog in Lady and the Tramp
that fast snail in the Neverending Story
Denver the last Dinosaur
Pirate cat in Last Unicorn
Benji, but only so I could set him free in the forest and hunt him.
that slutty girl dog in Lady and the Tramp
that fast snail in the Neverending Story
Denver the last Dinosaur
Eat It
I have been so good lately about what I eat and working out. Today though all I want to do is eat. I could just eat and eat and eat. If there was an avalanche of yummy foods I could eat my way out. Unfortunately all I packed to eat today was mixed nuts, an apple, soup, and some yogurt. God damn I want some pad thai and mochi balls in my mouth right now. I need a food party in my mouth STAT! Don't think you can hide from me cupcakes of the world! I will find you!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Bring Home the Bacon!
Would you like to see one of my all time favorite music videos EVER?!?! Well lucky you, I just found it on youtube. Your welcome.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
2 More Weeks!
I can not wait for the new Jenny Lewis CD Acid Tongue to come out in 2 more weeks! I've just heard the title track and thought I'd share it. Or if you are like me and don't have sound on your work computer here are some lyrics. 2 more weeks!
I went to a cobbler
To fix a hole in my shoe
He took one look at my face
And said, "I can fix that hole in you"
I beg your pardon
I'm not looking for a cure
Seen enough of my friends
In the depths of the godsick blues
You know I am a liar
You know I am a liar
Nobody helps a liar
Because I've been down to Dixie
And dropped acid on my tongue
Tripped upon the land
Until enough was enough
I was a little bit lighter
And adventure on my sleeve
I was a little drunk
And looking for company
So I found myself a sweetheart
With the softest of hands
We were unlucky in love
But I'd do it all again
We build ourselves a fire
We build ourselves a fire
But you know I am a liar
You know I am a liar
And you don't know what I've done
By the rolling river is
Exactly where I was
There was no simple cure
For unlucky in love
To be lonely is a habit
Like smoking or taking drugs
And I've quit them both
But man, was it rough
Now I am tired
It just made me tired
Let's build ourselves a fire
I went to a cobbler
To fix a hole in my shoe
He took one look at my face
And said, "I can fix that hole in you"
I beg your pardon
I'm not looking for a cure
Seen enough of my friends
In the depths of the godsick blues
You know I am a liar
You know I am a liar
Nobody helps a liar
Because I've been down to Dixie
And dropped acid on my tongue
Tripped upon the land
Until enough was enough
I was a little bit lighter
And adventure on my sleeve
I was a little drunk
And looking for company
So I found myself a sweetheart
With the softest of hands
We were unlucky in love
But I'd do it all again
We build ourselves a fire
We build ourselves a fire
But you know I am a liar
You know I am a liar
And you don't know what I've done
By the rolling river is
Exactly where I was
There was no simple cure
For unlucky in love
To be lonely is a habit
Like smoking or taking drugs
And I've quit them both
But man, was it rough
Now I am tired
It just made me tired
Let's build ourselves a fire
Ooooo Barcelona!
Well I was a giant lazy person this weekend. On Saturday I walked over to the movies and watched Vicky Cristina Barcelona." It was okay and kept me entertained. Everyone in that movie is so beautiful and all the Barcelona architecture and buildings were so beautiful. It was a nice weekend distraction film. In the evening I went to an art show at Meltdown comics that was lovely. One of the artist knit/crocheted these little sea creature that were very cute. After that I went over to The Roost with Dan and Lindsay to meet the crew that had gone to Sizzler earlier in the night. Jen took this funny photo of Amanda and I. I was wearing shoes that made me 6'2" and Amanda had on flats so I appear to be a giant that is shoving Amanda back in my pocket because she is my wee pocket size friend. Today I sat around and finished reading the book I have been reading for forever. In the evening I walked over and treated myself to some In-N-Out, YUM!

Thursday, September 4, 2008
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Monday, September 1, 2008
Darked Up
So it has been a long and fun weekend, perhaps more details on that later. Right now I am enjoying my first down time I've had by myself. I am chillin' and watching Donnie Darko. Hey, do you know who is in Donnie Darko? Seth Rogen! Random, I didn't remember him being in this movie but he plays one of the school bullies. Anyways, hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and hope you enjoy this random movie trivia. Hmmm, perhaps I can start a six degrees of Seth Rogan game.
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