Monday, June 30, 2008
Ou of Use
It is amazing the personal damage you can create on the weekend and then on Monday you have to go back to work and pretend to be a perfectly functional person. I don't feel functional.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Weekend Poke
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Tiny Bun Bun
I was walking home early this morning when out of nowhere this fatty rumped little bun bun hopped in front of me. He then started hopping along the sidewalk for awhile. It was adorable! He turned left into an apartment complex. I sure hope he knew where he was going. I tried to snap a photo, it's not great put I wanted proof of my morning bun bun.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Pretty Little Things
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Going Bananas
Monday, June 23, 2008
Surf & Sand
What a hot hot weekend! I got home on Friday night to an apartment with no electricity. It was out for two hours before I said forget it and left. On Saturday I headed to the 6th annual beach bonfire party. The sand was so hot that I got blisters on my feet walking to the water. The water itself was delightful. I have never seen so many people on one beach before. It was pretty ghetto out there too. There was a group of rather large black women that started yelling at each other then they were pulling hair and clawing each other while their friends tried to pull them off each other. In the evening it didn't get cold at all and I enjoyed a nice smore. I got a little too much sun which zapped my will to live out of me. I spent most of Sunday sleeping. In the evening I walked over to the Hollywood Bowl for a lovely evening of KCRW music with headliners Thievery Corporation. We were surrounded by two very large groups of people. They got pretty drunk an annoying. Regardless it was very nice and the weather in the evening was perfect, I didn't even have to put on my jacket which was a nice contrast from a few weeks ago at the REM concert where I was so cold I thought I was going to cry.
I ate too much junk food this weekend. I feel like a fatty fat fat today.
I ate too much junk food this weekend. I feel like a fatty fat fat today.
Day at the Beach
More to come on my weekend. Have to do some work first. Here are some photos of Saturday at the beach.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
He's Your Friend and a Whole Lot More
In my dream last night I rode all around the country on my super speedy dinosaur taking in the beauty and greatness of all America. That's right, my mode of transportation was a dinosaur...that was super fast. *sigh* Realty, why are you so bland?
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Mean Christine
So I am signed up for this Compare People thing on Facebook. Basically it takes your friends and you can vote on different things. It will take person A and person B and say "Who can drink more?" and you vote. Well it sends you little updates on yourself and I got this one today:
most outgoing
most reliable
most famous
best to hang out with for a day
I feel like a douche now, but a reliable one :)
most outgoing
most reliable
most famous
best to hang out with for a day
I feel like a douche now, but a reliable one :)
Monday, June 16, 2008
Eternal Stench
I broke a little tester bottle of perfume all over myself this morning. Good God I can't get the smell off of me. Everyone has to comment on it too. O can't help it. grrrrrrrrr
Sunday, June 15, 2008
I had one of those weekends where getting out of bed seemed like an imposable task. Truly unfortunate because the weather was perfect. I feel like I just slept through the last few days. I wasn't even that tired. I don't know what was going on in my head. Luckily I got up today and went to the Long Beach Antique Market with Lindsey. I heard that it is just as good as the Rose Bowl only smaller and more manageable. I vastly prefer the Rose Bowl flea market. I did buy a pink baby doll dress that is a child's size 12. I spent today opening up the arm holes and adding bust darts. It is very cute. I also let out the hem on that Goodwill dress I bought and chopped off the long sleeves to little cap sleeves today. I watched The Diving Bell and the Butterfly this weekend as well. I just love this movie. I watched it twice. It is visually beautiful, the music is so lovely, and the story is really very touching. I highly recommend.

Saturday, June 14, 2008
Thursday, June 12, 2008
blah blah blah clothes
I went to Goodwill this afternoon. I didn't find much but I had a few things that I wanted to try on. All of a sudden this beautiful black lady in an African print sundress came up to me. She pointed to this floor length crazy print vintage dress I had in my hands. She says "I know that is your find but if you don't mind could I see what that is?" I hold it up for her to look at. She says "Oh that is really nice. If you try that on and it doesn't fit or if you change your mind would you give it to me?" I said sure no problem. I went to try it on and I sort of liked it but wanted to make some changes to it. But then I felt guilty because I didn't really love it and the other lady seemed to love it. I had this argument in my head for awhile and felt lame. After I left the dressing room and was looking at some books and non-clothes I could feel the woman eyeing me. I ended up buying it but feeling guilty. I am truly a silly person. Here is a little swatch of the fabric. I also bought a black sequent top that looks like Liza Minnelli in Cabaret meets Golden Girls haha. Oh man, this posting is boring. I feel like a boring person today and it shows.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Hair Raising
Well, it seems that I can get back on blogger from my home computer again. YAH!!! Sooooooo girlie talk time! Lindsey is getting someone to do our hair and make-up for her wedding. I've never had my hair and make-up done by anyone but me. I'm excited! I'm sure the make-up artist will have wonderful make-up ideas. However, I feel like I need a hair game plan. I'm thinking a nice up with down strands do. I pulled some photos from the on-lines. When I was looking at yellow dresses for the wedding the photo of Michelle Williams at the Oscars kept coming up. I really like her hair. I also love her red lips with the yellow dress but I think I am the only one that would like that and it is just too dramatic for the occasion. I don't know about the hair though. Any ideas or links would be awesome!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Face It
I was walking into my gym yesterday from the parking lot. I pass this shorter Mexican man who is leaving and he does one of those creepy looks. The kind of look that doesn't break eye contact and isn't very friendly. It is a sort of macho 'I'm going to hump you and you are going to like it' looks. Ladies, you know what I'm talking about. Well, he was so busy being creepy that he ran face first smack into the glass window which he must have thought was an opening. I normally wouldn't laugh at this happening to anyone , that is unless it is a direct result from being a creep, then it is just funny.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Oh Snnnnnnap!
Problem with wearing a skirt that snaps up the front = it unsnaps when I make a wrong move. Reminder to self to wear a slip with this skirt from now on and avoid movements that will result in crotch flashing at work.
Oooooo, I kinda want to write about a few things about the Sex and the City movie. So possible spoilers ahead.....
So there is this part where Samantha apparently gained a "bunch" of weight and all her friends looked horrified and made comments like "your still hot no matter what size you are. I'm sitting there going 'what the F?' I see no weight gain. Maybe she went from size 0 to size 4 at most but I didn't even notice it if she had. Also Carrie getting upset with Miranda for saying negative things to Big about marriage was lame. She should say what she wants, her opinion should have nothing to do with the reasons and desire Big would have to marry Carrie. Anyways, it was still a fun movie.
Oooooo, I kinda want to write about a few things about the Sex and the City movie. So possible spoilers ahead.....
So there is this part where Samantha apparently gained a "bunch" of weight and all her friends looked horrified and made comments like "your still hot no matter what size you are. I'm sitting there going 'what the F?' I see no weight gain. Maybe she went from size 0 to size 4 at most but I didn't even notice it if she had. Also Carrie getting upset with Miranda for saying negative things to Big about marriage was lame. She should say what she wants, her opinion should have nothing to do with the reasons and desire Big would have to marry Carrie. Anyways, it was still a fun movie.
Life in the City
Well the good news is that my home computer seems to sort of be working again but the bad news is that it doesn't seem to let me sign onto blogger. Luckily my work one does.
On Friday night I saw Paul do some stand-up. He was really good. There were a handful of comics and I'd say the majority were pretty funny but there were a few that weren't. Bad comedy makes me feel uncomfortable. I went home after the show because I was tired and becoming cranky. On Saturday I watched the big horse raise and baked cookies. In the evening I met up at The Well on Sunset and Vine for happy hour then walked over to Jen and Alex's new place for their housewarming party. They decorated their new apartment so nice and everything is cool and cute. Then I walked about a mile and a half on Sunset over to Trumbo's birthday party. On Sunday I lounged around and watched The Day of Te Jackal with Doug. That movie is confusing because there are British people and French people but everyone talks with a British accent and I couldn't keep track of who was British and who was French. Then I called up my friend who I will now refer to as the most imposable person to get a hold of to see if she wanted to see The Sex and The City movie. I couldn't get a hold of her but I see that she has seen it already anyways. I decided to just go and see it by myself. It was a fun little escape and was exactly what I thought it would be. Though it is a movie about friends and maybe one should not see a movie about how great friends are alone. I bought myself a little bag of popcorn and barely ate two handfuls before I felt sick in the yummy, way too salty.
On Friday night I saw Paul do some stand-up. He was really good. There were a handful of comics and I'd say the majority were pretty funny but there were a few that weren't. Bad comedy makes me feel uncomfortable. I went home after the show because I was tired and becoming cranky. On Saturday I watched the big horse raise and baked cookies. In the evening I met up at The Well on Sunset and Vine for happy hour then walked over to Jen and Alex's new place for their housewarming party. They decorated their new apartment so nice and everything is cool and cute. Then I walked about a mile and a half on Sunset over to Trumbo's birthday party. On Sunday I lounged around and watched The Day of Te Jackal with Doug. That movie is confusing because there are British people and French people but everyone talks with a British accent and I couldn't keep track of who was British and who was French. Then I called up my friend who I will now refer to as the most imposable person to get a hold of to see if she wanted to see The Sex and The City movie. I couldn't get a hold of her but I see that she has seen it already anyways. I decided to just go and see it by myself. It was a fun little escape and was exactly what I thought it would be. Though it is a movie about friends and maybe one should not see a movie about how great friends are alone. I bought myself a little bag of popcorn and barely ate two handfuls before I felt sick in the yummy, way too salty.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
The Beat Goes On
I had a dream last night that my throat was slashed. It didn't really hurt but I knew that it killed me. I sat there completely terrified of death and not wanting to let go of life with my hands on my chest feeling my heartbeat. I thought that every beat was my last. The second between each thump from inside my chest was terrifying. I think it went on for awhile, just sitting there wanting to at least feel the last time my heart would move. My alarm went off and I woke up with such sadness as I found that my hands were actually on my chest feeling my heartbeat. Then I realized the song coming from my alarm clock radio was Death Cab for Cutie's "I Will Posses Your Heart" and I had to smile a little at that.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Is it Nap Time?
grrrr, taking 2 weeks off from the gym has made me a jiggly wiggly. I went back for the first time last night in weeks and parts of me were moving that weren't moving before. boooo, frustration, boo. I'm so tired. I know that not working-out has made me less energetic and the less energetic I get the less I want to work out. I also have far less work at work now that I have an intern which makes work more boring. On the plus side a strange man holding a book titled "The Complete Divorce Guide" tried to dance with me in Starbucks today. That was kinda fun.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Crash & Burn
I had this blog post last night ready with photos and everything and then my computer just crashed. Boooo, I hope it won't cost too much to fix.
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