Friday, May 30, 2008
A Bowl of Froven Cherries
A group of 10 of us went to the Hollywood Bowl last night for the REM Modest Mouse show. I really got the tickets because The National was opening and they are one of my current favorite bands. Well we got there late and I only got to see 2.5 songs. I am so happy I went to their show the night before where I saw them play for over an hour. Oh well. I really underdressed for the show and was soooooooooo cold. As soon as they played the last song (What's the Frequency Kenneth) I bolted out of there without even saying goodbye to the group. I felt bad but all I wanted was to not be cold for a second longer. I think after I go to the Hollywood Forever Cemetery tomorrow night it will truly feel like LA summer. Not because it is that warm but because the Bowl and cemetery movies is what feels like summer to me, or at least my favorite part of summer :)
Thursday, May 29, 2008
While You Were Sleeping
Things that happened while you were probably asleep last night.
Well, lets back up a bit to before you were probably asleep, unless you are some sort of lazy person that sleeps in the middle of the day. I left a little early from work to head over to San Diego. Awhile back my brother asked if I wanted to go see The National and I said 'hellz yes I do, buy me those tickets!' Turns out it was in the middle of the week. I almost backed out I stuck to it and drove my butt to SD. We hung out and had dinner and then headed to the show at the House of Blues. It was very delightful and I just love their music.
I started heading home at about 11:40. I was driving along when I noticed all these beautiful city of lights in front of me. I couldn't remember what city that could be but didn't think much of it. I got to what I thought was the check point when you drive from SD to LA. It looked different though and I was confused. All of a sudden the freeway wasn't a freeway anymore and I was on a long patch of road. There was no place to turn around and I kept getting further from the freeway. The air smelled so bad like things were rotting along the road. It was about then I noticed none of the traffic signs were in English and the street signs looked like none that I have ever seen before. I really started to freak out and realized in my tired state I had gone south instead of north. I had no idea where I was or how to get back to where I needed to be. Around then I accidentally made an illegal turn because I was having trouble thinking straight. Well that turn was in front of some cops and they pulled me over. As soon as I saw their police car and then when they couldn't really speak English it sunk it that some how I was in Mexico. I mean how does that even happen??? Don't you have to cross a boarder? I have never heard of anyone accidentally going to Mexico. They start trying to question me and I am a mess at this stage. I give them my ID and try and tell them that I am lost and have no idea where I am and I need to get back to LA. They don't understand everything but they get the basic meaning. They want me to pay my ticket for my wrong turn. I don't understand how they want me to go about this. One finally says it is $80 the other guy takes pity and lowers it to $50. I check my wallet and I have $20. They take that and tell me if I fallow them they will take me back to the freeway to get to LA. I thank them and start to fallow. They get me off the main road and start to go in this completely abandon looking area and I start to freak out again thinking that they are taking me into Mexico and they will sell me to some human trafficker or that they will just get me in a field and rape/kill me. After awhile we get onto the freeway and they point me in the right direction. I get to the boarder and the guy wants to see my birth certificate. I explain what happened but I think he just thought I was a crazy person. Anyways, I get back into the US and drive the long trip back to LA. So while you were sleeping last night this is what I was doing. I would have much rather been sleeping.
Well, lets back up a bit to before you were probably asleep, unless you are some sort of lazy person that sleeps in the middle of the day. I left a little early from work to head over to San Diego. Awhile back my brother asked if I wanted to go see The National and I said 'hellz yes I do, buy me those tickets!' Turns out it was in the middle of the week. I almost backed out I stuck to it and drove my butt to SD. We hung out and had dinner and then headed to the show at the House of Blues. It was very delightful and I just love their music.
I started heading home at about 11:40. I was driving along when I noticed all these beautiful city of lights in front of me. I couldn't remember what city that could be but didn't think much of it. I got to what I thought was the check point when you drive from SD to LA. It looked different though and I was confused. All of a sudden the freeway wasn't a freeway anymore and I was on a long patch of road. There was no place to turn around and I kept getting further from the freeway. The air smelled so bad like things were rotting along the road. It was about then I noticed none of the traffic signs were in English and the street signs looked like none that I have ever seen before. I really started to freak out and realized in my tired state I had gone south instead of north. I had no idea where I was or how to get back to where I needed to be. Around then I accidentally made an illegal turn because I was having trouble thinking straight. Well that turn was in front of some cops and they pulled me over. As soon as I saw their police car and then when they couldn't really speak English it sunk it that some how I was in Mexico. I mean how does that even happen??? Don't you have to cross a boarder? I have never heard of anyone accidentally going to Mexico. They start trying to question me and I am a mess at this stage. I give them my ID and try and tell them that I am lost and have no idea where I am and I need to get back to LA. They don't understand everything but they get the basic meaning. They want me to pay my ticket for my wrong turn. I don't understand how they want me to go about this. One finally says it is $80 the other guy takes pity and lowers it to $50. I check my wallet and I have $20. They take that and tell me if I fallow them they will take me back to the freeway to get to LA. I thank them and start to fallow. They get me off the main road and start to go in this completely abandon looking area and I start to freak out again thinking that they are taking me into Mexico and they will sell me to some human trafficker or that they will just get me in a field and rape/kill me. After awhile we get onto the freeway and they point me in the right direction. I get to the boarder and the guy wants to see my birth certificate. I explain what happened but I think he just thought I was a crazy person. Anyways, I get back into the US and drive the long trip back to LA. So while you were sleeping last night this is what I was doing. I would have much rather been sleeping.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Love Birds
This is the cake topper I made for Lindsey & David. This started with me opening my big mouth when Lindsey said she liked Ann Wood's little cake topper birds but they just costed too much. Then I was like "pfft, I could make those." Sometimes I think higher of my skills then I actually have. Put they turned out well I think. I hope Lindsey doesn't mind me sharing them here. It is hard not to show off things you make :)

Memorial Weekend
What a weekend it has been. On Friday night I headed over to Lindsey's to drive to Lompoc. We stopped at Del Taco first. We were sitting inside and I hear this guy tell another person to call 911 and that he was being turned down for medical help and he needed 911. The thing is he was saying this while still eating his burrito and has not visibly having any sort of problems. He was clearly just a little bit crazy. After asking a few people I guess he finally found someone to call the ambulance for him. The ambulance came with its flashing lights and rushed into the Del Taco. They see the guy and know who he is immediately. Apparently he does this a lot. The thing is the guy really perked up after they came and almost seemed chipper. He said hello to Lindsey and me on the way out and we waved goodbye which he chuckled at and said to the men hauling him away "See I'm a player." One of the paramedics turns to us and apologies for the incontinence and asks if we pay taxes. After we say yes he points to this situation being how our tax dollars are being wasted. You know I don't mind my tax dollars going to helping a crazy man have a little medical piece of mind. There are so many ways our tax dollars get wasted on things I don't agree with but this situation was not one of them.
Lindsey, Agata, and I hit the road and got into Lompoc around 11. I woke up in the morning and spent an hour with my mom and dad plus all the dogs. Lindsey picked me up and we headed to Santa Maria for some cake tasting. We all agreed that we liked the bright pink strawberry cake best. The rest of the day was spent at Lindsey's bridal shower held by her sister. There was lots of lovely foods. I did not win any of the games, boo. Lindsey got a really tragic phone call at the end of the shower with news of a friend that passed away. It is really upsetting and shocking. I don't really think that this is the right place to talk about it though.
We drove home after the shower and everything seemed strange and a bit surreal. In the evening I went to Corinne's birthday party. She and her roommate Kat have a lovely apartment just off Melrose. I was bit exhausted and not really in a good place in my head. I went home and had a hard time sleeping that night. I started convincing myself of all sorts of things that weren't true. You can get to a very strange place in your head at night.
Sunday I headed downtown for the annual summer kick-off Peer Pong championship. Stacey and I were partners and our team name was the Prince symbol that no one remembered exactly how to draw. We kicked some serous beer pong ass I must say. I read the e-mail invite wrong. I thought there was going to be a pool so I brought my bathing suit. Turns out there were pool tables but no pool haha. I fell asleep a bit early that night making up for the night before.
Monday was the annual Memorial Day BBQ at the Hollywood house. This was my 3rd year in a row going. It was lots of fun but I am a tired tired person this morning.
Here are pictures!!!
Lindsey's Bridal Shower
Beer Pong
Memorial Day BBQ
Lindsey, Agata, and I hit the road and got into Lompoc around 11. I woke up in the morning and spent an hour with my mom and dad plus all the dogs. Lindsey picked me up and we headed to Santa Maria for some cake tasting. We all agreed that we liked the bright pink strawberry cake best. The rest of the day was spent at Lindsey's bridal shower held by her sister. There was lots of lovely foods. I did not win any of the games, boo. Lindsey got a really tragic phone call at the end of the shower with news of a friend that passed away. It is really upsetting and shocking. I don't really think that this is the right place to talk about it though.
We drove home after the shower and everything seemed strange and a bit surreal. In the evening I went to Corinne's birthday party. She and her roommate Kat have a lovely apartment just off Melrose. I was bit exhausted and not really in a good place in my head. I went home and had a hard time sleeping that night. I started convincing myself of all sorts of things that weren't true. You can get to a very strange place in your head at night.
Sunday I headed downtown for the annual summer kick-off Peer Pong championship. Stacey and I were partners and our team name was the Prince symbol that no one remembered exactly how to draw. We kicked some serous beer pong ass I must say. I read the e-mail invite wrong. I thought there was going to be a pool so I brought my bathing suit. Turns out there were pool tables but no pool haha. I fell asleep a bit early that night making up for the night before.
Monday was the annual Memorial Day BBQ at the Hollywood house. This was my 3rd year in a row going. It was lots of fun but I am a tired tired person this morning.
Here are pictures!!!
Lindsey's Bridal Shower
Beer Pong
Memorial Day BBQ
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Oh good god, the Anna Nicole Smith biopic looks like the most amazing movie EVER! Here is a breakdown of the film. It is pure gold like a USA Up All Night movie from the 90's. The end is soooo good :)
Monday, May 19, 2008
My desire to scream today far out weighs my desire to use a pleasant tone. When these feelings happen I find that silence is my safest bet. It is amazing how many people you can disappoint at once without even trying though.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Wet Hot American Weekend
Heat makes for a lazy ass weekend. I got in some night swimming and caught Liz's one act play. I went downtown in search of things for Lindsey's cake topper. I just can't find a little top hat anywhere. Other then that I have been lazy lazy lazy. Also, I just like to state that I wish I looked like Vironica Lake. Someone reminded me of her today and I forgot how beautiful she was. She is my lovely lady of the day.

Thursday, May 15, 2008
Designing Women
So I started working on the invites to Lindsey's bachelorette party when it hit me that they are almost all going out to graphic designers. I don't know anything about fonts and lay outs. They are all going to laugh at me and shutter at me butchering of their art. Oh well, maybe my incompetence will bring them joy. Ugh
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Cutting of the Rush of Blood to my Head, talky talk talk
I'm wearing a dress today that I barely fit into this morning. I bought it at the flea market this weekend and couldn't try it on to see if it fit. Well, I just finished lunch and let me tell you it is a little painful right now. Breathing is not so good. Blah, I should write something in here about how I feel. Isn't that what blogs are for? I mean besides that I feel in pain from an overly tight dress. I feel like I'm failing at this blog right now, though I'm kicking ass keeping up my fashion log. I was talking to someone this weekend about how when you are in therapy or any type of treatment where you have to verbalize your thoughts and feelings all the time that you get really good at it and much more articulate. It is nice to have words to go along with our feelings, it just makes them more manageable and understandable. I feel like I never really talk about myself other then to say I fine and things are good. I feel like just dumbing my life down to those simplest of terms somehow makes everything more generic and less personal. In general life is pretty good right now, though I could work a little harder to make it more fulfilling. I really would like to be more creative on my down time. Maybe I should join some sort of craft or drawing or sewing group so I can force myself to do more. I also feel like I could do a lot better at seeing and really knowing what is going on with the people in my life I consider myself closest to. I'm like a social vampire. Not because I suck the life out of people, I hope I don't do that, more that I only feel like I can go and do things that I'm invited to. This limits who I see and what I do a lot. I'm just not good at planning things and calling people, in fact I kind of dislike doing that. I could really work on that. I want to do new things and go new places and I should really just set dates and make plans and do all these new things. I mean there is a lot of fun in seeing where the wind takes you and keeping things open but at the same time I think there is a lot more out there that the wind is jus not going to take me to on its own. I should make a summer to do list. Yes, this is what I will do. Summer to do list coming soon!
wow, this post was just going to be about how my dress is WAY too tight, HA.
wow, this post was just going to be about how my dress is WAY too tight, HA.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
In & Out of the Closet
Hot Tamales!
Last night I went Amanda's for tamale making and beer drinking good times. I have never made a tamale before, it was super fun. I tried to make flan but ended up making flan like pudding which wasn't awful. The guys seemed to all wear green shirts and glasses which was pretty funny. I stuffed myself like a piggy. More phots on my flickr page;
Life is a Bowl of Roses
I went to the Rose Bowl flea market today. I've always wanted to go and it was well worth it however that place is just too big. I was there for 2 an a half hours and didn't even get close to seeing everything. I bought a few cheap vintage dresses however my favorite purchase of the day is this vintage metal bird necklace I got for $15. It is so cool, I love it!

Friday, May 9, 2008
Puppy Love
There was the cutest dog in the world I saw last night. I was getting out of my car after going to the art walk downtown. This dog, without a leash, walks past with one of those surgery cones on his head and a stuffed animal in his mouth. He has a larger sized mutt of a dog and just looked so happy to be walking along that way. His owner was a little bit behind him and I didn't even notice him at first. I imagine that the dog doesn't like to go anywhere without his stuffed toy. Oh god it was cute!
Cinco de Watts
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Foos Day
Dance Party
Monday, May 5, 2008
LA is a Small World After All
Ugh! I just walked into work tired and groggy this morning to find that my desk is entirely cover with work. Whenever my boss comes in on a Saturday this is what happens. Let me just sip my tea and wake-up a little before I start working on it.
Nice little weekend. On Saturday I went to some thrift stores and then the Beverly Center. In the evening I went dancing at The Echo, well, it was under The Echo and was called something like The Echopex or Club Bootie. Anyways it was a fun time and I danced until I was about ready to drop down with sleep. I slept in on Sunday then Doug picked me up we did brunch and went to The Watts Towers. I've always wanted to see the towers. They are amazing! I took the tour. Seeing work like that just makes me feel like such a lazy person. I started downloading photos on Flickr this morning but didn't finish before I had to leave for work. Anyways some of them are up if you want to take a look. I'll probably just wait for Doug to post his and then steal them to post here. His will be a billon times better then mine. On our way back there was an impromptu stop in China Town for green tea ice cream which lead to an impromptu stop at a Cinco de Mayo festival. It was a very multi cultural Sunday.
Okay, back to this giant stack of work, UGH!
Nice little weekend. On Saturday I went to some thrift stores and then the Beverly Center. In the evening I went dancing at The Echo, well, it was under The Echo and was called something like The Echopex or Club Bootie. Anyways it was a fun time and I danced until I was about ready to drop down with sleep. I slept in on Sunday then Doug picked me up we did brunch and went to The Watts Towers. I've always wanted to see the towers. They are amazing! I took the tour. Seeing work like that just makes me feel like such a lazy person. I started downloading photos on Flickr this morning but didn't finish before I had to leave for work. Anyways some of them are up if you want to take a look. I'll probably just wait for Doug to post his and then steal them to post here. His will be a billon times better then mine. On our way back there was an impromptu stop in China Town for green tea ice cream which lead to an impromptu stop at a Cinco de Mayo festival. It was a very multi cultural Sunday.
Okay, back to this giant stack of work, UGH!
Friday, May 2, 2008
Stop Motion
Last night after spinning I did laps in the pool for awhile. I haven't swam in a really long time. I've been trying out new things at the gym. I realized even though I go a lot I always do the same thing. I have been soar for two weeks now trying out new stuff. I feel like I'm training and preparing for something. I think really it is just that I like to physically exhaust myself so I can't even think.
Last night after I swam I sat in the hot tub. This man in his 60's got in across from me. He kept his head up looking forward but he was extremely crossed eyed. I couldn't tell if he was sitting there starring at me or not. I tried to look away and not take notice but it sort of freaked me out. On my way out I ran into Maureen in the locker room. It was her last night in LA and all her stuff was packed in her car. In the morning she is on her way to road trip around the US and then eventually move into a new place in Athens. My heart pricked with jealousy. I seem to be having that emotion a lot lately of peoples evolving lives, as if I can't do the same and change things about mine.
Last night after I swam I sat in the hot tub. This man in his 60's got in across from me. He kept his head up looking forward but he was extremely crossed eyed. I couldn't tell if he was sitting there starring at me or not. I tried to look away and not take notice but it sort of freaked me out. On my way out I ran into Maureen in the locker room. It was her last night in LA and all her stuff was packed in her car. In the morning she is on her way to road trip around the US and then eventually move into a new place in Athens. My heart pricked with jealousy. I seem to be having that emotion a lot lately of peoples evolving lives, as if I can't do the same and change things about mine.
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