Thursday, February 28, 2008
I Just....Can't
There is a convenience store by my apartment right next to where I usually park my car. It is oh so convenient. Unfortunately about half the time I go in there is this one guy working there. Without fail he hits on me every single time. He is gross and skeezy and has one of those long pinkie fingernails. I was really really hoping he wouldn't be there tonight because I am exhausted and have no food in my apartment and have not the energy to go out and get some. I was just going to pop in and get a snack. Through the glass window I see that he is working. I am crampy and tired and emotionally unstable dealing with my new birth control hormones and my period. I start to go in a begin to tear up because I just don't want to be verbally molested by this slime bag just so I can get a box of crackers. I would rather just go straight home and go hungry. So as illogical and sill as it is that is what I chose.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Are You Really Happy?
Sunday, February 24, 2008
i'm just mad about saffron
Saturday, February 23, 2008
More Winston
I don't know how I missed Winston's (the best cat in the world) Christmas video. I will never stop loving you Winston!!!
You Will Never Know
I am sad. I by chance found the most perfect gift for someone on ebay. I'm not going to say for whom or what it was because it doesn't even matter at this point. It just would have been a great present for no reason at all other then I wanted the person to have it, not a birthday or holiday and it would have been so unexpected and delightful. I haven't even been on ebay in forever. I placed my bid 3 minutes before the auction ended and hit refresh refresh refresh. Then in the last 15 seconds before I could bid again I got outbid. I won't be giving anyone the perfect unexpected present and I am sad.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Not a Pretty Girl
I read this story on-line today and for some reason I thought it would make a really good plot for a music video. Hmmmm, I don't really have a song in mind. Put wouldn't you want to see this played out with music?
A Japanese man who turned up at a school dressed in a girl's uniform and a long wig was arrested for trespassing, police said.
Tetsunori Nanpei, 39, put on the uniform he had bought over the internet and took a walk near the high school in Saitama, north of Tokyo, on Wednesday.
Students standing outside the school gates caught sight of him and started screaming, local papers reported, at which point Nanpei rushed on to the school grounds hoping to blend in with the crowds of teenagers.
When pupils in the school began screaming the man fled, losing his wig in the process. A school clerk pursued him and stopped him at a nearby riverbank.
A Japanese man who turned up at a school dressed in a girl's uniform and a long wig was arrested for trespassing, police said.
Tetsunori Nanpei, 39, put on the uniform he had bought over the internet and took a walk near the high school in Saitama, north of Tokyo, on Wednesday.
Students standing outside the school gates caught sight of him and started screaming, local papers reported, at which point Nanpei rushed on to the school grounds hoping to blend in with the crowds of teenagers.
When pupils in the school began screaming the man fled, losing his wig in the process. A school clerk pursued him and stopped him at a nearby riverbank.
So when I switched insurance I switched doctors. I let my birth control run out and I stopped taking it until I had time to see my new doctor and get a prescription. The pill always makes me a little heavier so I dropped a few pounds. I recently went back on the pill and found them back. Now though my skin is freaking out. My jaw line is breaking out something awful. It hurts and I can't even hide it with make-up. I hope once my body adjusts to the added hormones that the problem goes away. Recently I just want to wear a bag over my head.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Yum Yum Give Me Sum
I finally bought myself a toaster a few weeks ago. I have had toast everyday sense then. Good lord I love toast!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Moon Babies
I can not stop laughing at this site with photos of hilarious science fair experiments.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Thorn in my Side
So I hurt my side a week and a half ago. I'm not sure I know how it happened. I had a sharp pain in my side and I thought I must have somehow fractured a rib. I couldn't breath more then shallow breaths without causing pain. After about two days it got a little better and my only conclusion is I must have pulled a muscle in my side. I have no idea how I did that. It's still bothering me. I started going back to the gym but my movement is very limited I can't make deep breaths. It hurts to twist my upper half and I have to try and not do that. I wonder how long this is going to take to heal.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
You Are My Sunshine
Weekends go by so fast. On Friday night I met up with the tinys at Flavor of India in West Hollywood for such yummy delights. Saturday evening I met up with Jen, Stacey, and Amanda at Ugo's in Culver City for dessert and wine. Today was Rachel's birthday picnic party in the park. There was eating, drinking, kite flying, me spinning in circles and falling on my ass, a man playing drums, dog in hoodies, Chinese gambling game, and tree climbing. Here are some photos and more on my flickr page.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Tiny Dancers
Hope all you lovelies had a good Valentines Day. I came to work to find a warm piece of apple pie on my desk. One of the ladies I work with made chocolatechip cookies too. I got an wonderful valentine with a cartoon of the two twin towers and a plane with a smiley face on it about ready to crash into them saying "I'm Falling for You." That is the best card ever! In the evening Laurel, Aimee, Doug, Liz, Trumbo, Ashley, and I went to Jumbo's Clown Room where cute little strippers danced. Well, they kept their bikinis on so they weren't really "strippers". Jumbo's is known for having tranny strippers. Two of the ten dancers were trannies but they looked post op or they have magical powers of tucking. There was one girl who was awesome at the pole and had little streamers coming off her undies that looked like my tricycle handlebars from my Strawberry Shortcake bike I use to have. She danced to Darling Nikki. There was one creepy looking dancer that was a MILF, and as Aimee put it she was MILF without the LF. She just had a smile and glazed over eye contact oppressed eyes that said to me 'I'm going to kill you and then make sweet love to your corpse'. I was expecting a few more oddities but it was pretty tame. I wanted a midget or someone missing some body parts. I got up to leave but then the skinny short tranny dancer took the stage in a full wedding dress and black leather jacket to dance to White Wedding and I stayed a little longer for that. It was a pleasant Valentines Day indeed.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Pretty In Pink
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
From Russia with Love
Well, the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition 2008 came out today. I made these suits (by hand) for a shoot in Russia awhile back. I have been told that the pink one is in it but I can't say for sure because I was not able to find a copy of the magazine yet. However on the SI web page they have some reject shots that didn't make the issue. Here are the other two suits. The photos are a bit washed out but if you click on them you will see them better. I'll post the pink suit if it does turn out to be in the actual magazine.

Monday, February 11, 2008
Back in the World
What? Where did you go weekend? I wasn't done with you yet! *sigh* Why must you leave me so soon? Friday night was my first big outing sense my illness (of which I am all better). I joined Laurel, Jeff, Asa, and Frank in the party car over to the other side of town to celebrate Alan's birthday. It was a lovely time in a bar which the name of is escapes me. Someone shared their french fries with the group and I ended up spending the rest of the night craving more french fries. Alan seemed to be having a great time, though I'm not sure how much of the night he remembers :) Stayed in Saturday morning watching Eagle vs. Shark which I have to say is not a very good movie. Bummer because I had been looking forward to seeing it for awhile. I went to the Beverly Center and had a joyess time at Forever 21. I decided to eat lunch on the roof top by myself. It is always a little strange to eat by yourself but I have to say sometimes it is very enjoyable. Saturday night I headed over to Amanda's and we carpooled over to Tom's house warming party. After that we went over to a come dressed as your favorite crayon color party. I chose a fuchsia like purple dress, top, and hat. Amanda wore yellow. Sunday I went over to Aimee's for ladies crafting party. I think I might have eaten my weight in cheese, I regret nothing! After that I hung out with Doug on Hollywood BLVD for awhile. Now back to work and sleepy. This week is back to the gym for me.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Downward Dog
Yesterday I was on an escalator going up and I look at the escalator going down and this woman has her tiny white dog on the stairs going down. They get to the bottom of the escalator and the woman steps off. The dog looks confused and then as the last stair drops his long white hair gets sucked under. He falls to the ground with his hair being pulled down and starts yipping in pain. It is horrible and everyone around is gasping. The woman bends down and scoops up the dog like nothing happened. The whole thing made my stomach turn.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Wet & Wild
Okay, so I went home and checked the label on the pack of oranges I bought and sure enough it said "Blood Oranges." That is what happens when I go grocery shopping sick, I end up with strange things. So I ate one today. I didn't care for it. Maybe I got a bad one but it was very bitter. Why did I not know about blood oranges? Oh, I am a sleepy sleepy face today. I did not get enough sleep last night and I am about ready to go sleepy on my desk.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Seeing Red
I bought oranges at Trader Joes. I just peeled one at my desk. It looked like a regular small orange but when I opened it the fruit is red inside. This is either a type of fruit I have never had before or I got an orange that went really wrong. I don't know if I should eat it or not.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Side Note: I was telling the below story to some people today and they said "Well, sometimes it is hard for people not born here to really understand our political structure." To which I have to make clear this person was American born and raised, in case I didn't make that clear. I still feel like maybe there was hidden camera in the room because I mean...Oh My God really!?!? REALLY?
Maybe it is Best Some People Don't Vote
So I went to the doctor today to get my check-up and I always like for them to test me for everything so while I was giving lots of blood I had this conversation with the nurse.
Nurse: (looking at my I voted sticker) So who did you vote for?
Me: Well, I voted mostly yes on the propositions and I voted for Obama.
N: Who's that?
M: He is one of the Democratic nominees.
N: Oh, is that for like the president?
M: Well, it is a Primary election.
N: Oh is that like government and Schwarzenegger?
I go on to tell her about how voting and primaries work and the separate branches of the government.
N: Oh, well I don't vote. I just get mad at taxes and stuff.
M: okay
N: Do you get a fine or something if you don't vote?
M: (I can't believe this woman has a needle in my arm).
Nurse: (looking at my I voted sticker) So who did you vote for?
Me: Well, I voted mostly yes on the propositions and I voted for Obama.
N: Who's that?
M: He is one of the Democratic nominees.
N: Oh, is that for like the president?
M: Well, it is a Primary election.
N: Oh is that like government and Schwarzenegger?
I go on to tell her about how voting and primaries work and the separate branches of the government.
N: Oh, well I don't vote. I just get mad at taxes and stuff.
M: okay
N: Do you get a fine or something if you don't vote?
M: (I can't believe this woman has a needle in my arm).
Monday, February 4, 2008
Skinny Dipping
I'm sure I dropped some weight this past week because I've eaten next to nothing. I just was never hungry and asleep all the time. I know that I need to eat right in order to get healthier and I have started to yesterday and today. Anyways, about 4 different people came up to me today and were like "Oh my God you look skinny." I'm also extremely pale and I just look tired and sickly. So my automatic response is "Oh, thank you!" Yeah, the thing is they are saying I look sickly and I'm thanking them because as a female when someone says you look thin it registers as a complement which might not be the healthiest way of thinking. On a thinness note I am wearing pants that I got last April. This is when I really f-up my ankle bad and I could barely walk for months and got zero exercise, thus put on a little bit of weight. When I first got them (they were given to me, I didn't buy them) they were so tight around my hips and butt that I had to lay down to zip them up. Today,post illness, I noticed I could pull them on and off without even unzipping or buttoning them. Weird, I don't really feel that much different in size. Anyways, I plan on going home tonight and eating a good healthy meal and hopefully tomorrow night I will be strong enough to venture back to the gym. I hate feeling weak and I am extremely weak right now.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Lifted from the Fog
Feeling tons better today. I'm still not 100% healthy but I feel like my head has cleared up a lot. Days of being weak and not being able to think straight made me feel crazy. Today I feel like I've recovered a great deal of my sanity back. I was also hungry for the first time in about a week. Also, um it's February? geez, when did that happen?
Saturday, February 2, 2008
The News From My Bed
I haven't been this sick in over a decade. I usually get a head cold for a day or two and get over it, and that happens maybe once a year. This is the the first time sense I'd say high school where I have been totally out of commission in bed for days sick. I was sick all this week but it has gotten pretty bad. I have been held up in my apartment sense early Thursday evening. I briefly left the apartment today to go to the bank, just so I would go outside. I came home exhausted and took a two hour long nap. I'm hardly ever home so spending this much time at home makes me feel restless. I'm also starting to feel like I'm the only person left on Earth. I like living alone but living alone when your sick is kind of depressing and lonely. On the positive side my throat isn't soar today which is a good sign and my cough as died down a little. I've also gotten a lot of reading done. I finished reading The Golden Compass and have started reading The Subtle Knife. I can't believe I'm only half way through reading 'His Dark Material', I feel like I have been reading it forever. It is a really good sick in bed read though. I'm just really tired of being sick in bed though. I want to wake up tomorrow and magically be all better. My head feels like it is as light as a feather and as heavy as a bag of bricks all at once.
Friday, February 1, 2008
A Million Little Pieces
Last night I woke up around 3am and crunched down on something hard in my mouth shattering the object. I freaked out thinking I just crushed one of my teeth into little bits a pieces. I woke up enough to realize that I had fallen asleep with a half eaten cough drop in my mouth that some how didn't fully dissolve. Thinking there were little bits and pieces of my crushed tooth in my mouth was terrifying though.
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