Thursday, January 31, 2008
I have been drinking a lot of cranberry juice this week. Today I looked at the nutritional facts on the back of the juice. For a large cup of juice there is about 200 calories. I've been drinking about 1000 calories of juice a day. YICKS! I went out and bought vitamins with the same compounds as cranberry juice. I'm off the juice!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Ahhhh, I am sick. My head, my throat, my whole body. Full of germs and grossness! I can't even think clear enough to write things that even make a shred of sense. Here are some more of Brian's photos I found on his page from New Years and the Birthday party. Now to eat my 100th cough drop of the day

Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Now & Then
I've attempted to write a few posts today but they all sound pathetic because I am sick with a bit of a cold, crampy, and there is that pesky UTI, and I took some medication that made me even more sick. Instead of that post lets just look at some photos I garbbed off Brian's page from the multi birthday party on Friday night.

Monday, January 28, 2008
Open Letter
Dear Body
Thanks for giving me a UTI for my birthday but I really didn't want one. I'm mad at you for thinking that I did. I'm not speaking with you until you take this present back. If you need me I'll be in the bathroom.
p.s. all this cranberry juice I'm drinking is gross
Thanks for giving me a UTI for my birthday but I really didn't want one. I'm mad at you for thinking that I did. I'm not speaking with you until you take this present back. If you need me I'll be in the bathroom.
p.s. all this cranberry juice I'm drinking is gross
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Fine, I give up! I signed up for Facebook. too sleepy to request friends, it is a very lonely page right now.
Oh what a delightful birthday weekend I have been having. Too tired to talk about it but here are some photos and more on my flikr page. Thanks to everyone for all the birthday fun! I need to find some photos from Friday night, I forgot to bring my camera.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Color Me Bad
I am not a morning person. Sometimes when I am getting dressed in the morning I will try a new combination of outfit and be creative. Sometimes it works and sometimes I look at myself by the time I really wake up in the afternoon and think 'Oh my God, what am I wearing?' Today for instants. I was tired and didn't want to be creative but then I knew that we were going to be celebrating my birthday at work today so maybe I should put a little effort into dressing. I decided on wearing my green tights with a black dress and shoes, but I knew I was going to be cold so I put on a white vintage sweater with giant yellow knit dots on it. I decided that in order to work the green and yellow together that I would also wear my headband scarf that has yellow, green and turquoise in it. Now that I'm fully awake I feel a bit silly in this outfit. Not as silly as I will feel when I have to leave and but on my bright orange raincoat and purple umbrella. Too much color for such a gray day. I look like a crazy person.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Black is the New Blue
Yesterday morning I was groggy when got into the shower and jammed my knee really hard into the bathtub faucet. Oh it hurt like hell. I bruise super easy and I knew that it wasn't going to be pretty. I wasn't prepared for the bright red swelling and pain. It doesn't really hurt anymore today but the red has turned into a very deep dark purple with a red center. I was looking forward to wearing little dresses to my birthday celebrations this weekend and now I look like a victim of a horrible accident. So I can choose between tights, pants, bellow the knee skirts or dresses, or owning up to my discolored body and rock the bruise for all to see. I think I will just wear it with pride like a designer handbag. Though I don't know how much pride I can have for not being able to take a shower without hurting myself.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Minty Warfare
Engaging in a battle with an Icy Hot type of muscle rub may sound like a good idea at first. Then after the throwing and smearing of gobs of cream battle one just feels hot/cold minty and tingly all over. After your nerves can't take it anymore and you are actually tearing up and crying from the mint and curled up in a ball you pretty much feel nothing but numb. Gobs of Icy Hot is not a toy kiddies!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Welcome 2 the Jungle
Went to the multi birthday jam in the Hollywood Hills last night. That was a sweet ass house. Most importantly Tim the Tool Man Allen was there. I kind of wanted to fallow him around and have deep meaningful conversations about Jungle 2 Jungle. My classist moment was when I first got there I headed over to the drink table where I mixed a vodka tonic. Right next to the table was a motorcycle on display. I reach to open the tonic and apparently it was shaken up and strayed all over me and some on the motorcycle, I felt like I was in a sexy rap video...only I wasn't in slow motion and I had a look of horror on my face.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Things I Do For Money
Here are some photos of the suits I was working on from last season, in stores now! I can't even handle the length of our models legs. How am I even the same species as her? You may say it is all Photoshopped but you know who proofed the non Photoshopped photos? Me! She really does look like this and the only corrections made were getting rid of some shadows, fixing stray hairs, and brighten up her lipstick. Nevermind that though, look my handwork! Being a bathing suit designer is a silly silly job but someone has to do it. Well... not really, we could all just go skinny dipping.

Me Plus Tree Equals Happy
So a few weeks ago they cut down all the trees in my apartment complex and I have sulked about it ever sense. The good news is that when I came home last night I noticed a little row of potted trees that hopefully they will be planting into the ground. There is one on my door step as well. The trees are much smaller and not as nice but at least they are putting trees in. I love trees! I've always wanted a house that looks like it is being eaten alive by an over grown garden. I don't care if the roots cause problems, I want roots popping up through my kitchen floor and vines creeping all around. This is all very sad for me to want sense I can't even keep a succulent alive. Anyways, I have trees and I am very very happy :)
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Fantastic Adventures you Didn't Even Know you Had
Dear Lady Friend,
I read your blog and like it very much, it is one of my favorites. I have to confess I don't know what you are talking about half the time because it is all very cryptic. It sounds like you have gone through some very heavy stuff. I am far too timid to ask you about any of these things in person. However, I have built up an elaborate imaginary world where I put some of the pieces you have written about together accompanied by made-up parts to fill in holes and add more insanity. I tend to do this a lot with everyone I know. I've come to realize that I build up a half fiction half non-fiction version of people in general. I think it is fair to say I live half my life inside my head and the other half in the real world, although in fairness to me I know what is and isn't real and can separate the two. I'm not sure how to end this post. Maybe just that I like blogs because it enables me to build a fantastic imaginary worlds that are half based on reality and have bullshit.
I read your blog and like it very much, it is one of my favorites. I have to confess I don't know what you are talking about half the time because it is all very cryptic. It sounds like you have gone through some very heavy stuff. I am far too timid to ask you about any of these things in person. However, I have built up an elaborate imaginary world where I put some of the pieces you have written about together accompanied by made-up parts to fill in holes and add more insanity. I tend to do this a lot with everyone I know. I've come to realize that I build up a half fiction half non-fiction version of people in general. I think it is fair to say I live half my life inside my head and the other half in the real world, although in fairness to me I know what is and isn't real and can separate the two. I'm not sure how to end this post. Maybe just that I like blogs because it enables me to build a fantastic imaginary worlds that are half based on reality and have bullshit.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
To Do List
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Ode to the Sweater Cosby
Today I saw a man wearing a Cosby sweater and it made me oh so happy. It wasn't like some hipster wearing one in hopes that the fuglier his clothes were the cooler he would be. No no it was just a man in a Cosby sweater. In honor of this wondrous sighting I have written my Ode to the Sweater Cosby;
Cosby sweater oh Cosby Sweater
You are like a calico kitten,
A calico kitten who has found my secret stash of acid.
Oh no calico kitten you are so naughty!
naughty naughty NAUGHTY
Oh the colors how they run.
Make the swirling stop!
You are so soft and cute and fucking terrifying!
Cosby sweater oh Cosby Sweater
Burn in hell clown sweater!!!!

Cosby sweater oh Cosby Sweater
You are like a calico kitten,
A calico kitten who has found my secret stash of acid.
Oh no calico kitten you are so naughty!
naughty naughty NAUGHTY
Oh the colors how they run.
Make the swirling stop!
You are so soft and cute and fucking terrifying!
Cosby sweater oh Cosby Sweater
Burn in hell clown sweater!!!!

Stupid Little Pet Peeves I Need to Get Over
Oh the gym between New Years and Valentines Day makes me want to pull out my hair. I mean I am happy so many people want to make positive improvements in their lives but it is just so over crowded. The amount of people at the gym makes my work-out at least a half hour longer then it did pre-New Year just because I have to wait for equipment and new members don't understand the concept of 20 min. limits on the machines during busy hours (despite the fact that they announce it on the loud speaker every 20 minutes). Putting your workout towel over the timer so people can't see how long you've been on isn't fooling anyone! Also, instead of being on the lowest setting, which is barely even moving, for an hour why don't you try being on a higher setting for a shorter period of time? I mean I'd rather spend a bit longer on a machine too but it is just rude to go over your limit when there is a line of people waiting. Thankfully on Thursdays and Fridays I can get my longer work-outs in because all then new people seem to only come out on Mon-Wed. Wow, how bitter and boring is this post? I write about the gym far too much. I should stop doing that.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Bigfooting to my Late 20's
So it is written, I am having my b'day party on Saturday the 26th at The Bigfoot Lodge
I can't wait, the place looks awesome!!! I hope everyone can come.
I can't wait, the place looks awesome!!! I hope everyone can come.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
The Games People Play
Last night I went to Little Bar for some trivia. After that we carpooled over to Alex's apartment to play games. First there was some Taboo. After that we played this game called "In Your Face." It was this hand held timing device that would release a squirt of water on your face when you lost the round. It was decided that the game would be better if there was a little digital camera in the squirting device that would take a photo when the person was getting squirted and the game would be renamed "Money Shot." After we were all gamed out Amanda drove me back to my car. I got out at the stop light about a half a block from my car for convenience. Walking in front of me were these three dudes about my age that were obviously a little full of drink and high sprits. The kept glancing back at me. Finally the shorter one in the beanie hat comes up to me, they were very cheerful and not intimating, and says "Your a girl. Tells us what girls want in a guy when they go to the bar? How should we play it? They want cool and aloof right?" I smile and wonder what kind of answer they were looking for from a blonde in heels and a nice coat but then say "Well, a girl can smell desperation from a mile away. It is a pungent odor that tends to repel the female of the species." They start laughing their asses off, I thought they were going to pee themselves. I continued "A girl wants to feel special, like you chose her out of all the other girls in the room because you saw something special in her. Don't treat it like you are just shooting fish in a barrel and you picked her because she was there but any other fish would work just as well." They high fived me (seriously) and told me I was awesome. I'm not sure I'm really one to be giving out advise but it was funny none the less. I wish them gents good luck.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Friday, January 11, 2008
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Carded Away
The one thing I have in common with my family is that none of us are big phone people. I mean can any of you really re-call a phone conversation with me that lasted any lengthy amount of time? I'm going to say no because I really don't care to be on the phone. Anyways what I'm getting at is that I don't often converse with my family, maybe a short e-mail every other month. However, my mom writes to me every great once in awhile. The only time she ever does this is to send me an obituary from the newspaper of someone I know. She volunteers and donates money to animal rescues and they send her free greeting cards in return. So every death letter I get comes in a card with cute little puppies or kittens on it. I open my mail today and I see a letter. I kind of just look at it for awhile. I know that if I open it that inside I will find someone I know has died. I just hold the letter and think about whoever it is at this very moment is still alive in my head but once I open it they won't be. Finally I open the envelope and see a drawing of three kittens playing with balls of string that are primary colored. Sure enough when I open the card a newspaper clipping falls out with a picture of my 4th grade teacher on it who died this week who was the same age as my parents. The card itself is from the National Humane Society and is blank on the inside but on the back is typed "Feline Leukemia positive cats can have long, good lives. It just means they can not be around cats that have tested negative for the disease." So now I'm just left sitting here feeling bad about my 4th grade teacher and Feline Leukemia.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
A Homeless Love
Tonight a old homeless man smoking pot on Fairfax told me he loved me.
He said it as though he meant it.
Maybe he did.
Maybe a complete stranger loved me for a minute tonight.
That's kind of nice.
He said it as though he meant it.
Maybe he did.
Maybe a complete stranger loved me for a minute tonight.
That's kind of nice.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
So I was half watching the TV at the gym tonight. There was some horrible reality show on called The Real Housewives of Orange County. The women on it are super creepy looking in all the plastic surgery they have had, and their fake demeanor in general. From what I can tell they don't even DO anything but go to the salon, go get group botox, and have dinners. How can people watch this? I was getting annoyed at whoever had the TV on that channel. After about 20 minutes of a rising hatred for these frightening looking women they then cut to a scene where they are on some yacht and one of them is wearing one of my bathing suit designs. Her giant fake orange colored boobs are just bursting out of it. I was so confused! I mean I was kinda excited that one of my designs was on TV but good lord did it really have to be on THAT show on THAT woman?!?! I'm changing my job title from Associate Designer to Discolored Mutilated Mammary Decorator.
Man did yesterday stink. I mean it was a lovely day but it smelled of poo. I'm not just saying that to demonstrate how bad it smelled, it really did smell of excrement. For some reason, maybe the rain had to do with it, our apartment complex's pipes were not working. Everything smelled of poop. Dirty water, which pray to god was really JUST dirt, bubbled up out of my bath tub. I didn't call my landlord because the whole apartment complex was having the same problem and I already heard someone else say that they notified them. I even stayed a little longer at the gym tonight just because I was afraid to come home to the smell of poop and lord knows what else. I was very happy to find that the problem was solved and everything is back to normal. Gross
Monday, January 7, 2008
Bubbles in My Mouth, Raindrops on My Head
Rainy weekend over and apparently everyone is back to work or school today. I was really enjoying the light traffic to and from work, but alas no more of that. Saturday evening was Laurel and Asa's stone soup birthday party. The soup turned out very tasty. Games were played. I partook in a round of Taboo where I received the word "flaccid." Sunday night I went to a little Italian restaurant to celebrate Lindsey's new diamond accessory and Kristen's moving to Canada with hunky trainer boyfriend James. I never order the specials in restaurants because they are usually always fish or other meats. However, they were having a pumpkin ravioli. Holy Crap that was damn tasty. We all sat out in the covered patio drinking bubbly, under the heat lamps, while it poured rain. Despite the fact that my feet almost froze off it was extraordinarily lovely.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Treading Water in the Deep End
Last night I was watching the box set of The Muppet Show first season on DVD. Then I went to bed. You know what my dream was? The Muppets put on a play and I was sitting in the theater watching it. They performed all of the play Chicago. My dream was basically me sitting and watch a bad dinner theater version of Chicago performed by Muppets. It was weird and kind of creeped me out. So if that didn't make my head feel like scrambled eggs enough now I have a song stuck in my head for reasons that I can't recall. All morning in my head I hear this counting game rhyme that my Swiss friend growing up use to sing. I tried to look it up but I don't know how to spell any of it. So in my head all I hear words that sound like "amrari batchi chi coco drechi vetchi" and so on. Maybe I need some coffee to get my head out of crazy land, or maybe that will just make crazy land 5 times as crazy. Who knows.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
No One Will Ever Love You
What the hell msn home page?!?! Your featured article today is titled "Help! I lost 20 pounds and I'm still single." Maybe tomorrow you can feature
"Help! I need to find someone who will love me for all the wrong reasons"
"Help! Perhaps I should spend more time working on developing a personality and less on my abs"
"Help! My sense of self worth is the size of a fat free low carb muffin"
"Help! I need to find someone who will love me for all the wrong reasons"
"Help! Perhaps I should spend more time working on developing a personality and less on my abs"
"Help! My sense of self worth is the size of a fat free low carb muffin"
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
The Shape of Things
Well after two weeks of not going to the gym, eating like a pig, drinking like a fish, and fighting off a head cold I had my first trip back to the gym. Wow, it was humbling... or really really pathetic. It takes so long to get into shape and so fast to get out of it, like a prom dress.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
D to Light to the Full
What a delightful start to the new year. I had a very fun New Year's Eve at Brian and Jessica's. I woke-up this morning at noon and made some eggs and muffins. Amanda called and I met some USC folk at Hollywood Billiards to watch the Rose Bowl. I ate some cheesy nachos. I came home and baked some cookies. Tonight I went over to Lindsay's for a New Year's dinner party. Lindsay made lots of yummy food that I had never eaten before but always wanted to try, like black eyed peas and Collard greens. I also finally got to see her fatty 20 pound cat who despite having a mean reputation gave me lovely kisses on the nose. Oh 2008, I am going to do my very best to keep you delightful as hell. So far so good!
New Year
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