Sunday, September 30, 2007
Fun & Games
Well I took my new camera to Alex's birthday party last night. Maybe I just have to get use to using a different camera. I have to play with the settings. I wasn't terribly pleased with the outcome of the photos. However the party was really fun. I started out with a bit of Wii playing. I've never played the Wii before, I'm not sure I really loved it all that much I guess I just like traditional controllers better. Next we played 80's Trivial Pursuit. When it came out I thought that I'd be a lot better at it then I was. Turns out I mostly only knew the music and the movie categories. Then we played my super special game! I made my own game. I retrieved an elastic waist black mini skirt from my work dump box of samples which I sewed on strips of black Velcro on the back then embroidered a bulls-eye to the butt. I found these little flower crochet pieces and put the other side of the velcro on the back of them. We then played Pin the Tail on Alex. I was very happy that Alex was a good sport about it (he even made donkey sounds) and everyone participated. I was worried that I'd bring it out and no one would play it. I deem it a success. After that game we sang Happy Birthday with cookie cake. I have never had cookie cake before. It was a giant cookie! Yum yum yum! After cake and present opening we played Taboo. I liked Taboo and I seemed to be not horrible at it. Then it was back to Wii for the rest of the night. It was a delightful time and a really good idea for a birthday party. You can look at more photos here
Friday, September 28, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Ingredients for Life
I don't know what triggered this memory but I wanted to share with you the way I learned about the birds and the bees.
When I was but a wee child in elementary school I brought home a paper for my mom to sign giving me permission to learn sex ed. Of course at this age I think they were just going to tell us about menstruation and vaginas and nothing about actual sex. Well, my mom sat me down and said "Now, you can learn about this in school or I can tell you about it, which would you like?" Now I was rather naive but I knew that sex was when people got naked and rubbed up against each other and I certainly didn't want to hear about whatever was involved with that from my mother so I said "I'd rather learn it in school?" My mom said "Are you sure? Wouldn't you rather know going into class?" I could tell that she wanted me to have her tell me but I said "No, I'd rather hear it in class." So she said okay and everything was fine. The next day my mom had me pick out a receipt from her cookbook to make because one of my favorite things to do was bake, I'm not claiming to have been a normal child. I picked out this awesome receipt for these dessert bars with gram cracker crust and chocolate and butterscotch chips. We went to the store and got ingredients and came back and made them. I but them in the oven and look behind me and my mom is at the kitchen table with a stack of books. She tells me to come over while the bars are in the oven. She then starts to give me the sex talk. I remember feeling tricked and mad. She is telling me about ejaculation and says "you know that sweetened condensed milk you put into the bars, well when a man ejaculates semen with sperm that's what it looks like." She goes through her books and I find it all gross but then the realization that my parents have done this sets in and I feel nauseous. I take the bars out of the oven to cool. She goes on in painfully clinical detail. After she is done and I feel embarrassed, angry, and nauseous she puts one of the cooled bars in front of me and says "here now you can have one." All I can think of is the sperm filled semen like ingredients I put into the bars. I hid it in my napkin and threw it away.
When I was but a wee child in elementary school I brought home a paper for my mom to sign giving me permission to learn sex ed. Of course at this age I think they were just going to tell us about menstruation and vaginas and nothing about actual sex. Well, my mom sat me down and said "Now, you can learn about this in school or I can tell you about it, which would you like?" Now I was rather naive but I knew that sex was when people got naked and rubbed up against each other and I certainly didn't want to hear about whatever was involved with that from my mother so I said "I'd rather learn it in school?" My mom said "Are you sure? Wouldn't you rather know going into class?" I could tell that she wanted me to have her tell me but I said "No, I'd rather hear it in class." So she said okay and everything was fine. The next day my mom had me pick out a receipt from her cookbook to make because one of my favorite things to do was bake, I'm not claiming to have been a normal child. I picked out this awesome receipt for these dessert bars with gram cracker crust and chocolate and butterscotch chips. We went to the store and got ingredients and came back and made them. I but them in the oven and look behind me and my mom is at the kitchen table with a stack of books. She tells me to come over while the bars are in the oven. She then starts to give me the sex talk. I remember feeling tricked and mad. She is telling me about ejaculation and says "you know that sweetened condensed milk you put into the bars, well when a man ejaculates semen with sperm that's what it looks like." She goes through her books and I find it all gross but then the realization that my parents have done this sets in and I feel nauseous. I take the bars out of the oven to cool. She goes on in painfully clinical detail. After she is done and I feel embarrassed, angry, and nauseous she puts one of the cooled bars in front of me and says "here now you can have one." All I can think of is the sperm filled semen like ingredients I put into the bars. I hid it in my napkin and threw it away.
What's It Going to BeeeeeEEE?
This song has been in my head ALL day! I mean I love it and all but it really needs to stop!
I have a big internet crush on Winston the most annoying cat in the world! I loves him! I want a Winston cat!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Leaf Storm
Monday, September 24, 2007
Forward Thinking
Save this date!!! Saturday January 26th. I know it is really early but I don't care. I always said that I would have a fun party for my 27th birthday. At midnight I will be 27 on the 27th, my golden birthday. Of course I always pictured that I would be a super old grown-up and have lots of money to throw away on this party. Life doesn't always turn out how you plan. Last night at the Hollywood Bowl I filled Amanda's belly with sweet pumpkin ale and she offered up her apartment for the party. This is good news indeed. Parties are much better when you don't have to pay loads of money to the bartender and deal with crowds. I have to come up with a theme though. Any suggestions?
Over & Out
I totally forgot to mention that Debbie Reynolds was in the first row of the audience last night! So gay! :)
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Way Over the Rainbow
So I've been to gay pride, I've seen the West Hollywood Parades, I've even seen leather daddies in assless chaps, however...tonight I experienced the gayest time EVER. Tonight I witnessed Rufus Wainwright sing Judy Garland's famous 1961 Carnegie Hall performance at the Hollywood Bowl. It was super fabulous! When I got there I noticed that the crowd was made up of 85% gay gentlemen, 10% fag hags or mothers with their gay sons, and 5% other. So many men! It was the only time I've ever been to the Hollywood Bowl and not had to wait in line for the bathroom. My favorite moment of the night was when Martha Wainwright came on stage and sang, she is incredible. Also guest staring on stage was Rufus and Martha's hot mama, Kate McGarrigle, on piano. Also performing in a giant flowing Barbie pink evening gown was Judy's daughter Lorna Luft who has an amazing voice. Rufus sang "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" while dramatically laying on the ground and the lights of the Hollywood Bowl were changed into a giant rainbow. He sang my favorite Judy song "The Trolley Song". However the icing on the cake was the encore where he came out in the famous fishnet stockings, heels, fedora, and tux top as a dress and sang "Lets Get Happy". Gayest night ever! Super fun!
Friday, September 21, 2007
Cew Namera
We do a lot of business with Boston Proper so I have to write that name down a lot. For some reason my brain can not do this properly. I keep writing Poston Broper.
In other news I bough myself a new digital camera. I don't know why I did this. I am flat broke. I had a nice digital camera that I got for Christmas two years ago that got stolen only a few months after getting it. Lindsey was kind enough to give me her old camera when she got a new one. So I splurged and bought a new camera. I got a better deal on it by purchasing it on-line with free shipping as well. So now I am waiting for it. I can't wait for it to get here!!!
In other news I bough myself a new digital camera. I don't know why I did this. I am flat broke. I had a nice digital camera that I got for Christmas two years ago that got stolen only a few months after getting it. Lindsey was kind enough to give me her old camera when she got a new one. So I splurged and bought a new camera. I got a better deal on it by purchasing it on-line with free shipping as well. So now I am waiting for it. I can't wait for it to get here!!!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
One Moment of Happy
Someone complemented me on my skin today. I think it was the first complement I've ever got in the entirety of my life on having "beautiful skin". This is because I usually have terrible skin. I will bask in this one moment of glory. Aaaaa, it is nice.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Favorite Holiday Just Got a Lot Better
Today I put in for my first vacation from work EVER. I've only ever had school vacations. I have off the week of Halloween which includes All Saints Day and the Day of the Dead. I am seriously thinking of driving down to Mexico. I have never been to Mexico before. Maybe not. It would be fucking cool though.
Eat eat eat that's all I did yesterday. It was my bosses birthday and we had this giant potluck style breakfast. Then at lunch we ordered Mexican food, then there was cake in the afternoon. There was so much food that I am going to be eating leftovers for the rest of the day today. I tried to go to the gym last night but barely felt mobile. Someone get me a Rascal Scooter!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Crashing at my Place
So I heard this loud crash late Saturday night, well really it was early Sunday morning around 3. I didn't think much of it and went back to whatever naughty things one does in their apartment late on a Saturday night. Apparently that loud sound was a hit and run that left this car looking how it be looking. That really sucks for that person, makes me glad I can never get that spot directly in front of my apartment. It is now Monday night and this car is still there. I mean it is directly in front of my apartment and the first thing I see when I leave. Oh the carnage!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Dance Dance Dance!
Had a lovely time at Lindsay's birthday party on Saturday night. Here's the invite;
Don't you miss those great high school dances? Do you think of those Saturday nights back in 10th grade longingly and wish you could go back? All your wishes just came true! It's a Back-to-School Semi-Formal in honor of my 27th Birthday, and the 2 year anniversary of my move to Los Angeles. Frank & Laurel have graciously offered up their apartment for the event and it will be transformed into the High School Gym of yore. The best part is, now we're all of age, we don't have to sneak the booze into the gym like in high school! woo! The world always seems like a better place when everyone's a little dressed-up, don't you think? So put on your best duds and come over and celebrate.
Ten years after high school dances and I'm still dancing with the same ladies! :)

Don't you miss those great high school dances? Do you think of those Saturday nights back in 10th grade longingly and wish you could go back? All your wishes just came true! It's a Back-to-School Semi-Formal in honor of my 27th Birthday, and the 2 year anniversary of my move to Los Angeles. Frank & Laurel have graciously offered up their apartment for the event and it will be transformed into the High School Gym of yore. The best part is, now we're all of age, we don't have to sneak the booze into the gym like in high school! woo! The world always seems like a better place when everyone's a little dressed-up, don't you think? So put on your best duds and come over and celebrate.
Ten years after high school dances and I'm still dancing with the same ladies! :)

Wedding Bells
You Can't Always Get What You Want
Friday, September 14, 2007
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Heaven for Hogs
In the last day I have received approximately $2000 in never worn free designer clothes. I'm in hog heaven!!! Granted it sounds like a lot more clothes then it is because they are so pricey. Really it is 3 dresses, 2 skirts, 2 tops, and a change purse. I am euphorically happy about this, giddy like a school girl.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Seeing Green for Red
I'm not having an easy time retaining a haircolor. It looks like faded rusty dirt right now. Maybe I should throw a bit of cash away and have it professionally done. This is what I want. Isn't is pretty? Well, I can't seem to be able to get my hair anywhere near this. I covet this hair! I want to find Julianne Moore and scalp her and transplant it onto my head.
Run a Muck
I've always hated running ever sense I remember. Just about the worst thing in the world to me was the weekly mile in middle school. The thing is is that I've always liked working out and I go to the gym and sweat my ass off on a regular basis. However I seem to get it in my head that I should like running, funny enough I have the same feeling about guacamole, I mean everyone else loves it why shouldn't I. So after the gym this evening I tell myself, I'm just going to run around the block. Nothing big and intimidating, just simply run around the block. So I get out of my gate, find a good song on my ipod, and off I go. I'm on about stride 6, one apartment complex away, when I think 'See this is fine, this isn't bad, you could do this...' BAM I twist my mother fucking ankle. I are kidding me!?!? So screw you running I hate you so much!
p.s my ankle seems to be okay now :)
p.s my ankle seems to be okay now :)
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
C is for Carrot, that's not Good Enough for me
I went on this weird cookie binge this weekend. Well no, first I went on a strange potato salad binge then the cookie binge. This prompted me to start eating better starting yesterday. Today all I can think about are those gingerbread man cookies that Pepperidge Farm makes. I don't even think I've had those sense I was little. Mmmm, I'd like to dip them in the vanilla ice-cream with the black flakes in it. These carrot sticks are crap, boooooo.
Monday, September 10, 2007
New Word!
Sometime I stumble on phrases in the dictionary that I've never heard of but love. Tonight I found;
pudding face
noun informal
a large chubby face.
pudding-faced adjective
Lets use this new word in a sentence.
As a small drop of drool ran from his portly lips down the window of the corner bakery little Fatty McGee pressed his jauntily pudding face ever closer to the sweet treats that lay just beyond the glass.
pudding face
noun informal
a large chubby face.
pudding-faced adjective
Lets use this new word in a sentence.
As a small drop of drool ran from his portly lips down the window of the corner bakery little Fatty McGee pressed his jauntily pudding face ever closer to the sweet treats that lay just beyond the glass.
Window With a Veiw
Somewhere Over the Top
So I was planning on doing a more detailed post on the wonders of the weekend but I don't feel too inspired. Instead I would rather write about stupid little details!
So the Jon Brion show was one of the most amazing displays of talent I have ever seen. I would in fact throw the word genius around if I was going to do a better job of talking about it. The only one unfortunate thing about the show was the lady sitting in the table behind us. This lady was probably approaching 40 with long dyed blonde hair with a middle school music teacher vibe. She 'WOOTED' and 'YIPPED' in the start, middle, and end of every song like she was at a stadium concert for Journey. Largo is a tiny little room that seats about 50 people. Every time Jon would sing a cute lyric she would laugh as loud and forced as if it was the funniest thing she had ever heard. The worst was when Fiona Apple came on and she started singing along with her in a loud enough voice as so everyone could hear (I did shoot her a few dirty ass looks for that). I'm sure she thought she was just the biggest fan showing the most support but she was distracting and plain disrespectful to the artist and the audiences. She didn't let up the whole time either. She was there with a fairly attractive German guy. At first I was wondering how he could even stand her. The show had no set list and took requested songs from the shouts of the audience. For the most part everyone there had really good requests. This German dude in his thick German accent would shout between every song "Play Somewhere Over the Rainbow!" It was kind of funny though. But THEN it got weird. In the middle of Fiona Apple's first song I felt a gentle blow on the back of my neck. I told myself I must have imagined it or it was an accident because seating was so close. Then again a little later the same thing happened a few more times. This Somewhere Over the Rainbow loving German was trying to seductively blow on the back of my neck! What the fuck!?!? I didn't want to say anything because Christ! Fiona Apple was 4 feet from me and just being amazing. I just scooted an inch or two forward and I think he got the hint. Weirdos!
Oktoberfest was such a dorky fun time. Grown men were skipping around in Peter Pan hats, women were trying to seductively chicken dance. My favorite part was every time a guy would swear or say something a little off color he they would apologized to me because I was a lady. I was terrified to open my mouth because of all the horribly vulgar things that usually come out of it. Haha, I like being treated like a lady for at least one night :)
So the Jon Brion show was one of the most amazing displays of talent I have ever seen. I would in fact throw the word genius around if I was going to do a better job of talking about it. The only one unfortunate thing about the show was the lady sitting in the table behind us. This lady was probably approaching 40 with long dyed blonde hair with a middle school music teacher vibe. She 'WOOTED' and 'YIPPED' in the start, middle, and end of every song like she was at a stadium concert for Journey. Largo is a tiny little room that seats about 50 people. Every time Jon would sing a cute lyric she would laugh as loud and forced as if it was the funniest thing she had ever heard. The worst was when Fiona Apple came on and she started singing along with her in a loud enough voice as so everyone could hear (I did shoot her a few dirty ass looks for that). I'm sure she thought she was just the biggest fan showing the most support but she was distracting and plain disrespectful to the artist and the audiences. She didn't let up the whole time either. She was there with a fairly attractive German guy. At first I was wondering how he could even stand her. The show had no set list and took requested songs from the shouts of the audience. For the most part everyone there had really good requests. This German dude in his thick German accent would shout between every song "Play Somewhere Over the Rainbow!" It was kind of funny though. But THEN it got weird. In the middle of Fiona Apple's first song I felt a gentle blow on the back of my neck. I told myself I must have imagined it or it was an accident because seating was so close. Then again a little later the same thing happened a few more times. This Somewhere Over the Rainbow loving German was trying to seductively blow on the back of my neck! What the fuck!?!? I didn't want to say anything because Christ! Fiona Apple was 4 feet from me and just being amazing. I just scooted an inch or two forward and I think he got the hint. Weirdos!
Oktoberfest was such a dorky fun time. Grown men were skipping around in Peter Pan hats, women were trying to seductively chicken dance. My favorite part was every time a guy would swear or say something a little off color he they would apologized to me because I was a lady. I was terrified to open my mouth because of all the horribly vulgar things that usually come out of it. Haha, I like being treated like a lady for at least one night :)
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Wheeeeeek End
Great weekend! Friday night I went to see Jon Brion at Largo. Fiona Apple came out and did a few songs, it was incredible! I went to Oktoberfest on Saturday night. Today I went to The Grove and saw Shoot'Em Up. Weekends are far too short!
Friday, September 7, 2007
Oh Happy Day!
I do believe that today is the longest day in existence of days ever to see the light of day! Work will just not end! Will it ever be Friday night? So in honor of this new holiday may I wish you;
p.s. I haven't been able to sleep for awhile, I feel a bit punchy.
p.s. I haven't been able to sleep for awhile, I feel a bit punchy.
shiny happy fits of rage
Got a CD mix in the mail from Lindsey today. I listened to the first half of it on my way to work today. Much like Lindsey herself it is a total delight. I especially like this lyrics to this Moldy Peaches diddy hehe
Moldy Peaches, The - Anyone Else But You
You're a part time lover and a full time friend
The monkey on your back is the latest trend
I don't see what anyone can see in anyone else...but you
I'll kiss you on the brain in the shadow of the train
I'll kiss you all starry eyed my body swingin' from side to side
I don't see what anyone can see in anyone else...but you
Here is the church and here is the steeple
We sure are cute for two ugly people
I don't see what anyone can see in anyone else...but you
Pebbles forgive me, the trees forgive
So why can't you forgive me
I don't see what anyone can see in anyone else...but you
I will find my niche in your car
With my MP3, DVD, rumble pack guitar
I don't see what anyone can see in anyone else...but you
Up up down down left right left right B A start
Just because we use cheats doesn't mean we're not smart
I don't see what anyone can see in anyone else...but you
You are always tryin' to keep it real
I'm in love with how you feel
I don't see what anyone can see in anyone else...but you
We both have shiny happy fits of rage
Moldy Peaches, The - Anyone Else But You
You're a part time lover and a full time friend
The monkey on your back is the latest trend
I don't see what anyone can see in anyone else...but you
I'll kiss you on the brain in the shadow of the train
I'll kiss you all starry eyed my body swingin' from side to side
I don't see what anyone can see in anyone else...but you
Here is the church and here is the steeple
We sure are cute for two ugly people
I don't see what anyone can see in anyone else...but you
Pebbles forgive me, the trees forgive
So why can't you forgive me
I don't see what anyone can see in anyone else...but you
I will find my niche in your car
With my MP3, DVD, rumble pack guitar
I don't see what anyone can see in anyone else...but you
Up up down down left right left right B A start
Just because we use cheats doesn't mean we're not smart
I don't see what anyone can see in anyone else...but you
You are always tryin' to keep it real
I'm in love with how you feel
I don't see what anyone can see in anyone else...but you
We both have shiny happy fits of rage
Thursday, September 6, 2007
The Stink
They have a new air freshener in the work bathroom. It smells like fresh laundry. It is confusing. The bathroom smells like a dry cleaners. But then it mixes with the bathroom smell of ass. It is like someone pooped in a fresh batch of laundry. I find this smell very disturbing.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Making It
In exciting news I just purchased a vintage sewing pattern on-line that I will use to make my Halloween costume. I need an early start on this so I am not doing last minute scrambling like last years outfit I made. I'm not saying what my costume is going to be because A) surprises are way more fun and B) I might fail at it making it. Hmmm, I will need to go fabric shopping. This will not me an outfit everyone gets but it should prove to actually be practical/comfortable to wear. Also, I will be needing invites to at least one party to wear said outfit. The good news is that I already own the shoes I need!
You Make Me Sick
This heat has really done a number on me. It's awful! Monday night was so hot that I ended up just laying on my wood floor because it was the coolest spot in my apartment, which is hotter on the inside then it is outside. I hardly even got an hours sleep. Then yesterday at work I was freezing because the air-conditioning was full blast. After three days of no air in horrible heat my body just started to shut down. I am doing my best to fight off a head cold. The only thing worse then being sick is being sick in triple digit numbers.
Monday, September 3, 2007
Labor Day Lollygagging
Today I went over to Jen's house to play beer pong an enjoy some bbq. We got way too hot an headed over to Brian an Jessica's to cool off in their pool. It was a delightful time an felt so much better drinking cold beer and floating in the cool water. We went up to their lovely air-conditioned apartment for a bit an I got to play guitar hero for the first time. I've talked a lot of shit about that game but damn it is pretty fun and I can totally see how it could get addictive.
On my way home I saw some boxes of stuff on the street labeled "free". I thought about taking some bowls and muffin sheet but then I thought that those aren't very expensive and I'd rather not taking chances. I always feel like anything left out on the street has human or dog pee on it. I don't know why I always assume this but it crosses my mind every time I see something left out on the street. Maybe I have a deep seeded fear of pee.
On my way home I saw some boxes of stuff on the street labeled "free". I thought about taking some bowls and muffin sheet but then I thought that those aren't very expensive and I'd rather not taking chances. I always feel like anything left out on the street has human or dog pee on it. I don't know why I always assume this but it crosses my mind every time I see something left out on the street. Maybe I have a deep seeded fear of pee.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Hot Hot Heat
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